Chapter 8

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Kur smiled as he watch everyone run around getting ready for the holidays. Kur was in the kitchen with Bonnie and Freddy cooking thanksgiving dinner. Clyde was running all over the place decorating like a madman on a sugar high. Rat and Candy was setting up the tree as well as Gold and Spring setting up the train set above everyones heads on the shelf out in the main dinning area. After they regained Rat from 'her' the whole city fell apart and when everyone tried to return no one remembered them. So everyone returned with the group and everyone was getting along. It turned out that Masaya was one of 'her' tools but Kur made swift work of 'her' control already. 

Yawning Kur stirred the gravy once more before turning off the burner. Looking over at Keiichiro he smiled as both Ennard and Keiichiro was cooking and baking the sweets for the thanksgiving dinner. Lenix walked into the kitchen carrying something heavy as Red came in after him carrying in more. "So Kur why is this place so busy ever though everyone should be home being with families" Lenix asked as he set the boxes on the counter clear from any cooking. Mike walked in exhausted as he plumped his butt on the stool next to the counter where Lenix stood, "many families have two parents that work and really it's almost like a daycare half of the time and half of these kids are from the orphanage trying to see if anyone would take them home and adopt them." 

Lenix raised an eyebrow over at Mike and shook his head, "So basically you give children a chance to have real families and have fun eh?" Mike nodded and closed his eyes. Kur chuckled as he walked over to the exhausted Mike sleeping on the stool. "So shall we do our norm of closing the Dinner around 4 or keep it open for the children" Kur said as he sat beside Mike. "Keep it open a little bit longer Kur since the parents are late tonight" Mike mumbled as he waved his hand in the air. Lenix smiled as Kisshu and Pai walked into the kitchen. Clyde plopped down in the room as everyone joined to start bringing out the food. 

The last of the group of children left as Clyde closed the doors and smiled, "yay! All done now let's eat this delicious meal that everyone prepared for today." Three tables were pushed together as a chair was set a the beginning for Kur to sit down. The table was set as everyone crowded around and started to share stories. Kur tapped a spoon against the glass cup to get everyones attention. Everyone stopped talking and and looked over at Kur. Kur stood up and smiled as he started to talk, "We gather here with friends young and all, may have past problems but now we celebrate as a family and have this love for each other like no other. We shall be victorious as the morning sun rises above the clouds. I raise a glass of fine grape juice to our team work and victorious bravery. We toast to our family!"

"Agree!" Lenix stood up and smiled as everyone followed suit. They started eating the meal and Ryou cut the turkey and served out the turkey. With everyone smiling and laughing you couldn't even tell that the world outside was dark and cruel. That's the true spirit of thanksgiving................. Sorry to interrupt and all but I wish everyone a happy thanksgiving and hope that everyone has a good family time with their families cause I know I will.... sorry for the short chapter will get better ones out later right now spending time with family bye-bye

I'm DJ Midnight-sama and I'll always be solving the mystery bye-bye

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