Chapter 15

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ twelve years ago~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Midnight's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was like every normal kid in my class. Well not totally normal. I couldn't speak I couldn't talk to anyone with out a someone helping me to do so. What was my purpose here if I couldn't even speak. I tried asking the kind lady but she just gave me a glare before turning her back to me and then telling things that I didn't say to my parents. I wasn't deaf I could hear perfectly well and what the lady told my parents were complete lies. She always put words in my mouth though I couldn't speak. No one noticed me that much and it was quiet around me. 

It wasn't like this I use to be loved but that was a long time ago and I don't care anymore. Placing my backpack on the floor by my bed I started to work on my homework that no one will ever help me do. Looking out the window I saw snow fall softly onto the ground. Another long winter I guess but I can't judge or really state my opinion really but, oh well, writing down all my answers I placed my homework into my folder then walked over to my music box on the other side of my room. It was the last gift I've received from my parents before that woman came here.

Winding up such a small music box a soft melody started to play and with my skirt I started to softly dance to the sweet tune. There was a little lullaby that I created but I couldn't sing it. Softly the music swayed my body back and forth as the sweet melody carried me. The little box stopped suddenly as I opened my eyes there stood the woman that made my life hard. She had knocked my music box to the floor and stomped on it. "Such a pathetic thing. Grow up would you stupid brat," her harsh voice rang out as she walked over to me. With a quick movement she slapped my right cheek and started yelling at me. 

I put my hands over my ears trying to block out all of her yelling as tears welled up in my eyes. She hated children she would scream at me over and over again. Saying we are nothing but trash and a waste of space. Wasn't she once a child too, I've always wondered but never questioned it. She then started trashing my room and when my parents came home she told them I trashed my room. I couldn't say anything cause they don't understand sign language to be able to understand me. They were angry at me and told me I was sleeping in the downstairs closet for the night. Laying down I cried silent sobs and I want to go away.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 years later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Entering middle school, it only got worst as the lady would say I was talking back and saying swears and I would be in detention half of the time because of her. I never made friends due to this small problem. Walking in the house I saw her again smoking a cigarette while reading my favorite book that I had bought with the little money I earned while finding a stray cat for a nice old lady. Then I watched in horror as she ripped it right in my face. Page by page. Piece by piece. Before she left it on the table with the cover laying open for me to see. 

When my parents came home the lady told them yet another lie and I had to sleep outside and in the little dog house. We did have a dog but mom and dad treated as if the dog was more important than me. Shivering I watch as the snow falls to the ground. Such pretty snow flakes but I can never be so. Reaching out my hand I letted them fall on my hand and watch them melt. So pretty but so fragile like my soul. Closing my eyes and going to bed to only wake up on the porch. Sitting up I saw someone with red on banging on the door and yelling at my parents. 

The person had long red hair, as red as an apple and wore glasses that hanged on the bridge of their nose. My father took a step out of the house and pushed the person back, "well she's our daughter and we can do whatever we want to her." Of course you would say that father. But what shocked me what the stranger said, "I'll get authority's to check on her and I'll make sure they take her away from you cause a young lady should never be treated like this---- this is inhumane and no one deserves this." The voice was a high pitch male voice. 

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