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Eyeless Jack made his way back to the house, ignoring the funny stares he got from the other Creepypastas. He had a look around for Jane, but he heard loud thundering music coming from behind her closed, shiny black door. He placed a hand on the black paint and sighed. Why was she so against anything to do with him or love?
He continued down the hallway to his bedroom, grabbing some clothes from inside and hurrying to the bathroom to take a shower. He stank of swamp water. When he stepped under the hot water, he instantly felt calmer. The steam rose, filling the small room. Jack closed his eyes in exhaustion and let himself slide down the tiled wall to a sitting position. He ran his hands through his soapy hair, pushing it out of his face. He rested his face in his hands. Have I ruined everything now? Why do I have to be so stupid? Jack tore his head out of his hands and stood. He stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist. Using another towel, he roughly dried off his dripping wet hair. He turned to grab his clothes, but when he looked down, they weren't there. Wha- he thought, but then realisation hit him like a wall. Ben. That damned elf was gonna get his ass kicked soon enough. Jack snarled, and tightened the towel around his waist, before peeking out the door.
After confirming that there was nobody in sight, Jack crept towards the gamer elf's room. He burst in, to find the room empty. Jack cursed under his breath. Where is that little dweeb? He heard a quiet giggle from behind him, and spun around to find not only Ben, but Toby as well, holding up cameras and his stolen clothes. Dammit! I knew I would pay for interrupting that little twitchy brat! Jack let a scream of inhuman rage tear through his throat and the pair took off, dropping the cameras but keeping hold of Jacks clothes. Jack bolted after them, only just remembering to hold onto the towel around his hips. He shot around the corner to see a green and brown flash at the end of the hallway, headed down the stairs. In a quick second thought, Jack grabbed a game controller from the doorway of Bens room, before running full speed down the stairs. He skidded to a stop at the bottom, face to face with the sneaky little thieves... and Jane. Jack blushed, feeling the heat reach all the way to the tips of his ears, before returning his attention to the giggling thieves in front of him. He silently held up the game controller up with a small smile. Toby didn't seem to care, but Bens eyes widened, showing the whites all around his red irises. He gave a small shake of his head, eyes pleading with Jack. Jack smiled and tightened his grip on the controller slightly, hearing a cracking noise. He grinned, showing sharp teeth, as the elf boy dropped to his knees.
"No! Jack please! It was just a harmless joke!" He cried, "please! That's personal now!" Red tears, the colour of blood welled up in Bens eyes. Jack held his empty hand out silently. Ben looked at Toby, who poured and threw the clothes at Jack, who in return threw the controller at Ben. Ben sank down even further to the ground, stroking and cradling his precious controller. Jack rolled his eyes and turned back to the stairs, deliberately ignoring Janes wandering eyes, which were unashamedly appreciating his near-naked grey skinned body.

Clothes on, Jack walked back downstairs. There he found a furious looking Slenderman, standing with his hands on his hips, "staring" at him. Jack raised an eyebrow at him, noticing a quietly giggling duo a few meters behind Slender. Damn it!
"Sir? Is something the matter?" Jack asked as respectfully as he could while death-staring Ben and Toby. Slenderman sounded absolutely furious.
"Eyeless Jack, Toby told me it was you who trecked muddy water ALL THROUGH THE HOUSE?!"
The terrible figure before him seemed to fill the room, making the very air taste like fear. Jack shrunk back, and even Ben and Toby looked a bit frightened. Jack swallowed, hard. He didn't notice the large puddles of water he had spread throughout the house both from his adventure outside and then again while chasing Ben and Toby.
"I-I'm terribly sorry sir, I-I didn't realise, I will clean it up right away!"
Slenderman seemed to deflate a little.
"Good, because the next time it happens, you will be punished!" He warned in a booming voice that shook the room. Eyeless Jack nodded respectfully and backed out of the room. He slumped again the wall and ran a hand down his face. Then he walked off to find the mop.

While Jack was mopping, Ben and Toby came up to him.
"J-Jack," Toby stuttered sheepishly. "W-we're sorry you got in t-trouble! We only w-wanted to p-prank you."
Toby sounded sincere, and Ben was pink in the face and nodding. Jack sighed. He couldn't blame Toby, and he wasn't the sort of person to hold a grudge anyway. He smiled at the quivering Toby and blushing Ben.
"It's alright, just don't do it again!" He laughed. Ben and Toby nodded quickly and ran off. Jack shook his head, still smiling. He quickly lost his smile when he heard a high pitched scream come from the next room. He dropped the mop and ran, to find Jane, pinned up against a wall by Jeff. Jeff was pressing his knife against Janes throat, and a thin line of blood was slowly dropping down her neck. Jack froze. Jeff was yelling something in Janes face, she was flinching away, eyes screwed shut, but the words didn't register in Jacks mind. All he saw was a red hot flash, and suddenly he was throwing himself at his friend, wrenching the knife from the killers hand. Jeff threw a fist at Jacks face, who retaliated by kicking him in the stomach. While Jeff was hunched over gasping for breath, Jack grabbed him in a chokehold, dragging him as far away from the now cowering Jane as possible. Masky and Hoodie ran in, grabbing Jeffs arms, pulling him roughly through the door.
" Get him out of here!" Jack yelled at their retreating figures. He saw Masky nod, then turned to Jane. She was bloody, white dress stained and torn. She looked vulnerable and scared. Jack slowly sank down next to her, trying not to scare her or anger her. Instead, she threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, and began to cry. Jack wrapped his arms around her quaking body, feeling her head sink down onto his shoulder. He slowly rubbed circles on her back, whispering comforting words to her as she cried. Eventually she grew quiet and still, small shivers running through her body every now and then. He gently gathered her sleeping form in his arms and carried her up the winding stairs, all the way to her room. He managed to get the door open, and gently laid her down on the bed. He pulled her hands from his jumper, and lay them beside her. But as he was creeping out the door, he heard her stir, and she whispered his name.
He drew a sharp breath and turned towards her. She sat up and wiped her still teary eyes with the back of her hand in a very child-like gesture. He walked over to her.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. Jane looked at him.
"Can you stay?"
Jack blinked, confused.
"Wha-why?" He asked. Jane looked away, embarrassed.
"I-I'm scared, okay? And I don't want to be alone..." Jack smiled gently, and motioned for her to move over. He slid beneath the covers, wrapping his arms around her thin body. She snuggled back into his chest.
" Thank you Jack," she said sleepily, "I'm so sorry..."
Jack shook his head and took her in his arms tighter. "Don't be."

Eyeless Jack X Jane The Killer: Murderous LoveWhere stories live. Discover now