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Eyeless Jack led Jeff The Killer to the shiny black door across from Jack's own bedroom. Jeff raised a fist to knock on the shiny surface, but paused halfway there and hesitated. He stood there, hand frozen in mid-air, centimetres from the wood. Jack gave Jeff a sympathetic look and nodded. Jeff took a deep breath. And knocked.
The handle turned. A pale, black featured face was revealed through the dim light within the room. Jane smiled aa she saw Jack, but frowned when she noticed Jeff standing off the side, and bared her teeth. Jeff held his hands up in a comforting gesture.
"Wait wait wait!" He put in quickly, before she had a chance to slam the door in his face or attack him.
"I... I wanted to apologise."
Jane's face was plastered with surprise. Her black lips parted and her eyes widened.
"You... you what?" She got out.
Jeff sighed and looked at his feet.
"I was a massive dick to you. I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. I thought you were the only person who understood me. So I wanted you to be with me. I just wanted a friend. But then I messed everything up and scared you away. Then I found you here, and you hated me, and I was furious with myself. And jealous. My best friend, Jack, was in love with you, and you hated me. I wanted to be friends with you, but you were drifting further and further away. I'm so sorry for the way I acted."
Jane looked at Jack with big, wide, dark eyes. Jack begged her with his empty, tar-dripping eye sockets. Jane let out a sigh, and looked back at Jeff.
"I'm not saying I like the way you acted, or that I forgive you for what you did. But... I suppose I could give you a second chance."
Jeff's face light up with happiness, and relief. Jane smiled at him and Jack. Jack shook his head.
"Well I'm glad everyone is all good now!" He said. He wrapped his arm around Jane's waist, and the other around Jeff's shoulder, spinning the pair around towards the staircase.
"Come on, lets go play some video games!"

A few hours later, the trio emerged from the dark living room. A disappointed yelling sound was coming from the room. Jack was laughing, Jane was wiping tears from her eyes, and Jeff was holding his stomach. Jack gasped for breath.
"Oh my god, did you see Ben's face when Jeff knocked him over the edge of the cliff?"
Jane steadied herself on the kitchen bench.
"God that was hilarious! I don't think I've ever seen anyone worse at Mario Cart than Ben is!"
Jeff grabbed a bottle of iced coffee from the fridge.
"I'm gonna go and grab a shower," he said, turning back to Jack and Jane. Jack nodded and Jeff walked out of the room. Jane perched herself on the edge of the bar stool.
"So," she said smoothly, "got any plans for the rest of the day?"
Jack was about to reply when the kitchen door flew open.
"Actually, you both do."
Jack and Jane turned to find Slenderman standing in the doorway, holding two parcels, wrapped in brown paper. They both raised an eyebrow at each other and looked back at Slender. He held the two parcels out for them to take. Jack took his cautiously in both hands, noticing how soft the contents felt. He began to unwrap the brown paper packaging, but Slender stopped him with a large white hand.
"Not here," he said mysteriously, "take them up to your rooms. Then, follow the instructions." Slenderman left without explanation. Jane and Jake exchanged a curious and confused look, then went to do as they were told, parting ways at their rooms.

Inside his dark bedroom, Eyeless Jack unwrapped the parcel. He tore through the thin paper, crumpling it into a ball and three-pointing it into the waste basket next to the door. He looked down at the contents of the parcel. It was a suit. A very expensive looking fancy suit, complete with a blue tie, the same colour as his mask. Jack frowned as he picked up a small note that was attached to the suit. As he unfolded the note, he noticed how formal it was, calligraphy-ish font on white paper. He quickly scanned the note.
'Dear Jack,
You have been invited to the annual requiem ball. Thos event is to honour those of us who have lost family and friends, or whom have been subjected to death themselves. This is a formal event, so please dress your best. Leave all weapons, mask's, or other unnecessary objects behind, and arrive in the great forest at midnight.
Sincerely, The Slender Brothers.

Jack shook his head and glanced at the clock on his drawers. 10:45pm. He had less than an hour and a half to get ready and get to the forest. He shook his head again, cursing Slenderman, and rushed to get the stupid suit on.

Half an hour later, Eyeless Jack emerged from his room, wearing the sharp black suit, along with a crisp white shirt and the blue tie. He had combed his hair so it wasn't as wild, and had left his mask in his room. He felt bare and exposed without it. He looked up when he heard the sound of a handle turning. It was Jane, in a stunning, deep purple, short ruffled dress that looked like it had once belonged to English royalty, cut low along the chest. She wore a buttoned white blouse beneath the dress, with had a very high neckline. She also had long dark coloured gloves that reached to the tops of her arms, and a red ribbon around her throat, tied in a bow. Her hair fell in curling black waves down her back to below her waist. She looked at Jack, smiling.
"You look- you look beautiful!" Jack said, taking her gloved hands in his. Jane gave him a delicate smile.
"And you look stunningly handsome," she replied in a lilting voice. Jack took her arm, and led her to the forest.

When they arrived, Jack gasped in amazement. The clearing that was normally so hidden and quiet, tucked away in the very centre of the forest, had been decorated with fairy lights that splashed across the space, throwing light across the normally dark area. There were many people there already, dancing, drinking champagne, having a good time. As Jack stepped into the clearing with Jane on his arm, Jeff spotted them and walked over. He was wearing a suit very similar to Jack's, only his was slightly darker, and was finished with a blood red tie. Jeff's normally tangled mess of black hair was neatly brushed, and was tied back, his fringe hanging across his eyes as he leaned forward to speak over the loud music.
"Hey, you got here! Jane you look beautiful, and Jack, you scrubbed up pretty nicely!" He yelled. Jack grinned.
"Yeah, I see Slenderman got to you too!"
Jeff laughed and steered the two over to the refreshments table. Jack poured himself a glass of champagne, and one for Jane. She gladly accepted hers, fanning herself with a lacey fans he pulled out from behind her.
"God I hate things like this," she said. Jack tugged at his tie to loosen it.
" yeah, well the last gathering in the woods I went to ended up with me turning into a demon and eating everyone's eyes and kidneys, so this can't be much worse, can it?" He replies sarcastically. Jane rolled her eyes.
"Don't jinx us!"
Jack and Jane moved over to speak to some friends. For about two hours there was nothing but conversations and drinking. Jack's head had just started to feel a little fuzzy from the alcohol when Slenderman walked in, dressed in an extremely sharp tuxedo. He clapped his hands together to get everyone's attention.
"Everyone, I would like to thank you all for being part of this event. As you all know, this is a tribute to all those who have felt loss through death in our little family. Those of you who have left behind friends, family members. Those of you who watched those you loved as they cried over your own deaths or disappearances."
As Slenderman spoke, Jack wrapped his arm around Jane's shoulders, feeling her head rest against his chest, the top of her head only just grazing his chin. He breathed in her dark, sweet scent. As he listened to Slendermans speech about the dead, he couldn't have felt more alive than he did right there, with the girl he loved with every inch of his cold, twisted heart, right by his side.

After Slenderman's speech, slow, soft music began playing, luring the creepypastas to the dance floor. Jack took Jane to a dimly lit corner, and placed his hands on her slim waist. She smiled up at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and stared into his empty eye sockets. Jack felt something tug at his heart, deep within him. Jane looked so beautiful, the way her dark hair fell around her face, and the way the pretty fairy lights reflected off the black surface of her eyes. A slight pink tinge blossomed across her cheeks, and she looked at her feet. Jack smiled gently, and kissed the pink skin. Jane turned her face into the crook of his neck, and made a content sound. And at that moment, Jack wished the night would last forever.

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