Chapter 5

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Zak's POV

'It's been a year and I am still training but today I am finding Baby's head and I will stop this evil force. So I am going to skip ahead for DJ Midnight for today and start off where I get into trouble. DJ Midnight-sama does not own The Secret Saturdays or Five Nights at Freddy's'

I ran away from this shadow that keeps chasing me it's not going to stop chasing me. No matter how fast the shadow was always a second behind me. My heart beat beating faster and faster as I ran. No rest for me so that means I have to wing it. I'm so close to finding Baby's head I'm almost there. Gold told me it's just around the bend and I trust him. Out of nowhere another shadow cut'd in front of me. I tried to turn back but the shadow grabbed ahold of my shirt. I grit my teeth and tried to yank myself away from these guys. They started to surround me but no matter the struggle they wouldn't let me go.

I tried to scream but the shadows just covered my mouth I could see their white smiles very close. I closed my eyes awaiting the pain but I didn't feel it. I opened my eyes to see another humanimaltronic with blue cat ears. A black blindfold across his eyes and in his hand was a cane. He took a slime sword out of the cane and sliced at each shadow and when done the slid the sword back into the cane. He looked in my general direction and walked towards me. Crouching in front of me he held out his hand and I gladly accepted it. He pulled me up and he held onto my hand before pointing off into the distance.

I heard it, the growls and screams of more shadows. Was he warning me more was coming. He pulled me behind him and gestured me to stay as he once again slid his sword out and started killing the shadows one by one. For someone thats blind he can fight really well. He sheath the sword once there was no more shadows and started pulling me towards where Baby's head was hidden.

"Who are you?"
"That's not important right now you need to get to your destination then we can talk"
"I want to know who you are so that way I could thank you properly"
"My name is Candy I was once an performer till they settled with the toy version oh me more than me being the original"
"Well thank you Candy for helping me it means a lot to me"
"I know it is cause you can end 'her' rein over my friends and others"
"You know that I am Kur?"
"Why yes I could feel it and besides Shadow Candy doesn't like 'her' so he'll be your alley along with me"

I smiled as I reached my destination. I got a new alley and a new shadow it took long enough but hey no one can be picky when it comes to help. I reach for Baby's head to know the final answers to my questions........ But this is just the beginning after this............ Bending down I reached for Baby's head and put my hand on it.

100290 B.C................................................

Walking through the corridors of the castle Morris walked up to me. Looking up I gave a bored expression as he started chuckling. I looked around to see anyone around us but no one. Morris opened his eyes as they weren't his normal maroon color eyes but pure green. Taking a step back as Morris slivered closer to me. He pulled out a long sword bigger than him as he swung it at me. I vanished out of the way as Morris' crazed look remained. I widen my eyes as I realize this was the evil presence I felt so many times. Morris kept swinging the sword back and forth as I dodge each attack. But as the swinging continued I backed up into a dead end.

Nowhere else to go Morris swung one more time slashing me across the chest as his eyes reverted to his normal maroon eyes returned as Lenix slashed him down with his own sword. Lenix ran over to me as he yelled for T'sul Kalu. He carefully picked me up as his long black hair shinned in the light as my blood drip onto the floor.

"Lenix it's okay I have a plan and T'sul Kalu knows it"
"What are you crazy Kur-sama?"
"Don't worry I'll be back to destroy this evil"

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