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Eyeless Jack yawned as he sat up in bed. He looked around him in the weak light. His sheets were twisted and things had been knocked off his drawers. He rubbed a hand across the back of his neck. He remembered the terrifying nightmare he had dreamed last night...

A beautiful pale girl, features black as night. A dark boy, a carved smile cut into his mouth so he never has to stop smiling at the beautiful girl. He reaches a bloody hand towards the girl, who responds by touching her delicate fingertips to his. A melodious tinkling laugh fills the air, full of love. The smiling boy behind slowly walking around the girl, both of them slowly rotating in a circle. The girl laughs again as she is hidden from view behind the smiling boy. From behind his back, the smiling boy is suddenly holding a wicked sharp knife. As the pale girl finally spins into view, her face is revealed. A grisly Chelsea smile is cut into her pale, delicate cheeks, and bloody tears roll down her face. She has a deep, ragged cut on each side of her mouth, matching the smiling boy. The smiling boy behind to speak, in a deep, strangely distorted voice.
"There, I made you beautiful. You now have an Everlasting smile, to match mine! You are mine now..."
The pale girl seems to scream, but all that comes out is a cackling, demonic laugh. As she spins in front of the smiling boy, she starts changing...

Jack gasped and opened his eyes. Breathing heavily, he fought his way out of the tangle of blankets, tripping and falling on the ground with a loud thump, rolling head over heels into a painful heap. As he fell, he managed to bash his head on the corner of his closet. He reached up to feel his head, hissing in pain as he made contact with the quickly forming lump on the top of his head. He heard his door open, the creaking, dragging noise of the wood against the floorboards setting his teeth on edge and making his head pound. He frowned up at the person standing in the bright doorway. It was Homicidal Liu. Or in other words, Liu Woods.

Liu raised an eyebrow at Jack as he looked at the messy conditions of the cannibalistic demon's room. Jack scowled, and held an arm up for Liu to grab.
"Yeah yeah quit bitching and help me up," he muttered.
Liu smiled and grabbed the offered arm, pulling Jack to his feet and into a hug.
"Hey man," Liu said, "how have things been?"
Jack smiled. He was glad to have his friend back.
"Yeah, well you know," he began, "your brother tried to kill my girlfriend and then me, and has had to be punched in the face just to back off, but other than that..."
Liu frowned, his smile dropping off his scarred face.
"Woah, what? I thought you two were best friends? At least you were before I left on that mission! I'm gone for 6 months and you guys are trying to kill each other? And who's this girlfriend of yours?"
Jack stopped, remembering Jane's story. She didn't know Liu was alive, and how did Liu feel about her? He cleared his throat and spoke.
"Um, you know that girl, Jane Arkensaw, your old neighbour from before Jeff went wacko? The one who tried to save Jeff, but ended up being his first victim? Other than you of coarse."
Liu frowned. "How do you know all of that?" Then his eyes widened, stretching the scar that ran across the bridge of his nose. "Jane! She survived! I thought she was dead! She was so kind, helping out my little brother even though she knew what he had done to those douchebags. She's here?"
Jack nodded.
"Yeah, we're dating. He and Jeff have been butting heads ever since she came here, I'm guessing because she REALLY hates him, and I think he still wants to goad her."
Liu frowned and nodded, his shaggy hair flicking in his eyes. He flicked it back angrily.
"Okay, it's time I spoke to my brother..."

Jack grabbed his mask and silently followed Liu down the hallway to the white, bloodstained door at the end. Liu glanced at Jack. Jack placed his mask on and nodded. Liu pounded his fist against Jeff's door, shaking the wood. Jeff threw the door open with a growl, knife in hand. Liu snarled.
" Jeff, what the hell is wrong with you?" He yelled, grabbing Jeff's collar in both hands. Jeff tried to pull away.
"Liu? What the hell? When did you get home, and what are you talking about?"
Jeff put his hands in the middle of Liu's chest and pushed him back, dropping his knife to the ground in the process. Liu clenched his fists.
"I heard what you've been doing to Eyeless Jack and Jane. You know, Jane Arkensaw who tried to save you from those douchebags who turned you into this?!" Jeff lowered his eyes to the floor.
"I didn't mean to hurt her," he whispered. Jack stepped up.
"If you didn't want to hurt her then why did you pull that knife on her and cut her throat? She told me about how you threatened her, she told me about her past, about how you wanted to hurt her!"
Jeff raised his head and stared at Jack.
"I NEVER wanted to hurt her," he said between clenched teeth. "I felt like she was the only one who maybe understood me. That she was like me. So I tried to make her look like me. I wanted her to be beautiful. I was going to cut a beautiful smile into her face like I did to mine, but she ran away."
The horrible nightmare flashed before Jacks eyes, that terrifying image of Jane with dead eyes, and a bloody grin cut into her pained and scared face, her throat slashed open. Liu pointed to his own face, to the jagged scars that ran across his nose and from the corners of his mouth. "Yeah well, you tried that with me too, but look where it got us both. You need to stop this bullshit, and go and apologise to Jane."
Jeff looked at the ground, eyes sparkling.
"She hates me. I can't."
Jack put a hand on his best friends shoulder, squeezing it gently.
" I will come with you."
Jeff looked at him gratefully, and clapped him on the back. Then he wiped a hand across his unblinking eyes. Jack bent down and picked up the fallen knife for the killer, and if it to Jeff handle first. Then he gave him a friendly push towards the door, shaking his head good-naturedly at Liu, and followed his friend out the door to find Jane.

Eyeless Jack X Jane The Killer: Murderous LoveWhere stories live. Discover now