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Eyeless Jack spun to yell at whoever it was who had followed him, but stopped dead when he saw who it was.
"J-Jeff," he whimpered. Jeff walked over and put his hand on Jacks shoulder.
"Jack, are you okay?"
That was all it took for the floodgates to open, and Jack sank to the ground again, pulling Jeff down with him. Jeff wrapped his arms around Jack, supporting him. Jack rested his head on his best friend's shoulder, feeling weak and stupid. He sniffed and scrubbed at his eyes with the backs of his hands. Jeff looked at him in concern.
"Jack please," he said, "I don't care what happened, don't hurt yourself because of her. Okay? She's not worth it."
Jack looked his friend in the eyes and slowly nodded, feeling defeated. Jeff gave him a sympathetic glance.
"You wanna go kill!" He asked.
Jack shook his head.
Another shake of his head.
"Wanna play a video game?"
Jack took a shaky breath and looked up. Jeff smiled gently.
"Come on buddy," he said kindly, taking Jacks arm and helping him to his feet, "let's get you home."

After about 2 hours of walking, the ginormous house finally came into view. Jack was exhausted, eyes stinging and body aching. Jeff glanced behind him to make sure Jack wasn't falling too far behind.
"Come on Jackie," he encouraged. Jack sighed and dragged his feet the last few meters to the doors. Jeff held the door open for his friend, and escorted him to the dark living room. He helped Jack sit down on the couch, making sure he was comfortable, and got out two controllers and put the game into the consul. He nudged Jack with his elbow as he sat down.
"Hey, chin up, at least you know I suck at this game!"
Jack gave Jeff a sad little half smile, knowing that the killer was doing his best to cheer him up. He reluctantly picked up the controller, and selected the character on screen. Well, he may feel like trash, but there was no way he was going to let Jeff beat him.

2 hours later, Jack and Jeff were finally finished their game, and Jack was feeling a lot better. Sure he still felt like his world was falling apart around him, but at least, in this moment, he had something to distract him and anchor him to reality. He smiled at Jeff.
"Thanks," he said, embarrassed of his behaviour earlier. Jeff playfully hit Jacks shoulder.
"Don't worry about it," he laughed, "But I think we need to talk to Jane now," he said, laughter fading from his voice. Jack frowned and looked at his feet. Jeff put his hand on Jacks knee.
"Come on," he poked, leaning down to look at Jack's face from beneath his shaggy hair. Jack sighed and grabbed his mask, standing up and sliding it over his face. Jeff gave him a confident smile and led the way to Jane's room.
Jack knocked on the shiny black door. He waited, hearing low voices from inside the room, and stepped back as the door opened. It was Zero. Her white pupils were surrounded by black skull-like makeup, lips painted black as well, with stitches running up both sides of her cheeks. Her long, wavy white hair fell over her shoulder as she leaned forward.
"Jack," she said in a glitchy voice,"Jane wants to talk to you."
Jack nodded as the monochrome girl stepped aside for him. He took a deep breath and entered the room.

Jane's P.O.V
I knew this would happen. I knew it! As soon as Jack walked in I felt a horrible guilt wash over me. I grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around my body.
"J-Jack, please," I tried saying, but he turned and ran out of the room. Liu was on the bed, holding his head in his hands. I noticed those two Proxies, Masky and Hoodie standing outside the door. My anger bubbled up at the sight of them.
"GET OUT!" I screamed at them. They quickly shut the door, and I heard their footsteps retreating down the hallway. I looked at Liu, who had tears in his eyes. I knew what he was feeling. He had just betrayed his good friend.
"Liu, we need to explain," I sighed. He looked at me.
"What, explain that we dated for years before you came here, and then as soon as I got here, you were going out with one of my best friends, but we still weren't over each other so we decided to go against his back?" Liu yelled at me incredulously. I looked at my shaking hands.
"I love him Liu. I can't lose him."

A few hours later, Liu was gone and I was dressed in a modest black dress with my white hoodie over the top. I curled in a ball in the darkest corner of my room and let the tears fall down my face. I heard a knock at the door, and raced to open it, hoping with everything I had that it was Jack. It wasn't. It was Zero. Zero was my best friend here, always had been from the very start. She has white pupils, and only saw in black and white, from dripping bleach in them after turning into Zero, who was her original personalities imaginary friend. After Zero took over the mind and body of young Alice, she began dressing only in monochrome, and carries an enormous sledgehammer with her. I love Zero because she is so fierce, and independent.
Zero took one look at my tear stained face and rushed in to engulf me in a hug. I sniffed and laughed at her. Zero pulled away and took me over to the bed, sitting me down and facing me. She looked at me with a sincere face. Her voice was glitchy from when she took over Alice.
"Tell me what happened."
So I told her.

After I finished telling my story, Zero frowned.
"Do you really love Jack that much?" she asked. I glared at her.
"Of coarse I do!" I snapped. Then I lowered my voice, "I love him more than anything."
Zero stared at me. "Then why did you do that with Liu?"
"Because I thought I still loved him," I cried, "but I don't! Not anymore. I love Jack, and only Jack! And now I've lost him!"
Just then there was a quiet knock at the door. I sent a terrified glance at Zero, and she quickly stood up and went to the door. I stared at my hands as she spoke quietly to whoever was at the door, then she moved aside, and I looked up.

Third person P.O.V
Jack stepped into the dark room, and spotted Jane sitting sullenly on her bed, looking up at him in surprise. And relief. She quickly stood up, almost falling over in her rush. Jack stepped up and caught her arm, not even consciously thinking to move. Jane took one look at him, and burst into tears, throwing her arms around his neck, and babbling incoherently. Jack stroked her back numbly. Jane finally gathered her senses and stood up straight.
"J-Jack," she stammered. Jack looked at her with a heartbroken look that she couldn't even see beneath his mask. She took a deep breath.
"I'm so so sorry, I love you so much, I should never have done that, I'm so stupid I didn't mean to hurt you I couldn't help it, I'm so sorry, I love you so much!"
Jack took her shaking shoulders in his hands and bent down to look at her at eye level. He slowly removed his mask so she could see his face.
"Jane," he began softly, "I'm not saying that I forgive you, or that what you did was right. But I do love you, with all of my heart, and can see that your telling the truth. I just want you to tell me the truth. Why did you do it?"
Jane took a deep, shaky breath.
"Before I came here, I was with Liu. We were together, but he didn't even tell anyone of my existence. He pretended that he thought I was dead. We didn't like it, but I had dangerous enemies. J didn't want to hurt anyone.
When Liu said he was going away for a while, I decided it was time to end things. I didn't like all of the danger and lying. He agreed. We were still good friends, but we weren't in love anymore. Then I came here. I fell in love with you. You were everything I never knew I wanted with Liu. But then he came back, and j realised how much I had missed him. I thought I still loved him. But I realised, I don't love him. Maybe I did once, but not any more. I love you, more than I've loved anyone. And I'm so sorry if I've ruined everything. And I understand if you don't want anything to do with me."
Jane finished speaking with a sniff, and looked Jack bravely in the eye. Jack could see the heartbreak and truth in her black eyes. He thought about the first time he had fallen in love with those eyes, how he had seen the beauty and kindness in them, while everyone else just saw hatred and cruelty. He cupped a hand to her face, and watched as a single tear rolled down her pale cheek. Her lip quivered as she waited for him to say something.
"Jane Everlasting," he sighed, "I loved you from the moment I saw you. I saw the dark beauty that nobody else saw. I saw the kindness and love that you were capable of. I never thought I would be lucky enough to have that love directed at me. I don't quite forgive you, but I do love you, and I'm willing to trust you."
Jane's eyes widened as she looked at Jack.
"I promise I will make it up to you!" She said, hardly daring to breath. Jack just smiled and leaned down, placing a small kiss on her cold lips. Jane let out a small happy sigh. Jack smiled. Everything was going to be okay.

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