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A few days went by with no change. Jack found himself more and more enraptured and amused by Jane. Every little thing she did, from sliding her hand along the banister on the stairs, to the way she sat with one leg tucked beneath her on the lounge, to the way she bit the corner of her bottom lip when she was concentrating, seemed to make Jack fall more and more in love. He was smitten, and he could tell that she was too. To Jane, Eyeless Jack had been nothing more than a stupid lovesick puppy. But those past few days he had become more than just a good friend. For the first time ever, she was in love.

Jack ran down the stairs with Jane on his back, clinging tightly to him as he skidded corners, occasionally bumping into walls or creepypastas. Jack burst out laughing as he bolted past a bewildered Masky, who stopped, blinking in shock, in the middle of the hallway. As Jack turned the corner, Masky shook his head slowly, and walked backward into the room he had just emerged from.
Jack wasn't even paying attention to where he was going, which was why he was sent flying as he crashed into a very tall somebody. That somebody was Slenderman. Jack gulped and helped Jane to her feet. He stood straight, head bowed down looking at the floor as Slenderman observed him.
"Eyeless Jack," Slenderman said disapprovingly. Jack raised his eyes to the blank face above him.
"I'm sorry sir," he apologised. Slenderman crossed his arms.
"Jack, I'm sending you on a mission."
Jack looked up in shock, surprise registering on his face.
"Sir, I thought your proxies-"
"Silence child!" Slenderman boomed. Jack bowed his head respectfully. Slenderman sighed.
"Jack, you have been neglecting your duties and causing mayhem and disruption for the past week. Now, I was happy to let things slide for a while, since you were doing such a good job of looking after our newest tenant but it's time you got back to your job now. Perhaps Ms Everlasting can join you on a later date, but for now, you must come with me."
Jack glanced at Jane, who had a slight crease between her eyebrows as she looked at Slenderman. But he was right. Jack had been ignoring his duties, to caught up in his own little world. He took Jane'a hand and kissed her palm.
" I will be back soon, I promise."
Jane smiled at him. Jack turned and followed Slenderman to his office at the end of the house.

Jack collected the files from Slenderman's office, and memorised the details Slender gave him. It was an assassination mission. Jack was often chosen for these types of missions because, apart from Masky, he was the quietest and most clean and stealthy murderer out of all the creepypastas. This mission was to successfully assassinate a man who had had an encounter with one of the creepypastas a while back, and was starting to remember. Jack glanced at the file. 36 years old, no family or friends, low paying job, nobody would even notice for a few days. The man was located a few towns away. Jack grabbed a small backpack and his dark blue signature mask from his cluttered room and left the house.

He walked for an entire day, stopping every so often to kill a deer or wild goat, to suppress the consuming Hunger that threatened to overtake him if he didn't consume enough blood and organs. By the time he got to the town, his Hunger was well sated. Jack looked up at the sky. The moon was hanging low over the treetops, mostly hidden by dark clouds. There were only a few stars visible in the pitch black sky. Perfect hunting conditions. Jack quickly found his target in his small home on the outskirts of the quiet town. Eyeless Jack stalked over to the man's bedroom window, keeping well in the shadows, even though his mask and hoody left him practically invisible in the night. He slowly raised the window, careful to not let it creak as it slid open. He silently slipped through the window and under the sleeping figure's bed. Jack spied a Valentine's Day card on the floor beside him. Ironic.
Violet are blue, roses are red, Jack thought to himself, the window was open, I'm under your bed.
Jack quietly rose up behind the sleeping man, scalpel in hand. As if the he sensed a threat, the man stirred, opening his eyes. Jack quickly lunged at the man, dragging his blade across the mans throat, watching as he coughed and gagged, clutching his bleeding throat with weak, flailing hands. He choked on his own blood. Once he was still and cold, and no longer twitching, Eyeless grabbed a clean sheet from the cupboard, and spread it over the dead man. He then went to the shelf above the bed, and took down a small camera. He took a photo of his masterpiece, and left the camera on the top of the unmoving mass. Mission completed and successful, he then slipped out of the open window, as silent as a ghost, and began his trek back to the creepypasta house.

When he returned from dropping the files back to Slendermans office, he was met with a horrifying scene. Jeff was pressed up against Jane, who had her back against the wall and her hands clenched into fists. Jeff was leaning right into her face, almost touching her lips. Suddenly there was a flash and Jane had her knife in her hand, but before she could use it, Jeff grabbed her wrist and tilted her chin up to look him in the eye. He leaned down towards her lips. Jack snapped. He grabbed the back of Jeff's hoody and dragged him away from Jane, who quickly got her knife up in the air again. Jack slammed Jeff into the wall, hard enough to make him gasp in pain. Jack seethed.
"If you EVER go near my girl again, it will be the last thing you do!" He yelled in the killers face. Jeff flinched, then regained himself and smiled.
"Well well well," he taunted, a drop of blood rolling down his chin from where Jack had slammed him into the wall, "are you jealous that while you were out on a make up mission or Slenderman, I was getting in with your little girlfriend here?" Jack slammed Jeff's head into the wall again, shutting him up.
"Shut up before I remove your tongue as well as your kidney," he said quietly. Then he released the dazed Killer and turned to Jane, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and walking off, leaving Jeff staring after them in a heap on the floor.

Eyeless Jack X Jane The Killer: Murderous LoveWhere stories live. Discover now