Chapter 16

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Present Day ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kur looked up at 'her' with a scowl on his face. A light breeze careless'd the grass and the leaves on the tree's. Biting his lip Kur watch as shadow possessed people walk out of the tree line. She smiled down on Kur as she jumped off the high place and landed gracefully onto the forest floor. "My, my they figured out how to turn you back already, fufufufufu. Pathetic little beings oh well I'll just have to do it the hard way I guess," she said as she twirled a necklace around her fingers. A spell binding necklace, Lenix grit his teeth as Kur took a step forward towards the puppet. She smiled before her smile turned to a frown as Kur ripped the key necklace off from around his neck and held it out in front of him.

His eyes glowed the all familiar orange glow as wind swirled around him. "Thy name shall be cleanse and pure through the heavens and thy earth names. I, Kur, thy king of death hereby's call upon thy power of the living to lay thy waste to thy shadow realm's corruptor  and destroy an evil spirit. Hear my name father and bless me my true power," Kur's voice rang out as Ennard and Axel popped out of the glowing orb and sat there in astound as the light faded away and there stood Kur pure black dragon-like wings as swords hung in midair pointing at the possessed puppet. Taking a step back she gasped as Kur took a step forward and smiled, "This is my true form, quite the sight right. Are you scared now." 

"How can this be you ran away from everything but yet such power you hold. Just who are you?" her voice filled with terror as Kur took another step towards her. His now bright orange eyes looking dead into her fogged ones. Smiling the swords came to life and pointed at the shadow's that were surrounding them. "I'm Kur, the first son of the Death Empire. Though I hate to admit I'm not really fond of the Death Realm really. But it's what is in my faith now welcome your doom. Scar the souls of sinners Dāku," Kur called out as Dāku formed into a crescent-moon shaped scythe and landed in his hands. Looking at Lenix Kur gave a small smile before closing his eyes. She took another step back before yelling at the shadow's to charge at Kur.

They rushed at Kur but didn't make it to 12 feet in front of him before a swift swing of Dāku and they were all gone. Astound Lenix watched as Kur reopened his eyes as more shadows formed around him. Kur looked back at them and smiled as Ennard came rushing from who knows where and transformed into a whole new transformation. He had both of his icy blue eyes his hair color changed from white to Red as his special ability gone off and had bigger eyes. Once again the amazing coursed through everyone as their appearances changed and they looked at Kur. With a simple smile he attacked a few more shadow's before saying, "This only lasts until dawn so have fun killing all of them with a single attack I'll deal with 'her'." 

As fast as he lifted up Dāku (scythe form) he was over by the possessed puppet. She pulled out what looked like meat cleavers and tried to block Kur's attack. (So I'm mostly focus on the fight between Kur and the shadow than anything else) Kur retracted Dāku and blocked her advance and throw her on the other side of the clearing. She looked up before growling and jumped swinging a cleaver at Kur's head. Dodging her advance he grabbed a hold of one of her hands and brought her close trapping her.

"You have lost give  up now and maybe we can talk things over," Kur yelled as she struggled in his grip. "Never," she screamed as she bit down on the fabric of Kur's trench coat. Growling Kur let go for only a moment before grabbing a hold of the mask on top of her head and held it in his hand. She turned around and shouted at Kur, "Give that back, it's mine."Kur looked carefully at the mask and saw a frown instead of a smile. 

Giving a sad sigh he looked back at the puppet and brought the mask up to his face, "let's see what happened to you my dear little sad puppet." Placing the mask over his eyes a whole cinematic record displayed in front of him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kur's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before the possession~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A little girl looked up another boy who was smiling. "Big brother is acting strange don't you think so too Mari," her voice rang out with sadness. "Yes he is I hope it's nothing serious, Rebecca," Mari answered back sighing. Just then a dark aura exploded from the door as shadows surrounded them in the room. Frighten expressions came from Rebecca as she watched their older brother walk into the room with a red tint in them. Afraid Mari pulled out a amulet looking thing and held it up in front of him. "RUN!!!!" Mari yelled to Rebecca as the amulet activated and started to suck up their older brother. 

Horror filled her eyes as their older brother screamed while being sucked into the amulet. The older brother looked over to Rebecca and cursed something underneath his breath. By the time Mari noticed it was already to late. As the dark aura came out of their older brother and made it's way to Rebecca. Going through her body Rebecca screamed before fainting. Mari ran over to Rebecca but was forced back by a force field, violently. A red glow came from Rebecca's body as she sat up and gave Mari an evil smile. Shocked couldn't describe what Mari had witnessed. Running as fast as he could Mari entered the pizzeria out of breath and quiet. 

"Why did this have to happen she's too young. Please anyone help don't let her soul be engulfed in this evilness. Save our little sister, Rebecca," Mari screamed upwards as purple tears stained his cheeks.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Present Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Third POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kur took off the mask as he looked over at the aura surrounding her. Gritting his teeth as things couldn't get more difficult as it already was, to be able to free her soul is to do an actual rebirth'ing on the soul itself. So Raising Dāku Kur slashed at the air, "Come and get me." This angered her as she took off towards Kur. Smiling Kur easily dodged her thoughtless attacks. Even blocking them was a breeze before he placed his right hand over her face. "You're done time to extinguish this evil that corrupts you deeply, young child," Kur said as a blast erupted from his hand and destroyed her whole body. 

With the particles floating around Kur saw the dark aura leave trying to escape but soon Dāku slashed straight through the dark aura and Kur sighed as the aura turned into ashes. Looking back at Rebecca's destroyed body he closed his eyes as power surged around him creating the barrier and calling the particles towards him. Carefully he held out his arms as the particles started to form a body from scratch. Piece by piece everything returned to it's original state. Smiling he watched as the others finished off the last shadows and everything started to brighten up as the morning sun peeked out from behind the horizon. 

Slowly the upgrades started to fade away and they frowned as they lost the new found power only slightly disappointed that the don't have it anymore. Kur turned to the others as he let go of Rebecca before falling backwards out of the sky. Lenix and Axel saw this and started to run towards Kur's falling form as it changed back to his more human look. Candy caught Rebecca with ease as Lenix jumped up in the air to only be hit with the force of Kur's fall. Axel swiped the ground as it covered the ground in water and caught both Lenix and Kur making the landing much softer.

"Thanks Axel I owe you, but what about Kur will he be okay," Lenix sat up and looked over to Kur who was laying on his back breathing softly. "Yes he will, he's just exhausted from the power surge he displayed. Let's just get those who need the help inside and we'll deal with the rest as we go alright," Axel said calmly as Gold and Ennard came running over to see what was going on. 


Wow that was amazing sorry for the slow updating I've been busy and I'll be slowly updating the stories just not as fast as I use to because I'm busy and such

Word count including A/N 1487

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