Ch.1 The Beginning

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*AN* So this story is about a girl who falls in love with her cyber crush who she finds out is her bully in school + the biggest player. so vote message and fan me pweez thanx you :)))) this shall be epic I hope

Oh and look to the side!!! -----> theres a picture of Alex Pettyfer who plays Zac!


Everyone has one of those days where you just wish you could shrivel up and die. At least I know I do, everyday seems to be those types. The reason being? One word.....high school.

I liked to believe I was a very likable person here. But that's not exacty the truth, the thing is that I don't have great friends who understand me and all that cliche stuff. Actually my only friend is my younger brother Aiden and he's 6. I moved to Baltimore 5 years ago and I kinda just stuck to the sidelines this whole time I guess.

I'm not like any other normal teenager with crushes and the works. I wear thick black rimmed glasses and like them. I particularly like my aloneness and my idea of fun is sitting alone reading the newest book from the library. I absolutely love country music. I couldn't care less about all that other weird stuff especially the heavy metal stuff it scares me, but I listen to a few other things too. My views on life are to have the best of times, live in the moment, suffer the consequences later. I can be quite hard headed when I warm up to you so I'm not completely shy all the time but I do hate speaking in front of a crowd. I have a slight stutter and am clumsy but who isn't?

There's just one more thing I have to add that stands out from this little bio. My name is Claire Thompson I'm 17 and have the worst jerk for a bully.


"You JERK!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"What ever are you saying that for?" The smirking blonde asked.

"Zac Meyers and Claire Thompson what seems to be the meaning of this?" Mr. Stein asked with a stern glance.

"Oh you know the he did she did thing again." a brunette bad boy said as he walked up to us.

"Hey Adam do me a favor and stay outta it!". I hissed.

"Yes please Adam go to class before I write you up." Mr.Stein sighed.

Adam grumbled, but knew his place in this and it was as far away as possible because he always caused more trouble. Two pairs of eyes looked straight at me then waiting for something. After about a minute it finally clicked that someone had asked a question.

"Wait I'm sorry I didn't quite hear you." I mumbled embarrassed

"Mr Stein asked; what the fuss was about" I looked at Zac and focused in on him, glaring while he said that.

"Yes I very much did. Thank you Zac. Now please tell me what happened because I don't want to have to write anyone up for disrupting class periods." Mr. Stein sighed yet again. Sadly it was getting super annoying but I couldn't tell him that. I didn't need a detention and I have never been given a detention either so mortification is where I'm heading.

"I was trying to get to my next class when Zac here tr-tripped me and spilled all my stuff everywhere. I'm never late so I g-got mad I-I asked him to help me pick this up but he said I'm pretty sure I'd be doing your mom right n-now if it wasn't for you spilling this crap. That's when I yelled at him and I'm so sorry Mr. Stein." I huffed.

"Is this true Mr. Meyers?" Mr. Stein asked looking, for lack of a better word, pissed.

"It could be true but it also could not be true." Zac smiled a sly smile as he said this. 'What is he doing?' I thought to myself.

"Well in this case Miss. Thompson surely doesn't lie," Mr. Stein smiled at me. "So sir what do you have to say for yourself?" He stared at Zac awaiting a response.

"It's not fair to pick favorites especially when your the principal; Mr. Stein." Zac said very innocently it made me sick.

"Thank you for making that much clearer than it already was Mr. Meyers. Now to end this order of business, why don't you just apologise to Miss. Thompson." Mr. Stein smiled at us both in turn then looked to Zac awaiting the apology.

"humph fine," Zac grumbled knowing he wouldn't win this "I'm epicly sorry Claire. I'll try to not let it happen again." He ended whilst scratching the back of his head.

"I guess that-that's g-good enough." I whispered.

Zac rolled his eyes and mouth something to me I couldn't comprehend. So I just looked away and acted like I didn't notice anything he did. "Get to class now then" Mr. Stein said.

I started walking down the hall, head down, feeling defeated even though he got yelled at. I guess I just hoped he would get detention or something.

Someones' warm hand, sent me jumping and looking bewildered. "You were hilarious." Zac chuckled.

"Just get away from me you make me sick." I growled at him.

"But I thought you just loved me?" He pouted his lip, making me roll my eyes in disgust. Not that he isn't attractive. Oh boy is he a looker though. He's got one of those southern gentleman looks I used to always see when I lived in Tennessee it's really attractive. His honey blonde hair, tanned skin, and green eyes were the perfect trio. He was muscular too, lean, and not too big. He was about 6'2" and built specifically for things like running. I noticed I was checking him out and quickly look away, cheeks flaming.

"I get sick of your crap sometimes Zac." I whispered coldly and with that ran off to my English class. Mrs. Follick looked solemnly at me as I took my usual seat in the back of the class, secluded from everyone else. Zac marched in a few minutes after me and rowdily took his seat by Adam, who was eyeing him with humor.

"I have reason to believe that you were late for good reasons, am I right?" Mrs. Follick asked, looking straight at Zac.

"Yeah let's go with that," He smirked while scratching his head. He gave me a wink which sent the whole class into a series of silent conversations and stares.

"Alright class let's get with the program, now as I was saying; we have a paper to attend to," Mrs. Follick smiled. "I want it to be a five page essay on your favorite author. I don't care when they were alive or if they still are, all I want to know is if they had an impact in your life or not. I'm sure this should be an easy A for some of you, but the others I'm pretty sure might just get an F." She looked straight at Zac and his group of objects as she said that.

I on the other hand knew exactly who I would do my essay on, none other than the great Edgar Allen Poe. He wrote my all time favorite poems, which could leave me trying to decipher them for days. His best one was Annabel Lee.


The bell rang signaling the end of English so I grabbed my books and ran out of the room, but not before dropping my pencil. "dang" I whispered.

"Um, here." The voice I hate the most said while reaching to grab my pencil. Zac's green eyes sparkled as he looked up at me, trying to give me my pencil.

"Thanks....I think." I murmered. I then grabbed the pencil and hurried off to my locker, thanking God it was over.

"Hey Claire! Your mom is over at my house you know that right?" Erik, the son of my Mom's fiancé asked.

"Yeah I do she notified me this morning, when she never came back home last night." I sighed, that woman is sometimes reckless and relentless.

"Ok well just making sure she's getting to be weird lately maybe she's prego?" He laughed at his joke.

"I don't think that would happen anytime soon Erik, I'm gonna go now so I guess I'll see you tomorrow or something?" I stated

"Yeah, see you later." He smiled at me, sadly at that. So I waved to him on my way out the entrance of the school.

I got into my silver Grande 'Am, then started the engine. As soon as I did this I turned on the radio to find Panic! At the Disco playing Mona Lisa, which is a pretty good song if you ask me. I sang along to the lyrics as I made my way to the elementary in which my brother goes too. The only thoughts going through my head were, "I can't wait to get to the house to see if he's on and what will we speak about today......?"

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