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Hey, guys!!  Sorry, I know it's been forever since I've posted.  I haven't felt very motivated to write lately, but that doesn't mean I'm ending this book.  I've noticed so many writers saying that they're done, and that's sad.  I miss getting their updates.  Anyway, I'm still going to keep writing, even if I'm a bit slow with posting.  Hope you guys don't mind. :)

This wasn't a request.  I really enjoy reading diabetic stories for some reason, but I don't find them very often, so I decided to write one myself.  I had to do a lot of research and I hope it's okay and not too inaccurate.  I hope you like it!

Word Count: 4,344


Harry woke up and yawned, stretching out his long limbs as he did so. Louis slept peacefully beside him, curled up in several blankets. He leaned down and pressed a light kiss to Louis's cheek before picking up his phone to check the time. His eyes widened in shock as he saw that they were supposed to have gotten up nearly an hour ago, and they were definitely going to be late, no matter how much they rushed. Unfortunately, management didn't take too kindly to tardiness, and the later they were, the worse it would be.

Harry jumped out of bed and grabbed the clothes closest to him from off the floor, not caring if anything matched. He grabbed some more clothes and tossed them to Louis. He was pretty sure the shirt he threw to him was his own, but he shrugged it off; Louis liked to wear his stuff, anyway.

"Louis, babe! Get up. We're ridiculously late!" Harry nearly shouted at Louis, rousing him from his sleep a lot less sweetly than he normally would.

Louis groggily opened his eyes and blinked several times, trying to figure out what was going on. "Why are there clothes thrown at me, Haz?" he asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"Hurry up and put them on! We're really late!" Harry said, not bothering to explain, but he didn't need to. Louis jumped up and began dressing, suddenly wide awake.

Once they shoved their feet into some shoes and ran a hand through their hair to look less like they just rolled out of bed (even though they had), they ran down the stairs two at a time.

"No time for breakfast," Harry said, grabbing the keys from the small table by the front door. "We really need to get going."

Louis nodded at his words and followed him out the door, climbing into the passenger side of their car as Harry got behind the wheel. He inserted the key and started the engine, quickly backing out of the driveway and onto the road.

They made it to their destination in record time, although they were 45 minutes late. They rushed inside and basically ran down the hall, stopping outside the meeting room long enough to catch their breaths. When they were ready, they pushed open the door, every head turning to look at them as they entered.

Liam and Niall looked at them with raised eyebrows, their expressions both questioning and sympathetic. Members of management, however, scowled at them, their piercing eyes glaring at them as they awkwardly came in and took seats at the table beside the other boys.

Tension was thick in the stuffy room, silence permeating the air as they all stared at the two late boys, while Harry and Louis looked down at the table, not wanting to meet the condescending eyes of the men and women in suits.

"Nice of you boys to join us," one of the women said haughtily after checking her watch for the time. She looked down at them for a couple of seconds before continuing. "I expect you two have a legitimate reason for being late, yes?" she questioned, straightening her suit jacket.

"Uh...we forgot to set an alarm, I guess," Harry said, trailing off, not making eye contact.

"I see. I suggest you don't make a habit of being late. I would just hate to have to...separate you troublemakers," she said with a small smirk as she rapped her long, manicured nails along the glass tabletop. She glowered at them for a moment longer before picking up her stack of papers and continuing on with the meeting as if nothing had happened.

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