OMG does he like me?!

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Bellas p.o.v

"Earth to Jacob are u there?" I said laughing
"Oh sorry I was just thinking about your bea-
He ended the sentence there.

      Bellas p.o.v

All I could think about was what he was going to say I honestly thought he was gonna say beautiful but he didnt say the whole word if he would have said he was thinking about my beautiful something I would have freaked out in happiness I have like Jacob ever since 2nd grade and have been best friends with him since kindergarten as we grew up I began to have more and more feelings for him but I knew I could never tell him because it would be a 80% chance of it ruining our friendship but know I'm kinda getting the feeling he likes me but im not sure...
As we are standing here and me lost in thought he just stands there with and embarrassed look on his face and a "it almost came out of my mouth" look, we stood there in complete silence until he broke the awkward silence...

Jacob's p.o.v

      We stood there in complete silence she was probably just thinking of what I was gonna say she has no idea how much I love her I know she's my best friend but I want to be more than that. I finally broke the awkward silence and said
"" I said
"Thanks for what?"she askes confused "about helping me with those fan girls" I say putting my hand behind my neck."
"Oh that, its nothing I will always help you no matter what your my best friend" but I wish we were something more she added under her breath A.K.A whispering A.K.A talking to herself. Wait...OMG did I here what i think I heard she wish we were something more she felt the same way I do well... At least thats what I think she said I dont know for sure

Bellas p.o.v

      when I said that last part his eyes opened wide in happiness then as he was thinking his eyes slowly went down in sadness. "What's wrong why so sad all out of a sudden?"  I Say
"Oh nothing im ok" he says with a smile
"Oh snap what time is it?" I asked he hurries up and looks at his phone its 8:15
School starts at 8:00
"Shoot were late on the first day" he says we pull out our schedules that they gave us yesterday and we have all of our classes together."wow thats amazing how we Have all of our classes together we get to be with each other the whole day bon stop" he says in excitement "yea this is great but we better get going because were gonna be even more late if we keep chattering" I say laughing "yea your right lets go" he says
So we walk to class and when we get to our class
My feet stop right by the class but not in the door way "Jacob im nervous" I say in a nervous voice he hugs me and tells me in my ear " its ok your gonna be ok were gonna be ok and if you need me im always here for you" he says in my ear that causes shivers down my body then I nod and we walk in the class room everyone is still getting in there seats which is weird because were supposely late me and Jacob ran to some seats and we sat next to each other. As I was looking around to see all of my classmates my eyes landed one one boy he was alone with a hoodie over his head he has beautiful brown perfectly quifed hair he was as tall as jacob a little bit taller
And his eyes were so dreamy he was perfect he is really cute and I mean like really cute. When he looked my way he smiled at me but he didn't noticed Jacob was there his smile is to die for i smiled back and blushed then I looked away but I couldn't help it but stare back when he looked away and OMG when he turned around were he wasn't looking at me he was blushing to he's adorable! This is Daniel

 When he looked my way he smiled at me but he didn't noticed Jacob was there his smile is to die for i smiled back and blushed then I looked away but I couldn't help it but stare back when he looked away and OMG when he turned around were he wasn'...

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     Jacob's p.o.v

So I was looking through my back pack for something then I noticed Bella was looking at something or somebody when I saw who she was looking at my mouth dropped it was Daniel skye (lets just say Daniel and jacob don't like each other for some reason but they are friends in real life
Just not in the story but its just pretend)
Me and Daniel dont get along very well if you ask me theres not a real reason for it its just natural then Daniel turned to her and smiled at her and OMG he blushed I never saw him  blush and wait OMG so did bella do they like each other no it cant be bella looked away then stared again and that look she had I know that look its that OMG THAT BOY IS SO DREAMY look I had to stop this "do you know who he is?" I asked her
She jumped a little and was kinda embarrassed for staring  "" she said stuttering " do you know jacob?" She asked
"Unfortunately I do his name is daniel skye" I say with a frown "how do you know him and I'm guessing you don't like him" she said "no I dont like him and he goes on tour with me" I said "why dont you like him?" she asked "I dont know I just dont" I said

       Daniels p.o.v

So its the first day of school and when I go to my class I see this beautiful girl. I smiled at her and she smiled back. Omg her smile is to die for her smile is gorgeous and its even cuter when she blushes and I blushed too. Omg I never blushed for a girl before. Every thing was perfect until I saw Jacob, he's sitting next to her. As me and her was having are little blush/smile/stare moment he was giving me a death glare I could easily tell he was jealous so I'm guessing he likes her I mean who wouldn't she's beautiful and I bet she's the sweetest girl alive so after we stoped looking at each other her and Jacob started  talking her and jacob seem to get  along well but I will get along better with her. Now I am determined to make her mine.

     So hey guys I want you to vote team jacob or team daniel just tell me who you like better

While I was writing this I was kinda laughing my butt off lol im updating again umm...let me think NOW SO CHECK IT OUT BYEEE lOVE YOU ALL!

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