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A few weeks after Eyeless Jack and Jane made up, the pair were sitting on the couch with Jeff, Zero, Sally, Ben and Smile Dog. Jane was curled up in Jacks lap, smile dog was sitting at Jeff's feet, who had his elbow leaning on Jack, Zero was on Jeff's other side with Sally laying half on her, half on Ben. The group was watching a movie. The door opened, just as a jump scare blasted on the tv, and everyone jumped, Jane, Sally and Ben screamed, and everyone turned to glare at the invaders.
"DAMN PROXIES!" Chorused the infuriated group as Masky, Hoodie and Toby wandered in, amused looks on their faces.
"Hey, a-anyone wanna g-go on a k-k-killing spree?" Stuttered Toby excitedly, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet. Jack looked at his friends faces. Everyone had the same bloodthirsty look in their expressions that he did. He turned to face the Proxy trio.
"Of coarse," he said hungrily, already imagining the spilled blood.

Five minutes later, everyone was crowded around the front doors, eagerly waiting to leave. Masky was on his knees, hunched over to talk to Sally, who wasn't taking the news that she couldn't come very well. Jack let go of Jane's hand and walked over to help Masky out. The man gave Jack an extremely grateful look, and went to grab his mask and a spare gun from Hoodie. Jack knelt beside Sally.
"Hey little miss," he said in a kind voice, "what's up?"
Sally glared up at him with an angry, pouty face.
"Masky won't let me go!" She yelled, stomping her foot. "Everybody else get to go, but mean old Masky says I'm too little! It's not fair!" She furiously crossed her arms across her chest, glaring at Jack with angry, tearful green eyes from beneath her bloody tangled mess of hair. Jack raised an eyebrow at Sally, and gave her a cheeky wink, dropping his voice to a whisper.
"Don't worry Sally, I'll help you get him back later," he whispered mischievously, giving Sally a hug. She wrapped her little arms around him tightly, giggling slightly.
"Do ya promise Jackie?" She said, back to her normal, happy self.
Jack grinned.
"Yeah, we can put makeup on him and hide his mask while he is sleeping, and put itching powder in his clean clothes!"
Sally laughed, and ran off to find Ben, who was also staying behind. Jack returned to Jane and Jeff. Jane gave him a little wistful smile as he wrapped an arm around her.
"What is it?" He asked, giving her shoulders a squeeze. She fluttered her eyelashes at the floor, embarrassed.
"I was just watching you with Sally," she admitted, " Your really good with kids..."
Jack noticed a pink flush sweep across the back of her neck. He blushed as well, eternally grateful that he was wearing his mask so no one could see. He leant down and kissed the top of Jane's head, planting his lips in her soft, dark smelling hair.
"Maybe one day," he whispered softly in her ear. She jerked up and turned to face him, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth. She kissed him and turned away as the group began to move out the door, heading for a nearby town. Jack smiled wickedly beneath his mask, bloodlust and hunger calling out to him as he stepped out into the crisp night air. Time for a bit of freedom.

Jack led Jane, Toby and Zero to the furthest end of the town, aiming for a small suburb, with about 10 or so houses. He and Toby went left, while Jane and Zero went to the right. Toby quickly slipped up to the front door of the most secluded house, and swung his hatchet at the wood with as much strength as he had. The hatchet shredded through the door, making a loud smashing sound. Toby swung it again, making a small gap in the door. He giggled maniacally as Jack joined him at the door.
"H-Heeeeere's JOHNNY!" The twitching boy screamed through the gap and Jack kicked the door right off its hinges. A light went on upstairs, and the two heard a woman's scream. Jack and Toby ran up the stairs, bursting into the bedroom. Toby swung his hatchet into the males head, killing him instantly, and Jack grabbed the woman by the hair and slit her throats with his scalpel. He dropped her spazaming body to the ground and moved down to her belly, locating her kidneys and slicing into the soft flesh with his blade, extracting the organs with a professional flare, before shoving them whole and raw into his sharp toothed mouth, still-warm blood dripping down his chin. He slowly rose from the carcass and turned towards the door. Toby stood there, head tilted to the side, looking pale and slightly green beneath his mouth guard and goggles. He squeezed his dark eyes shut, and placed a hand on his stomach.
"G-God I'm gonna be s-sick, that was d-disgusting!" The younger boy said. Jack laughed and wiped the blood off his mouth.
"Come on Tobes," he said, "let's keep going..."

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