Chapter 10

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I tugged dad's shoulder. "Dad, no. We can't paint the house. This is how Mrs. Doherty wanted the house to stay."

Dad placed the paint beside his legs and let out a long sigh. He scratched the back of his head. "Yeah guys, that's enough of the jokes." He looked passed us. "I wish I never started that stupid joke. Now I've made you both paranoid." He sounded very disappointed and annoyed.

Troy grabbed the book from my hands and shoved it into dad's hands. "Here, read this. We found this in the house."

Dad has a real angry look on his face. "Really, you two made a book to scare me? Enough! If you guys aren't going to help you two can go inside and sweep the attic."

I was going to say something but Troy stopped me. He took my hand and led me back in the house. We decided to go to the attic. My dad was shocked by our decision but he got over it fast.

Troy and I decided to read more pages of the diary.

"December 2nd, 2015
Worse day of my life, Kitty. Katie went missing. We can't find her anywhere. I swear she was in the house last time I saw her. She would never run off like that. I hope we find her soon. I can't write much. I just want Katie back.

December 4th, 2015
We found her. They found her in the attic. She doesn't remember what happened or ever remember being missing. This place is weird.

December 5th, 2015
Someone is warning me. I hear someone whispering in my ear every night. They're telling me to get out fast. I wish my dad would listen to me. He says I'm paranoid. I knew painting this place was a bad idea.

December 6th, 2015
My dad and stepmom went into the basement. They've been down there for almost an hour. I would go see what they're doing but I don't want to catch them in the act again like I did in the attic. Ew.

December 15th, 2015
The investigation for my parents was put to a stop. No evidence, no prints, no blood. It was like they've vanished. The car was still here, along with their money, passports and everything.  I told the cops I  knew them to be in the basement las but when they went to check it out, they couldn't get in. They said it was never opened in the first place and told me I might have been wrong. Katie and I are still here. She wants to wait for dad to come back."

Troy stood up. "One second. I have to pee."

"Hurry up." I said.

I put the diary down and waited for him. As I waited, I began thinking about how staying in this house was dangerous and if we didn't leave soon something horrible would happen.

I heard Troy running back up here. That was pretty fast. The moment I saw his face mine went into panic mode. "What's wrong?" I asked him. He looked like he had seen a ghost. And he probably has...

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