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Eyeless Jack led Jane downstairs to the cold, empty kitchen. They didn't encounter Jeff or any of the other creepypastas. Jack assumed that Slenderman was holding Jeff somewhere with his proxies Masky, Hoodie and Toby. He didn't know where anyone else was, but he was grateful they weren't around.
He helped Jane sit down at one of the long benches closest to the fridge. He could feel slight tremors still running through her body. He walked around the marble bench to grab a glass, and filled it with cold milk. He walked back over to Jane and handed her the glass. Jane raised an eyebrow.
"Drink it," Jack said, "it will help you calm down."
Jane half smiled, a slight twitch at the corner of her mouth, and brought the glass to her dark lips. Once she had drunk the entire glass, Jack went to the pantry, and rummaged around for a bit, before coming out, triumphantly holding a packet of chocolate chips in one hand, and a bag of nachos in the other. Jane raised an eyebrow at him, and Jack gave an evil smile. Tossing the packets of food at Jane, who had no choice but to quickly grab them before they fell. Jack grabbed two bottles of coke from the fridge, and scooped up Jane, food and all, into his arms. Jane squealed and laughed, a beautiful, strangely unused sound that made Jacks heart race. He stomped over to the darkened living room and plonked Jane down into the over-stuffed lounge. He grabbed the Tv remote before flipping on top of Jane, who began giggling and squirming.
"Get off you fat lump!" She squealed. Jack slouched even more in response.
"You bastard," Jane laughed, "get off!"
Eventually Jack sat up, pulling Jane onto his lap with the food in her hands. He turned on the tv and put on a movie. Ironically it was a horror movie about a cannibalistic murderer. Jane rolled her eyes at the movie choice, but a smile was playing at the corner of her mouth. Jack turned his head to Jane. She raised an eyebrow playfully. Jack smiled, showing his razor sharp teeth. Jane just fluttered her pitch black eyes at him. He slid out from beneath her, and crouched at the end of the lounge, hunched over like a terrifying monster or gargoyle. Jane just laughed. Jack slowly crawled over to her end of the lounge. She shrieked and squirmed as he grabbed her ankle with his cold, grey hand. She laughed and kicked at him, trying to get him to loosen his hold. Jack released her ankle, only to grab her waist with both hands, pulling her towards him. Jane giggled and tried to slip out of his hands, but he held her tightly. The packets of food fell to the ground, crushed and forgotten. Jack looked down at the beautiful girl in his arms, the only one who hadn't run from him in fear or hatred because he was a demon with no eyes. He looked at this beautiful girl below him, and even though her eyes were as black as his, he knew he could see love and raw happiness within them. He also saw pain and sadness, but those emotions were slowly drifting away as she looked at him, her heart filling with love and lust. He slowly cupped her cheek in his hand, feeling her soft breath against his palm as she turned her face into his hand.
"Your beautiful," Jack exhaled. Jane looked up at him with dark tears swimming in her eyes. Her tumbling ebony hair fell around her, like black waves in an ocean. She grabbed his face in both hands and pulled it down to her's. She paused with their faces just centimetres away. Jack could feel her breath on his face.
"Jack," she whispered in a low, husky voice. Jack touched his forehead to hers.
"Yes," he answered, voice shaky and rough. Jane smiled.
"I love you."
As soon as the words escaped her mouth, Jacks lips came crashing down upon hers. Jane made a small gasping noise of shock. Then her eyes fluttered closed in ecstasy. Jack slide his arms beneath her body, wrapping around her slim waist, cradling her close as the kiss deepened. Jack made a low moan, and Jane's back arched, pressing against Jack's body. Jack tasted darkness and lust within that kiss, and it made him want more. He pulled Jane's hips and stomach up even further, while pushing his own body against hers. He felt like there was too much space between them. Jane's eyelashes tickled Jack's face as she pulled at his bottom lip with her teeth, gently nipping. He took a shaky breath and pressed his lips against her's once more.
It took all of his restraint to pull away, both of them gasping for breathe. Jack flipped Jane over so she was laying on top of his chest. She rested her head on his heaving chest and closed her eyes. In the background, they heard the movie still playing, the screams of characters dying on screen acting like a lullaby to them. Jack closed his eyes, holding the girl he lived with all of his heart as close as he possibly could.
"I love you..."
"I love you too..."

When Jack woke up, Jane was no longer beside him. He sat up, heartbeat racing. No! Please tell me I haven't scared her away again! He stood up so fast his vision dimmed and his head spun. He heard noises coming from the dining room at the other side of the room, and raced to the entrance of the room.

Toby, Ben, Masky, Hoodie, Clockwork, Sally, Lazari, Laughing Jack, Nurse Anne, Lost Silver, Pinkamena and Smile Dog.jpg were seated around the dining table eating breakfast, and at the head of the table was Jane. Jack cautiously entered the room. Jane glanced up from her food and conversation with Clockwork, and smiled at him, waving him over to the empty seat next to her. Jack breathed a sigh of relief and walked over to her. As he sat down, Jane leaned in close to his ear and whispered, " thank you for not leaving me last night."
Jack blinked in surprise.
"I-I thought you would have been scared away from me," he laughed. Jane laughed as well, and leant in to kiss him softly on the lips. She smiled at him.
"I love you so much Jack," she said. He smiled, filled with dark happiness, and dug into his bloody kidneys. Jane laughed again, and nibbled at her toast.
All was well.
But not for long...

Eyeless Jack X Jane The Killer: Murderous LoveWhere stories live. Discover now