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Morning came, and the weak sunlight filtered through the tunnels to gather in the underground room. Jack slowly swam into consciousness with a headache that felt like someone was bashing the inside of his skull with a hammer. He groaned and sat up with a fist against his forehead. He winced and looked around the room. He noticed Jane lying motionless on the cot. Jack quickly got to his feet and ran to her side. She was very pale; more than usual; but she was breathing, and stirred when Jack cautiously touched her hand.
"J-Jack?" She whimpered. Jack kissed her gently on the cheek.
"It's okay, I'm right here," he said in hushed tones.
Jack stayed by Jane's side as the others woke up, and began getting ready to leave. As soon as everyone was ready, Jane in Jacks arms and Toby with his left arm and shoulder in a sling and his hatchets in Masky's bag, they began to carefully creep outside, following the almost overgrown trail back to the house. As soon as Hoodie opened the door and stepped inside, Slenderman appeared in front of the group.
"What happened?" He boomed, taking in the injuries and crossing his arms. Everyone looked down.
"S-Sir," Toby bravely spoke up, trembling and clinging to Maskys jacket with his good arm, "w-we went on a k-killing s-spree but t-the police c-came and s-shot at us!" Toby finished with a shudder and stepped behind Masky, hiding. Slenderman stared at the proxies.
"I'm very disappointed with you three especially. You will be punished severely. Zero, you go and tell Dr. Smiley that he will need to set up to take care of Ms Everlasting, Jeff, go and start making breakfast. Jack, please take Jane down to Dr. Smiley."
Everyone hurried to follow their instructions. Jack followed Zero down to the medical wing where Dr. Smiley stayed. As Zero explained what had happened to Dr. Smiley and Nurse Anne, Jack laid Jane down on a hospital bed, and knelt by her side. She opened her beautiful black eyes to look at him. Jack smiled.
"Jack, I'm so sorry," Jane sighed. Jack shook his head, his shaggy hair flicking to the side.
" No Jane," he said, "there is nothing to be sorry for. I should have made you go first."
Jane placed a hand on Jacks cheek. He nuzzled his face into her soft palm.
"Please promise me when all of this is over, we can just go back to being a normal couple?" Jane asked softly. Jack looked at her, and felt a smile spread across his features.
"Of coarse," he said, "and when your all better, I'm going to take you out on a date, and everything is going to be normal and perfect."
Jane smiled.
And it was.

Thanks for everyone who has read this story and commented or voted! This story is now finished! I'm so sad to end it, but I am going to write another story now, a Ben Drowned fanfic! Pm or comment any ideas for me, and I will put it in the story with a dedication/thanks to you! Check out my Ticci Toby story as well!
Thanks again my little Creeps!

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