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A few days went by. Eyeless Jack wanted to do something with Jane. He walked down to her room at the end of the hall.
" Who is it and what do you want?" He heard her snap from behind the closed door. Jack frowned.
"Jane, it's me!" He replied cautiously. She was dangerous when she was in these moods.
"O-oh, Jack! Hang on, I'm coming!" He said quickly. Jack heard the sound of a window sliding shut, and footsteps running to the door. He stepped back as she flung the door open, leaping into him. He wrapped his arms around her body as he staggered back from the impact.
"Woah, haha! Hi," he laughed. Jane giggled and buried her face in his chest. Jack held her at arms length.
"Hey, I had an idea," he said happily, glad she was over her mood. Jane smiled at him, cute little dimples forming in her flushed cheeks. Jack loved it when she smiled like that.
"What is your brilliant idea?" She teased. Jack grinned, showing his razor sharp teeth.
" I was thinking that we could go and do a bit of training together, and then go on a little hunt..."
Jane squealed and grabbed Jack by the shoulders, jumping up and down while grinning like a maniac.
"Really Jack? Really? God, I haven't been on a hunt for months!"
Jack laughed at her excitement and enthusiasm, and grabbed her hand, pulling her down the stairs without a word.
As they were exiting through the giant double doored entrance, Jack slammed straight into Liu, who was walking in, slightly out of breath. Jack grabbed Liu's arm to stop him from flying backwards.
"Shit, sorry man!" He apologised, steadying Liu. Liu quickly got his balance, and half smiled at Jack, not quite meeting his eye.
"Oh, uh, its fine, I just wasn't watching where I was going!" Liu laughed sheepishly, and kept walking into the house, face flushed crimson. Jack's eyes crinkled as he watched Liu leave.
"That was weird," he said to Jane, " I wonder where he was coming from?" Jane looked at him quickly.
"Maybe he was out hunting, or running an errand for Slenderman, or... I don't know. Let's just go and train so we can go hunting!"
Jack smiled again, not noticing the odd tone in her beautiful voice, and took her hand as he led the way.

When they arrived at the training clearing, tucked a little way into the forest, Jane went straight over to the knives and targets, while Jack grabbed a large practice dummy. The dummy was made out of wood, and was worn out and scratched, and full of dents and holes from previous rough use. He dragged the heavy thing over to the middle of the clearing, dodging the flying knives that Jane was ditching at her targets. She didn't miss a single one, hitting every target straight in the bullseye from more than 10 meters away. Jack marvelled at her precision and accuracy, and went back to his own practice. He walked backwards away from the target, until he stood about 5 meters away. Pushing all thoughts out of his mind, he shut his eyes and felt the weight of the scalpel in his hand as he pulled it out of his hoody pocket. He opened his eyes and sprung across the space, leaping on top of the dummy, slicing the scalpel across the throat, and punching it so hard he felt the wood crack beneath his fist. He kept pummelling the wood until he was out of breath. He stood up, turning to find Jane staring at him, dark lips forming an O. She silently walked over to him, gently taking his now throbbing hand in hers. She took a white bandage out of her dress pocket, and began wrapping it around his knuckle. Jack hadn't even noticed that he had ripped all of the skin off, leaving the top of his knuckles glistening red. Jane finished wrapping the bandage, and raised his hand to her lips, gently kissing his injury. Very sexy, he thought to himself. He smiled wickedly at Jane, before grabbing her face in his hands, and pulling her towards him. As their lips met, Jack felt Jane stiffen beneath him, then relax as he deepened the kiss. He pulled her bottom lip with his teeth, causing her to giggle, and tangle her hands in his shaggy hair. In response, Jack gripped Jane tighter, feeling her body beneath his hands, and fought her tongue with his. Finally, they came up for air. Jane grinned, cocking an eyebrow at Jack. He winked at her.
" A little taste of what to expect after our little hunting date," he smirked. He was ecstatic that their relationship had deepened so much since they met. He took her hand, and swung her up onto his back. Jane laughed again, and nudged his ribs with her foot, urging him to go. Jack started running, faster and faster until the house was in view. He skidded to a stop before they reached the door, letting Jane scramble down off his back, and taking her hand again. He led her to the weapons room in the basement. They spent about half an hour selecting weapons, and sharpening them. Jack had his special collection of surgery blades, and Jane had a selection of deadly sharp knives. They both carried their weapons upstairs, where they found Slenderman waiting, the pale moonlight silhouetting his shape. Jack and Jane bowed their heads respectfully.
"Okay, you two know the rules," Slenderman said, "No getting caught, no leaving evidence, and do not kill more than two people each, unless you are prepared to take out anyone who comes investigating."
Jack and Jane nodded in understanding. Slenderman spread his arms and moved out of the doorway. Jack looked at Jane, and they both took off running, out into the forest and down to the nearest town.

Eyeless Jack X Jane The Killer: Murderous LoveWhere stories live. Discover now