Chapter 11

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Kur smiled as he walked up to Ryuko and Mako. Ryuko looked over at him and smiled as Mako ran off trying to catch her flying lunch box. "Hey Dr. Zane so what's up?" Ryuko spoke as Kur sat down next to her. "Ryuko theres something that I need to tell you but you must be calm and patient in this matter alright" Kur said as he looked over at Ryuko. Ryuko nodded her head as Kur sighed before speaking once again, "I'm not what you think I am Kur I use to travel the world before life fibers even existed and I met them once long ago. The life fibers were a girl with long flowing red hair and wore only a slim white dress wondering aimlessly throughout the woods. I came across her and she thought of me as a threat and tried attacking me. I showed no movement as I know she didn't know any better due to her youth on this planet."

"What happened next?" Ryuko asked as Kur looked over at Ryuko and smiled. His hair blew at the sudden gush of wind and spoke once more, "She stopped in midair wondering why I haven't moved or show any fear. I took this chance to extend my hand to her and say, 'theres no need to fear me. You and I are one in the same.' She landed smoothly and asked, 'why are we the same?' I smiled softly and said, 'we both have others that fear who we are. All we ask is to be at peace with others but they don't understand. We may be different but all we want is to be friends with others.' She stared at me before smiling and running up to me. Not to attack but gave me a hug and started sobbing. Holding her gently she snuggled into my ragged old clothes and smiled. She let her life fibers extend and gently she fixed my old ragged clothes." 

Kur looked over at Ryuko as her eyes shinned the same color as they did so long ago in his memory. He smiled as Ryuko started to remember her past, "She said to me, 'thank you, I like your thinking and how you see things. Teach me how to be alive like you.' I just humbly smiled and showed her around the world and she started smiling and became more familiar to the surroundings. We got split up for a few years before coming back together as I built the kingdom known by many. But there was a time when something sinister came about and wanted me dead. Carefully I only told T'sul Kalu a human that was a boy when he first started traveling with me a plan to save me soul so that way the evil could not get their hands on my soul. With careful planning and a spell that was forbidden I was able to transfer my soul to this time period and once again save this world from having it destroyed. All I ask of you Ryuko is to remember you past life line that's all I ask come back to me 'Lucina'"

Ryuko's eyes glowed red as memories started to refile the missing pieces of her life. Kur sat and watched as Satsuki and the Elite Four came over to where Kur and Ryuko were. Ryuko's eyes dimmed as her eyes looked directly at Kur as she smiled before fainting into Kur's arms. "What just happened?" Satsuki asked as she walked up to Kur. "A trigger to her real memory she blocked it for a reason and now I can see why T'sul Kalu told Lenix but his people were after him to know all the secrets so Lucina took all of that and stored it deeply into her memory and cause herself self harm just to protect the secrets that she kept. But now since I've returned she can rest easy. Here take her to somewhere much more comfortable" Kur handed Ryuko to Uzu as his eyes widen and Kur walked away with a smile on his face.

Uzu looked at Satsuki and nodded her head before Uzu walked off in the other direction and Satsuki tried to catch up to Kur. She looked over to where Iori and Ennard was running up to them, "Lady Satsuki where's Kur?" Ennard grit his teeth as Iori spoke. "He's right over there why? What happened?" Satsuki asked in a worried manner before a big explosion happened behind her. Turning around she saw the one thing she hated to see at the moment. Nui Harime. The blond with the pigtails happily walked towards them before Kur took a step in front of Nui's pathway. "Huh? Who are you?" Nui asked as Kur turned his head and chuckled a little.

"Someone that you don't want to mess with you may be made entirely out of life fibers but you are not real only made by a desire by someone evil" Kur blurted out as Nui took a step back before trying to attack Kur with her umbrella but failed as Kur held a sheathed Dāku where Nui's umbrella intercepted. A spark came off of Dāku as Kur starred down Nui and with sheer power blown her back without much lifting a finger. Nui stood in astound as Kur lowered Dāku and smiled, "Shocked. Amazed. You can be many things but they don't surprise me and though daring to try that you would have to have guts or being stupid. I am many things but my name is Kur." 

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