Unrequited love

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"As we walked through the forest
she reminded me
that sometimes,
the most beautiful things
In this world
No matter how tortured
Or numb we are;
Are felt.
For the forest is beautiful,
Both from afar and within...
Just like her."
-Courtney Lesa


Jack slowly swam into consciousness, woken by loud voices in the hallway outside his bedroom. He stumbled over to the door, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. As he reached for the doorknob, he heard a new female voice being raised. He turned the handle and yanked to door open. There he found Jeff and Jane having a screaming match. Jeff had his precious signature knife in hand, and Jack noticed a shiny blade held in Janes slender hand too. For a second, the pair stopped screaming, long enough to notice Jack standing in his bedroom doorway, with a confused look on his still-sleepy face. Then Jeff let out a loud huff of annoyance, and stormed off down the hall, leaving Jack and Jane alone. Jack stared after Jeff for a moment, then allowed his eyes to slide back to Jane. She was wearing a short black dress with a plain white hooded jacket over the top. Jack realised he was standing there in his pyjama shirt and boxers. He felt a blush crawl up his neck and across his cheeks. Jane stared at him, probably waiting for him to ask what the fight was about.
"Are... are you okay?" Jack stuttered, trying to sound casual. Jane blinked, as if she was surprised to hear him speak.
"I'm fine. Why do you care? Who are you again?" She replied scornfully. Jack looked at the ground in embarrassment.
"I-I'm Eyeless Jack. And I know how much of a dick Jeff can be, so I just wanted to make sure he didn't say anything rude to you." He mumbled. Jane studied his face.
" you seem different to the rest of the freaks in this place," she said finally. Jack glanced up at her.
"How?" He asked. Jane thought for a moment.
"I don't know, maybe it's because you aren't falling to your knees, begging for me to ask for help or moon-eyeing me," she said, fluttering her eyelashes in what Jack presumed was an eye roll.
"Haha, yeah," he laughed, slightly embarrassed. "So, are you okay? Jeff wasn't to much of a dick was he?" He asked, moving the conversation away from dangerous territory. Jane smiled, a small quirk of the corner of her black painted mouth.
"Nah, Jeff couldn't upset me. He's just an idiot," she replied, a laughing lilt in her tone. Jack smiled.
"Do you know him or something?" He asked. " I mean, he seemed to recognise you yesterday."
Janes smile was replaced by a scowl.
"Don't worry about it. He is just a douche," she said through gritted teeth. Jack hurried to calm her.
"Okay, well, how about I show you around slender forest this morning? Give you a bit of a tour?" He suggested.
Janes smile returned.
"Sure thing," she replied, "Get dressed and I'll meet you in the kitchen."
Jack blushed again and hurried back into his room, shutting the door. He heard a tinkling sound of laughter from. The other side of the wall.

Jack rushed to get to the bathroom before anyone else, taking a quick shower and washing his hair. He slipped on a pair of black jeans and a dark grey hoody. He stared at his reflection in the mirror. Dark grey skin, sharp, pointy teeth, empty eye sockets that constantly dropped black tar. Could a beautiful, confident girl like Jane ever possibly like a demon like him? Jack shook his head, clearing out any negative thoughts, and slipped his mask over his face. He left the bathroom and headed downstairs bare footed.

When he got to the kitchen, he found Jane sitting at the bench, sipping a cup of coffee, which Jack could smell from the other side of the room with his heightened predatory sense of smell. Beside Jane was a hyperactive Toby, ho was doing some impressive multitasking by chatting non-stop whiles shovelling a stack of waffles in his mouth and not even stopping for breath or choking. Jack smiled to himself and walked over to the fridge. As he peered inside to cold space, he heard Toby giving Jane a detailed explanation of all the creepypastas in the house. As Jack picked up a bloody jar from the back of the fridge, he heard Toby say his name. Jack quickly interrupted before Toby could tell Jane something embarrassing about him.
"So Jane," he broke in loudly, ignoring the seedy look that the younger boy shot him. Yeah, lucky I interrupted him, Jack thought darkly, noticing the look on Toby's face.
"Do you want anything to eat?" He continued before the evil little twitch could start up again. Jane shook her head politely.
"Thanks, but I don't eat much," she replied kindly, while looking at the jar in jacks hands with a slight look of disgust. Jack glanced down at the jar of kidneys, then back at Jane. A smirk appeared on his face as he grabbed a thin knife from the kitchen drawer, and proceeded to stab a particularly juicy kidney with it. He slowly brought it up to his lips, lifting his mask. He teasingly snuck his long black tongue out of his mouth, catching the dripping blood with it, before biting into the organ with great relish. He heard a faint retching sound come from behind him, and turned to see a very green faced Toby leaning over the kitchen sink, gagging.
"God, Jack, really? When I'm eating? That's sick man!" The small boy whimpered. Jack laughed and quickly chomped the rest of the kidney, screwing the lid back onto the jar and placing it back into the fridge. He turned back to the bench to find Jane with a slightly queasy but amused look. He winked at her and turned to Toby, licking his grey lips with a sticky, bloody tongue, leaving a strand of bloody drool to drip off his lip. He opened his eyelids as wide as he could, staring Toby right in the eyes with his empty eye sockets, tilting his head to the side, giving the poor boy a psychopathic sharp-toothed grin. Toby trembled, biting his lip. Jack leant forward slowly and whispered, "boo!"
Toby whimpered and took off out of the kitchen, almost bowling into Jeff, who was walking into the room, rubbing his bloodshot eyes and yawning wide enough to show his back teeth. Jeffs' eyes widened as he was knocked into the doorframe by Toby. Jeff shook his head in disbelief and continued his walk to the fridge, not noticing Jane, who was sitting tense and frozen in her seat, tucked away in the corner. Jeff reached into the fridge and pulled out a bottle of orange juice, opening the top and taking a swig straight from the bottle. Jack raised an eyebrow at his friend. Jeff finally noticed Jack standing there and put the bottle down, slumping against the countertop, letting out an exhausted sigh.
"Hey, what's up?" Jack asked, concerned for his friend. Jeff rubbed a hand across his lidless eyes. Jack saw how bloodshot and dark Jeffs' eyes were. "Have you slept at all?"
"No, not really," The Killer replied. He stood up, and began reaching for the bottle of juice, when his hand froze. Jack noticed Jeffs' hand tremble slightly as he savagely grabbed the bottle and threw it into the fridge. Jack saw the look of fury and hatred in Janes eyes as his friend pushed past him. Jack grabbed Jeff's arm as he barged past, stopping him in his tracks. Jeff turned and gave Jack a deathly glare.
"Jack, let go," he growled quietly. Jack shook his head.
"Not until you tell me what's wrong," he replied. "Something is up with you, ever since Jane got here. I'm your best friend. You need to tell me!" Jeff shook his head and yanked his arm from Jacks grip. Jack thought he heard Jeff mumble something like "tell you later", but he couldn't be sure. He waited until Jeff had left, then turned to Jane apologetically. She tossed her hair and rolled her eyes.
"It's fine, lets just leave him to his tantrum," she said. Jack nodded, but still felt worried. He opened the door for Jane, ever the gentleman, even as a demon, and followed her outside.

Outside, they both stopped to take in the beautiful scene. The early morning sun was just beginning to creep over the tops of the tall pine trees that surrounded the little clearing the house stood in. Around the edges of the trees, you could just make out little paths in the bush, showing the different routes the creepypastas took to go on different missions or killing sprees. Jack turned to Jane, who was staring wide-eyed, her mouth slightly hanging open. She looked at him in amazement, and without a word, Jack took her hand and led her into the forest.

Eyeless Jack was enraptured by the look of wonder and amazement on Janes normally stoney face. She pulled him along, over and under broken tree trunks, until they came to a bubbling creek with a tall oak tree in the middle of the water. Jack and Jane exchanged a look, and without warning, they both bolted, leaping across the filthy water and grabbing hold of low oak branches. They hoisted themselves up into the thick branches, and quickly ran across to the trunk, scurrying to the top of the tall tree. They reached the top, Jack swinging himself up into a seated position on the widest branch a second before Jane. The girl laughed at the triumph on Jacks face as she swung her leg over the branch to face Eyeless. He swallowed, and fought to keep his blush away. Jane smiled at him and lent back, jacket slipping off her shoulders as she enjoyed the thin sun rays. Jack couldn't help but stare and smile. She was so beautiful. Jane noticed him staring and sat up straight, readjusting the jacket back onto her shoulders. Jack tried to keep the disappointment off his face. He cleared his throat.
"So, um, are you liking this place a bit better now?" He asked shyly. Jane smiled again.
"I guess it's not as bad as I first thought it would be," she said, " I guess it helps if you know the right people." Jack smiled, and slide a bit closer to her.
"So, have you, like, made any good friends yet?" He stammered, silently cursing himself for being so nervous. Jane frowned slightly.
"Uh, if you mean what I think you mean, then hell no," she spat. Jack tried not to let her see how much that hurt.
"Oh, um, right," he stuttered, moving back away. As he did, he felt the branch creak.
The branch they were sitting on snapped, sending the pair crashing to the ground. Jack reached for Jane, but lost all sense of control as he landed with a splash in the deep creek water. He squeezed his eyes shut and struggled his way to the surface. As his head broke through the water, he spat out the disgustingly green water. He flicked his wet hair out of his face, looking around for Jane. He found her, heaving herself out of the water on the other side of the creek. He swam over to help her out. As soon as he touched her, she flinched back, slapping his arm away. He drew back as she pushed up to his face.
"What the hell Jack?" She screamed. Jack stepped backwards, but with a surprisingly strong shove from Jane, he was sent toppling backwards back into the water. As he spluttered, coughing out the water, he saw Jane furiously start running back towards the house. Jack sighed. Well that could have gone better.

Eyeless Jack X Jane The Killer: Murderous LoveWhere stories live. Discover now