The party

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       Skip to after a month sorry guys its just that i wanna get to the gucci stuff you know lol

           Bellas p.o.v

So me and daniel have been together for a month now and things are ok i guess.

me and jacob are still friends but i dont know why we wouldnt be its just that me and jacob have been more distant than we used to be.

my other bff amina (by the way guys i forgot to mention my two other girl BFFs in the story are amina and melonie) told me that rebecca (another popular girl but not a hoe she's actually really nice and funny were actually friends but we dont talk that much)

rebecca told me that she was gonna have a party and that i should go but i said ill think about it. But i guess i had forgoten about it so amina bought it up and insisted i go.

So what choice did i have. The party was tonight i didnt know what to wear so i called up my two little fashion nistas to help me and they came immediately.

We went to my room and they looked in my closet. They came out with nothing in there hands and with disgusted looks on melonie said "this wardrobe sucks" amina said "totally" i said "well i dont just have ball gowns in my closet like Cinderella"

Amina said "well i do good thing i always come prepared for my little baby that dosent have any taste in style" i said "first off im older than you second i have taste i just dont use it i guess" melonie says "mhmm"

Then amina pulls out a really cute outfit for me but although it was abit to revealing

                  Pic below👇

I had nothing else to wear so i had to go woth it this was aminas dress

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I had nothing else to wear so i had to go woth it this was aminas dress

              Aminas dress👇

             Melonies dress👇

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             Melonies dress👇

         So after we was done with our make up,hair and telling eachother how good we look we headed towards the party

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         So after we was done with our make up,hair and telling eachother how good we look we headed towards the party.

When We got there the house had lights coming from the windows kids from our school on the front yard drunk. I could tell there was drinking going on inside.

When i knocked on the door a few times rebecca opended it and smiled in excitement she said "bella you came i thought you werent gonna come im so happy, oh hey girls melonie and amina im glad you convinced her to come i bet it was hard"

They both said "no it wasn't that bad and were glad were here you look great rebecca" i said "yea you do" she said "aww thx but not better than you guys, any ways enough chit chat get you butts in here and lets party"

We all walked in and the smell of alcohol and beer took over your sense of smell. Then you asked rebecca "hey did daniel or jacob come?" she said "yea they both came" i said "oh ok were are they?"

She said "jacob is in the kitchen and Daniel is somewhere but i don't know were" i said "ok thx" we all then split up i went to the kitchen to see jacob when i went in the kitchen i saw jacob with some soda he doesn't drink.

I said "heyyyy jacob wassup" he just stares at you with his jaw droped then he finally said "heyyyy bella you came and you amazing as always and i have been ok but i haven't been doing much how about you"

I blush and say "thx and same here so what ya been doing here?" he said "oh uh nun i just been hoping to see you here" you say "awww im here now but wait for me in the living room im gonna go find Daniel"

He said "ok fine" so i left to go find daniel i see one of his friends and ask "hey guys were is daniel" he says "oh hey bella first of all you look hot but dont tell Daniel i said that and second he is upstairs"

I say "thx and i wont tell and thx again for the help see ya later" he says "ok shorty see ya later" i laugh and head upstairs and while im walking upstairs i here kissing sounds.

Then i hear a familiar girls voice say Daniels name so i slow down then i peek around the conner and saw what i never wanted to see lyla and my freaking boyfriend Daniel making out.

I started to cry then Daniel saw and called my namr but i just ran down stairs when i was about to leave out the door i saw jacob and he saw me but i just ran out the door.

The someone called my name but it wasn't daniel it was jacob i turned aroung with tears streaming down my face and jacob hugged me and said "what happened?!"

I say crying "d-d- Daniel cheated on me with l-l-lyla" he said "its ok its ok im here" i just hug him tight then i looked up at him and he looked at me after 10 long seconds of looking into each others eyes he started to lean in and so did i the our lips touched the kiss lasted for 1 min and the whole time it felt like firecrackers were going off and i could tell he felt it to.

When we broke apart we both smiled and all my tears were dry.

Then jacob said "bella i know this will probably ruin our friendship but i have to tell you i cant keep holding back my feelings from you I've liked you since i could remember and i don't like you anymore....i...i...i love you bella and you would make me so happy if you would be my girlfriend and i know you probably dont like m- i cut him off by kissing him he kissed back and once again i felt sparks.

Then i said "jacob i love you too and of course i will be you girlfriend!" he smiled at me and we kissed again then we broke apart and he had an ear to ear smile and i know i had one too.

Then he intertwined our fingers and we started to walk to my house the walk was silent but not an awkward silent a good silent when we got to my house it was really dark and late.

I Said "Jacob maybe you should stay tonight its late and its dangerous to be out alone at this time"

Then he said "are you sure you want me to stay" i say "of course" he smiled and said "ok i will" you both smiled and walked inside but you didn't know if  your parents were awake or asleep so i told jacob to go wait on my bedroom window and he nodded and left.

I went inside and my dad was sitting on the couch looking mad.

Uh oh

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