in the middle of awkwardness

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Skip to lunch
Sorry its just that it boring in class we go

        Bellas p.o.v

So I walk into the lunch room and grab my disgusting cafeteria food I find an empty table and sit in it then I see Jacob walk in he smiles at me and I smile back he grabs his food quickly and sits next to me we start talking and laughing then something caught my eye it was daniel he walked in and immediately noticed me and he smirked at me I smiled at him.
Then at the conner of my eye I see jacob real mad and looking a bit jealous but I ignore it and keep staring at daniel. Wait! Omg! I am staring I quickly look away for a minute then I look back and I see him looking for a table but there was none so I gestured for him to come sit with me and he came and sat with me and Jacob.

when he came jacob gave him a death glare and I gave him a kind sweet smile  then he said "hey nice to meet you my name is daniel, daniel skye whats yours?" I said "hey my name is bella, bella reed nice to meet you too this is jacob but I heard you two already know each other." He said "uh...oh...yea we have" and jacob just looked so annoyed at daniel.

I gave jacob the be nice look and he gave me the whyyyy look then I looked back at daniel and he was already looking at me then jacob stood up and said angrily "im going to the bathroom ill be back" and he walked away.

I looked back at daniel and said "what was that all about?" he said "i dont know" and after he said that somehow we just ended up staring deep into each others eyes. his eyes i could stare at forever, his lips are so perfect, his hair is quiffed just right not a single piece falls, him he's just perfect.

            Daniel p.o.v

Jacob just stormed off out of nowhere but im pretty sure why he's jealous i just know it but i dont really care. Im kinda giving Jacob a chance with bella but if he wont take it i sure will.

I know it sounds weird because i just met her but i feel like I've known her forever and i can tell her anything...well not that i like her but you know what i mean.

After jacob stormed out she asked what was that all about but i didnt wanna flat out say he's jealous so i just said i dont know. Then after that we stared at each other deeply and i could tell by the way she was looking she wasn't thinking what i was even though i didn't expect her to.

I was thinking about every single detail she had and how magical it was but she wasnt thinking the same about me. But then i got snapped out of me thought by Jacob storming back to the table angry.

Uh oh here we go

           Jacobs p.o.v

Ugh out of all the schools in the world he had to come here. Im not sure weather bella and daniel were flirting or just talking but either way i didnt like it so i just went to the bathroom.

When i got to the bathroom all i could think about was them together in my face being all romantic it made me mad,sad and did i say mad.

Not only did it make me mad it made me furious and sick to the stomach so i went back to the cafeteria not that mad until i saw them to staring at each other which made me angry again but angrier than before.

            Bellas p.o.v

I got token out of my thoughts when jacob came sitting back at our table looking angrier than before.

Then i said "you ok jacob?" then he said "yea im fine just fine" he said that staring straight at daniel. Daniel looked kind of scared but at the same time use to it.

Jacobs hands were in fists so i put my hand on top of his and he quickly looked at our hands then at me his anger disappeared into happiness and he was blushing. Daniel had his face full of jealousy but why does he like me too?

     Hey guys im so sorry i havent updated in a while its just that my wattpad got erased and i had two accounts and i accidentally logged into my old one and forgot my password to this one but some how i got back on so here i am and I've been busy with school and of course there are bff problems caused by boys and this and that but anyways i promise ill be more active

Love ya

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