Break up

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              Jacobs p.o.v

I was hanging out with bella but i could tell something was bothering her. "Are u ok bella?" i asked her " uh fine"she said looking away i pulled her face to face mine "tell me whats wrong"

She stayed quiet for a moment then spoke "well uh jacob your gonna get mad and im really sorry for what i did..." i was confused.

"What did u do bella please tell me" she looked up at me then looked down "i....i...i lost my...virginity....sorry" i was shocked at what just happened.

Then i got furious not at her but at who took advantage of her. "Who did you do it with?"  "j...joey" that bastard how dare he do this to my girl.

I hugged her and she hugged me. I couldn't take it i tilted her head up and leaned in and she did as well our lips touched it was magical. I missed her lips on mine.

           Bellas p.o.v

I pulled away quickly and covered my mouth i thought about mark what if he finds out. I feel bad for mark i do love him but i love jacob way more.

"Im sorry" he said "its ok but what about mark" Jacob didnt answer at first then he spoke "i dont know just keep it a secret from him" i nodded and felt guilty.

"Um i should head back to my place its getting late..." he nodded i was about to leave but i turned around and hugged him tight he hugged back tighter.

We let go and i left.

     Next morning at school

I walked in the school qnd searched for mark but lucky me didn't find him. I looked everywhere until it came to the field.

He was standing there talking to his friends he didn't notice me. I walked up to him. "Hi mark" he was smiling when he looked at me his smile disappeared "oh hey bella"

"I know what happened between you and jacob yesterday and i kinda saw it coming because we dont hang out anymore its just you and jacob so for that i think we should brake up" he said mean.

I was heart broken yea i love jacob but i love mark too and he just broke my heart. I was speechless.

"Mark it was a mis-" he cut me off "just save it i should've known you were just a thirsty hoe" i was shocked at his words and ran off crying.

"I cant believe this" i said mentally i kept running i bumped into someone "oh...uh im sorry i was-" the boy cut me off "bella are you ok why are you crying?!"

It was jacob

"Oh uh hi jacob" i said sobbing a bit "yea hi what happened?" i looked down "well mark found out about the kiss and he broke up with me but he was being such a jerk and called me a thirsty hoe" when i said 'hoe' i busted out in tears.

I could see jacobs face turn red he was mad he hugged me quick and said "ill be right back" he walked off.

         Jacobs p.o.v

Mark is gonna pay for hurting bella he is gonna get taught a lesson. Someone has to teach him not to hurt girls and im that someone.

         Marks p.o.v

I was talking with my friends when someone called my name "MARK!" i turned to see an angry jacob walking towards me.

"What the hell is your problem why did you call bella a thirsty hoe im the one who kissed her and when i did she ran out of my house she's not the one who has done bad its me and your so stupid you broke up with her you were lucky to have her while you did but you threw it all in the trash!" i felt so bad right now but i played it off as if i didn't care.

"I dont really care bella is a hoe and always will be im glad i dumped that sorry hoe" OMG did i just say that.

Jacob was so angry right now he punched me so hard "dont you ever call bella a hoe cause she's not she's the best girlfriend you'll ever have but you dont have her now so look for some hoe to mess with, your gonna miss bella!"

He walked away and my nose was bleeding. I wasn't even gonna go after him because i deserved it.

I cant believe i did that to bella im such a jerk.

         Bellas p.o.v

I was sitting in front of a locker crying my eyes out when i felt strong warm arms wrap around me.

It was jacob i hugged him back i really needed him right now.

"I love you jacob" i said to him
"I love you too baby girl" i hugged him tighter and even though were not dating it felt
Like it.

And it felt good.

Hey guys merry Christmas and happy new year hope you have a nice one and hope you enjoyed

Thank you

     Love ya💓💗❤💚💜💙

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