Frights, Screams, and Injuries

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My sister and I came up with this prompt together and decided to both write it.  She's already written it and you can check it out at her profile itsgonnabemay5 .  I wrote mine before I read hers, but it's funny how they turned out a bit similarly, anyway.

I hope you guys enjoy it!  Happy Halloween!!

Word Count: 3,168


Harry and Louis sat on the swing on their front porch, slowly and lazily rocking it back and forth as they cuddled together, Harry leaning into Louis's embrace. They looked at the quiet street ahead of them, watching the few cars that would occasionally pass. There was a chill in the air, made worse whenever the breeze would blow, but neither boy minded. Harry would simply nuzzle up to Louis even more as Louis smiled before taking a sip of his steaming hot chocolate. They watched as a gust of wind rattled the leaves in the tree rooted in their front lawn. The red and gold leaves seemed to be ablaze as they danced in the breeze, a few of them falling and swirling along in the current before raining down and resting on the freshly mowed grass.

Harry sighed peacefully before pulling their shared blanket a little closer to his chin. Louis leaned down and placed a kiss to the top of Harry's head. "What's the sigh for, love?" Louis asked softly.

Harry took a moment before answering, still watching the falling leaves in awe. He shrugged slightly. "It's just so beautiful, you know? Fall time. It's my favorite," he answered, bringing his own mug to his lips to sip at his hot chocolate as well, blowing on it first since it was still rather hot.

Louis hummed contentedly and nodded. "Yeah. I love it as well. Quite stunning, really," he said in agreement, watching a leaf flutter gently down not too far from them. "Plus," he added, "it's really nice to do, you know...this," he said simply, and Harry didn't need any more of an explanation to understand what he was getting at. As busy as they were, it was truly a wonderful thing when they could share a day together, and today was especially nice, what with the nice, cool weather, falling leaves, and the hot chocolate. It almost felt surreal to the two boys, like it was too good to be true. It was one of those magical moments that they both wished they could save away in a scrapbook and relive whenever they wanted. Memories would have to suffice, but that wouldn't be a problem; this moment was so special, they knew it'd be ingrained in their memories forever.

Louis sipped his drink, his expression turning thoughtful. "How'd you like to go out tonight? Have a bit of fun?" Louis asked, looking down at Harry.

"Sure," Harry answered. "Got anything in mind?"

Louis nodded. "Yeah, I've got a few ideas..." he trailed off.

Harry looked up at him and raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Care to share?"

"No, not really," Louis said, smirking. "It'll be a surprise."

Harry sighed, but knew better than to push him for more information. He's tried in the past and it never got him anywhere. Louis wouldn't crack, so there was no point in trying. "Fine," he said a bit annoyed.

Louis laughed lightly. "Oh, come on, love! It'll be great!" he said, smiling widely. Harry couldn't help but smile back.

"You're lucky I love you," Harry said, grinning.

Louis grinned back. "I know, and I love you, too, babe," he said in return, and the two boys leaned forward and joined their lips together in a slow and loving kiss that warmed up the both of them more than all the blankets or hot chocolate in the world could ever do.

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