First sight

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The cold lingering darkness like skin,
cloaked her organs like a child's lace doll dress, and enveloped me;
In a sense of cold comfort as if I were once again a child, and no longer afraid of the monsters that lurked in the terrible dark.
And as her darkness drove metal bars of curiosity within me, I wondered what what would her eyes look like...
If she were in love?
~Courtney Lesa

Eyeless Jack waited in the cramped living room with the rest of the Creepypastas, waiting for Slenderman to arrive with the new Creepypasta. Nobody new who the new pasta was, or anything about them. Jack yawned and ran a grey skinned hand through his shaggy hair, pulling the blue mask off his head and placing it on his lap. He wiped at the black substance that smeared down the mask. He felt an elbow dig into his ribs uncomfortably, as Jeff tried to get the demon boys attention.
"What do you think the new Creepypasta will be like?" The Killer asked.
Jack shrugged.
"I don't know," he replied cheekily, "hopefully they aren't just another boring old murderer like you!"
Jeff narrowed his eyes at Jack, but Jack could see the laughter in the other boys' body language, and the smirk that played at the corner of his mouth. The long bloody slices running from Jeffs' mouth along his cheeks opened up as the boy burst out laughing, his long black hair falling over his face as he bent over, gasping from laughter. Jack joined in, shoulders shaking and clutching his stomach, but soon calmed down as little Sally ran forward.
"Jackie! Jackie!" She squealed, jumping into Jack's lap. Jack smiled at the 8 year old.
"Yes Miss Williams?" He asked in his best gentleman's voice, wrapping his arms around her skinny frame. Sally blinked at him with big green eyes.
" Do ya think the new person could be a girl? Do ya?" She chirped, twisting the hem of her faded pink nightgown in her small hands. Jack smiled at the child.
"There's a good chance they could be!" He answered, " maybe if it's a girl she can play dress ups with you, instead of you forcing me into tutu's and tiaras and stuff!" He laughed. Sally grinned, showing small, even white teeth.
"But you will still play with me, won't you Jackie? Even if I get another friend?" She asked.
"Of coarse I will Sally!" Jack reassured, "after all, I am your best friend!"
Sally giggled and squirmed off of Jacks lap to run over to Ben, who was perched on the armrest of the oversized sofa on the other side of the room.  The elven boy shoved Sally playfully, getting her to start a game of chased around the cramped room.
Suddenly, there was a burst of static that ran through the entire house. Everyone froze, heads turning to the large wooden doors. Slowly, the doors swung open, to reveal Slenderman in his black suit and red tie, and behind him, a small, slim figure. Slenderman stepped into the house to reveal the figure. Jack gasped. It was a girl, about 19, with pitch black wavy hair that went past her waist, very pale white skin, and black eyes and lips. She wore a beautiful black dress that cut low across her chest, with a thin black choker that wrapped around her slim neck. Jack let out a silent sigh. She was beautiful. The strange girls eyes were pitch black, but Jack thought he could see a slight shine deep within them. He was so enraptured by the girl that he almost didn't notice Jeff stiffen beside him, and let out a low snarl. Jack looked over at him questioningly, but the other boy refused to meet his eye. Slenderman began speaking.
"This is Jane. She would like to be known as Jane The Killer. Treat her well, and with respect. Please help her feel at home."
With that, the tall inhuman being vanished, leaving Jane alone with the creepypastas. Ben and Sally returned to the couch with Lazari in their wake, wary after their game. Masky, Hoodie and Ticci Toby fell silent from their corner, where they had been having a quiet discussion. Jack stood up.
"H-hi! I'm Eyeless Jack, b-but you can just c-call me Jack," he began. Why am I stuttering? He thought. God I sound like Toby! I must sound so stupid!
Jack offered his hand to Jane, but the woman just sniffed in disgust and walked away, heels clicking on the tiles.  Her hips swung slightly as she took each step. Jack was fascinated. Her silky hair bounced as she left the room, a few others following her.
Jack stared after her. He knew she didn't mean be that rude. She was probably just nervous!
Jack walked over to Jeff, who was scowling in the direction Jane had left.
"What's up with you?" Jack asked, nudging the Killer in the side. Jeff hissed and spun around, storming out of the room. Jack watched in puzzlement as the killer's footsteps led upstairs to the bedrooms, and he heard a very loud slam. What was that all about?
Jack walked through the house, trying to catch a glimpse of the new girl, but to no avail. Finally he walked up the stairs to the long hallway full of uniquely painted bedroom doors. He stopped at the blood splattered door of Jeff The Killer's. he knocked loudly, but Jeff didn't answer. Jack thought about walking in to see if he was okay, but decided it was best to leave him alone. Nobody wanted to be near the serial killer when he was in a mood. Defeated, Jack made his way to his own bedroom, pushing on the painted deep blue door that matched his own mask perfectly. He collapsed on the small bed by the window, and dropped his mask on his bedside table, pulling his navy hoody off and changing into a plain black t-shirt and shorts. He yawned again, falling back into the worn out pillow. He slowly drifted off to sleep, thoughts of Jane floating through his head.

Eyeless Jack X Jane The Killer: Murderous LoveWhere stories live. Discover now