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Eyeless Jack led Jane back to the house. The sun was just beginning to peak over the trees in Slender Woods. Jack was bubbling with happiness after last nights events. He looked down at Jane's hand that was entwined with his, and brought it up to his lips, tenderly kissing her knuckles. Jane giggled and rested her head on his shoulder as they walked through the doors of the house. Jack led her up to her room, and gently tucked her hair behind her ear. He tilted her chin up to look at him.
"I love you," he breathed. She smirked.
"I love you too, my little psychopath."
Jack smiled and kissed her cheek, before walking across to his room.
Inside, he flopped in his bed, dropping his mask on the floor and throwing an arm across his eyes to block out the faint light coming through the chink in his curtains. He thought he heard a door shut loudly outside his room, but he passed it off as his brain being too tired. He pulled his jumper over his head, kicked off his shoes, and fell asleep face down on the pillow, still in his black shirt and jeans and dirty socks. He was soon snoring faintly, dreaming about his beautiful girlfriend, and all the places he wanted to go with her.

Jane's P.O.V
As soon as Jack left, I stood frozen against the back of my door, the feeling of his lips against my skin still very much present. I exhaled a slow, careful breath, and opened the door. I peered around the corner, to see Liu Woods creeping down the hallway. My heartbeat sped up as I saw him, and I felt a blush spread across my cheeks and my mouth turn up in a smile, even as I thought 'this is wrong!' But that still didn't stop me. As soon as Liu reached me, I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him inside. I couldn't help myself. I slammed him against the door, smashing my lips into his even as I reached behind him to flick the lock on the door. I felt him stiffen, and then relax into me, running his hands up my back and into my hair. I automatically reached up and grabbed a fistful of his own hair, pulling his face roughly down to me. He responded by grabbing my thighs and picking me up with amazing strength, holding me to his body as I wrapped my legs around his waist, never once breaking the kiss. I grabbed his face and pushed deeper into the kiss, exploring his mouth until I tasted thing I had never tasted before. I felt his arms wrap tightly around me, making it harder to breath, but I didn't care. I wanted him. I growled as he began walking over to my queen sized bed, leaning down until my back hit the mattress. He held himself over me with his long arms above my head as I continued to explore his mouth. He slowly crawled on top of me, letting his hands wander over my body, much like how I was letting my tongue explore his mouth. I gasped into his mouth as his wandering hands brushed my ribs, and then even further up. I grabbed his shirt with clenched fists and pulled it roughly over his head. I let out a breath as I ran my eyes over his scarred, muscly body. I placed my hands on his abdomen, feeling the muscles ripple under my touch, and he moaned in pleasure. I quickly reached down to grab the hem of my shirt, pulling it over my head teasingly slow. Liu watched me, biting his bottom lip in a way that made me want to rip the rest of his clothes off right then and there. This was going to be fun...

Third person P.O.V
Jack heard a loud knock on his door and yawned. He ran a hand through his messy hair, glancing at the alarm clock beside him as he got up. 6:12am. God, he had only been asleep for about 10 minutes! He grumbled to himself as he swung the door open. Standing there was Masky and Hoodie. Hoodie had his mask on, but Masky had his dangling from his hand. Jack noticed the dark bags under his eyes, contrasting against his deathly pale skin. He looked terrible.
"Masky...Tim? Are you okay?" Jack asked, unsure if he should be prying. Masky yawned and waved his hand dismissively.
"I'm fine," he said, "Slenderman wanted me to collect you and Jane to report back to him about last night's kills." Jack nodded.
"Oh, of coarse, sorry I forgot, we were both dead tired, let me get dressed and we'll get Jane and go now."
Masky and Hoodie waited outside as Jack raced back into his room and threw a clean pair of jeans and shirt on, and ran back out barefoot. Masky and Hoodie were exchanging a strange look, and from Masky's side of it at least, it looked bad.
"Um, is everything okay? I'm ready to go?" He said hesitantly. Masky jumped and stuttered out a reply.
"Um, actually I think we better let Jane rest, don't you think?"  Jack looked at him.
"It's okay, we won't be long, it's best not to get her in trouble anyway," Jack replied, suddenly unsure and nervous. Hoodie made a sound that sounded like a sigh of defeat and moved aside. Jack sent him a look of puzzlement, and placed a hand on Jane's door. He thought he heard a loud bang, followed by a muffled noise. Jack frowned and slowly cracked open the door, after having to use his scalpel to unlock it first that is. He carefully edged around the door, to find a sight that almost sent him to his knees in shock. Homicidal Liu and Jane were on top of Jane's queen sized bed, practically naked except underwear, and making out with their hands in places that made Jack see red. He slapped a hand over his mouth, and backed up, accidentally knocking over a lamp. Jane and Liu gasped and looked up, eyes widened in horror as they saw who it was. Jane grabbed the sheet off the floor and held it to her body.
"J-Jack, please-" she began in a pleading tone, but Jack shook his head and pushed his way out of the room, sending Hoodie into the wall and Masky almost through a door. Jack ran as fast as he could, not caring about the looks coming from the other pastas or the walls and doorways he bashed into. Tears stung his eye sockets as they ran down his face, mingling with the black tar that stained his cheeks. He wiped a hand across his cheeks impatiently, hating the fact that he was crying. He stumbled outside and into the forest. There, he found a large hollow tree trunk on the ground, and collapsed onto it, face in his hands and crying until his entire body was racking with the force of his sobs.

It began to get dark, and the temperature dropped to a dangerously icy temp. Jack shivered and contemplated going back, if only to get his hoody and mask. He shuddered and shook his head. He couldn't face Jane. At the very thought of her, Jack felt new tears well up in his eye sockets, and he clutched at his chest. He heard a snap behind him, and spun around.
"God, Jack, what are you doing to yourself?"

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