Chapter 7

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Katie began sobbing. "She has my mother and father too."

Now I know why she hangs around this place. She just wants to see her sister and parents again. Where could they be? Maybe the diary can tell me. 

I hold her hand. "Hey, we'll find out what happened to her."

Troy scowled at me. "We will?" He said in a low voice.

I nudged his shoulder hard then nodded.

"Perhaps you could lend me some clothes and food." She said. "I'm so hungry."

"Of course," I say.

Troy and I make our way back towards the house. When we turned around Katie was gone and out of site. When we come back with a few peanut butter and turkey sandwiches she's still not there. We end up leaving it there then we headed back to the house to make lunch for ourselves.

While we're in the kitchen Troy decides to turn up the tunes. He puts on Skrillex, music my mom and dad can't stand. Troy and I love it. We even sing to the parts without words. So there we are in the kitchen going "DURM DURM NEEE NEEE RURM RURM BEEEEEP," and dancing because that's just the way we role.

"Pass me the sauce and oregano," I say. "Do you want Oregano on your Pan Pizza?"

He nods. "Oregano it up." He walks over to the radio to change the song but as he does the radio starts acting up. He gently hits it. "Stupid old machine." As he pounds it I tell him to stop because I hear noises that I'm very unfamiliar with.

"Wait, stop banging it," I say. "Don't you hear that?"

We listen as the radio begins to talk. At first, we think it's a podcast or something but the voices sound very hoarse, very low, very...alien. 

"Turn that off this instant." The radio says. "Now!" The voice demands. It's a woman's voice.

We take a step back because the radio starts to rattle. I suddenly lose appetite as a leg stretches through the speaker of the radio, breaking it. 

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