Upset Stomach-Louis

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This one was a request for @LouisTommoLover91

I really hope you like it!


"Come on, babe!" Harry called up the stairs as he zipped up his boots.

"Coming!" Louis yelled, running down the stairs while pulling a shirt over his head.

"Careful, love. I don't want you to trip. Watch where you're going!" Harry said with concern, although he chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," he said, smoothing his shirt down, grabbing his shoes and pushing his feet into some Adidas once he had caught up to Harry at the bottom of the stairs.

"Ready?" Harry asked, one hand resting on the door knob.

"Yep," Louis replied, grabbing the keys from the small table beside the door.

The two boys hopped into their car and Louis drove them to the park across town to meet up with Liam and Niall. They had decided that since it was their day off, they wanted to have a lazy, quiet day together, but, at the same time, they wanted to get out of the house, rather than having a movie marathon as they would normally do. Niall had offered to bring food, so they decided to make it a picnic party.

Louis parked the car and the two boys got out and walked over to the open field beside the playground, spotting Liam and Niall sitting underneath a tall, shady tree. They had spread out a large blanket and were setting out food that Niall had brought.

"Oi!" Louis called out, waving at them as they made their way over.

"Glad you guys could finally join us. I was afraid I wouldn't be able stop Niall from eating the food for much longer," Liam said, grinning.

"Hey! I can't help it if I'm hungry and this food smells delicious!" Niall said defensively, arms crossed over his chest, but he was smiling.

"Well, we're here now," Louis said, plopping down on the blanket beside Niall.

"Had to wait on Lou. He didn't want to get out of bed this morning," Harry said, sitting down on the blanket beside Louis, pulling his long legs into a criss-cross position.

Louis gave him a look before turning to the other lads. "What? It's our day off. I wanted to catch up on sleep," he said, shrugging.

"He didn't get up until I reminded him about our day out together," Harry explained.

Louis nodded. "Wouldn't want to miss this for the world," he said, a smirk forming over his features as he continued. "Although, it would've been better if we could've gotten together in the evening, not bloody eleven in the morning on a day off," he said, shaking his head.

"Yeah, well, whatever. What's the fun of getting together if it only lasts for a few hours? This way, we can spend the whole day together!" Liam said cheerfully, making Louis shrug.

"Okay, this is great and all, but I'm starving and the food is getting cold," Niall said impatiently.

"How about we dig in, yeah? What did you bring?" Harry asked, looking around at the Tupperware containers strewn about the blanket.

Niall grinned widely. "What didn't I bring?" he said, waggling his eyebrows. "I've got potato salad, fruit, beans, mixed veggies. . ." he rattled off, pointing to each container in turn. "Crisps," he added, placing the bag on the blanket, "and, of course. . ." he said, reaching behind him and grabbing two pizza boxes before placing them on the blanket with the rest of the food. "PIZZA!" he exclaimed.

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