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Eyeless Jack opened his eyes to find a small figure snuggled up in his arms. He yawned, looking around the room, disorientated. Then he remembered. The fight. He looked down at the sleeping figure curled next to him, amazement and warmth filling his heart. Jane made a small noise, and stirred. Jack held his breath as she opened her eyes and got her bearings, readying himself for rejection and anger. Instead, Jane blushed, and sat up straighter, crossing her legs beneath her. Jack didn't move. Jane let out a small breath, and looked up at him.
"I suppose you deserve to know everything," she sighed. Jack tilted his head, but said nothing. Jane bit her lip.

"A long time ago, I lived in a small town. It was a kind, quiet town, nothing much happened. Until a new family moved into the house across the street from me. My name back then was Jane Arkensaw, and I guess I was about 13 or 14 years old. When the family moved in, I kept my distance. There were two kids, a boy around my age, named Jeff Woods, who in all honesty seemed like a good kid, and his older brother Liu, who seemed like he would always put his family first. They seemed like nice kids, but I wasn't much for socialising with the new kids. Until one day, I saw the biggest bully in the neighbourhood, Randy, go up to the brothers and start picking on them.

Randy was always a bully, always choosing people weaker than him to go after. Well, I was in my bedroom, running late for school, and the Woods brothers were waiting for the bus, I guess, when Randy went over to them. I-I'm ashamed to say I looked away, I know, it was a cowardly thing to do, but Randy and his gang were dangerous. They carried knives. And they weren't afraid to use them. So when I saw a potential fight, I was afraid. I knew the most they would probably do was steal the boys money, but I didn't want anything to do with it. But, curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't help  but look out the window again, just in time to see the youngest boy, Jeff, punch Randy in the face and break his wrist. I was shocked. Idiot! I thought.

I found out after that Jeff had cut the skinnier gang member. Somebody called the cops, but nobody saw Randy and his gang stealing the Liu's wallet, they just saw the fight. The cops came soon after, and the brothers bolted. As soon as the cops turned the corner, I got out of there and got my parents to take me straight to school.

My parents told me they didn't want to talk to Jeff, ever. I didn't argue. I didn't see Jeff at all that day at school, until the last class. He seemed... off. I could tell that he had enjoyed the fight, and it was scary. He was a freak.

He next day passed per usual, until I saw cop cars outside Jeff's house. I thought they had finally come to lock him up. Nobody could have gotten away with a fight like that in this neighbourhood. But I was wrong about who they were arresting.
As soon as the cops came out, I saw that they were not arresting Jeff, but his brother Liu! Jeff was being held back at the door by his mother, screaming at Liu to tell them it was him, screaming that it wasn't his brothers fault. It was heartbreaking to watch.

He next day rumours were flying about Liu Woods. I found out the extent of the damage that Jeff had done during the fight. But nobody else knew who the real culprit was of coarse. I didn't want anything to do with Jeff, but seeing him so upset and alone, I melted. I wrote him a note saying he had a friend, and signed it with a J. and left it on his desk. When I came back, Jeff and the note were gone.

Saturday rolled around and I was home alone while my parents were at work. The kid next door was having a birthday party. At the time I left my window open because I wanted a nice breeze in my room while I did my homework. But the kids were getting so loud that I decided to close my window. I was about to close it when I saw Jeff playing with the kids. He was running around wearing one of those fake cowboy hats and carrying a toy gun. He looked so ridiculous I had to laugh.

"Maybe he isn't the monster I think he is." I thought, ashamed of myself for suspecting he could have been one.

As I was closing the window, I saw Randy, Keith, and Troy jump over the fence on their skateboards to where Jeff was.
"Not again!" I said to the open window.
I saw Randy and Jeff exchange small talk but I couldn't hear what they said over the sound of the kids yelling and screaming. Then Randy rushed at Jeff and tackled him. I was about to grab the phone and dial 911 when I heard Troy and Keith shout, "No one interrupts or guts will fly!" I looked out the window again and saw that they both had matching guns in their hands. I couldn't have called for help then without endangering the lives of others. I couldn't have called 911 anyway, the batteries in my phone was dead. Jeff was on his side getting kicked by Randy in the face when he grabbed his foot and twisted it. Randy fell over and Jeff tried to walk back to the house when Troy grabbed him by the collar and threw him towards the house. I heard glass breaking and I knew then that they were going to kill him. I couldn't wait anymore, so I ran to my parent's bedroom and searched for my dad's cellphone, hoping that he forgot it at home. My heart was pounding in my chest, knowing that the longer it took for me to get help, the higher the chance of someone getting killed was. I finally found the phone underneath the bed. I wasted no time punching in the numbers.
"911 hello?"
"I need help there's an emergency going on next door! Some guys jumped the fence and are beating up someone! They've got guns you need to hurry please!"
"Okay miss I need you to tell me the address and I'll send help right away."
I quickly told her my address and the address of the house next door.
"Please hurry!" I said.
"It's okay just stay on the lin-" BANG BANG BANG!
I heard loud gunshots come from next door. I yelped and dropped the phone, it landed on the ground and broke. I ran to my bedroom window to try and figure out what was going on. But no sooner had I poked my head out the window I heard the woosh of a fire and the screaming. The only thing I can compare it to is the death cry of an animal. It was at the time for me horrifying. I saw fire spew out of the house. I ran downstairs immediately and got the portable fire extinguisher from the kitchen and ran outside. As I was running I popped the pin for the extinguisher for immediate use. Luckily the door was unlocked as I barged in but when I saw Jeff, I completely froze. He was lying at the bottom of the stairs almost completely on fire with adults trying to put it out. I saw bits of his skin through all the commotion. Some parts pink, some parts charred, but it was all covered in red. At the sight of all this I screamed and then I passed out. Last thing I remember is some of the adults running towards me. Whether it was to help me or get the fire extinguisher I don't know.

Eyeless Jack X Jane The Killer: Murderous LoveWhere stories live. Discover now