Allowing it

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             Bellas p.o.v

When me and mark got in the house my mom was on the couch. When she saw me she smiled when she saw mark her smile faded.

She said "oh hi bella...who is this?" mark says "hi im mark" she said "oh well hello are you friends with bella or are you just doing an assignmen?"

I said "no he is my friend and were gonna be up in my room" my mom said "oh well ok and mark would you like to stay for dinner sweety?"

Mark said "oh no i dont wanna intru- i cut him off "oh no its ok stay for dinner" he smiled and nodded "thank you" me and my mom said "no problem

Well my mom aproves of him but im worried about my dad becausemy mom accepted jacob but my dad never did so im nervous.

Me and mark headed upstairs. When we got to my room i sat on my bed and mark sat next to me.

Then out of no were mark says.    "bella..." i say "yea...mark" he says "i...i...i" i blush so much.

But i kind of feel like a hoe because i almost did it with jacob then i did it with joey and blushed mark its so not cool of me

But im not gonna lie to him " you too" we both blushed mark held my hand and i

Allowed it

We looked at each other for a long time the our lips connected i felt sparks. So freaking many.

Our lips moved in synce. It was amazing. Now i regret loosing my virginity to joey. His jands moved from my hand to my waist.

It sent shivers down my body. I put my hands in his hair and he let ouy slight moans. Im not gonna lie it turned me freaking on.

He gripped my waist tight and sat me on his lap. I felt his 'friend' get hard i started to tease him by grinding slightly on him.

He moaned "s...stop b...being such a t...tease" i smirked and grinded hard core on him his moans got louder. Then eventually i let out some moans.

But we both made each other quiet by having a really heated make out session. His hands traveled all over my body my hands were in his hair.

I griped his hair making him moan. He kept turning me on. Although i never stopped being turned on.

We then heard foot steps coming. I hoped off of mark turned the t.v. on and we pretended like we were watching it.

My mom knocked on my door "come in" she came in and said "i just came to tell you dinners ready honey" me and mark nodded and walked down stairs.

When we got down i saw my dad i walkee over to him and hugged him "hey dad how was your day?" "oh hi sweetheart it was go- he stopped when he saw mark.

"Hello sir um im mark bellas friend" my dad said "hi mark so you and my daughter are 'friends' huh?" he said making friends sound mire wierd than it should.

"Yep just friends" i said and mark kind of frowned we sat at the table and mark sat next to me.

Im surprised my dad hasn't flipped over something stupid yet.

We sat there and i felt a warm hand rubbing circles in my thigh of course it was


I allowed it cause it felt good

He started getting higher and higher till he reached my underwear he rubbed my area making me moan slightly "um are you ok bella" my mom asked

"Oh im just fine" i pulled marks hand away and squeezed it gesturing that i almost got in trouble.

He chuckled slightly. Then my dad started talking to mark and asking him questions. At the end my dad said "oh thats cool mark you are welcome here anytime"

I thought to myself if only my dad was like this towards jacob we probably would have still been together with my dad knowing.

After dinner mark had to leave he said bye to my mom and dad.

I walked him out "so ill see you tomorrow at school" he said nervously "dont be acting all shy and nervous cause you certainly wasnt back there" i laughd and so did he we kissed and he left.

I went back in my room, layed down and thought about if my dad were like this to jacob

And why did my dad accept mark and not jacob?

He allowed mark why not Jacob?

Hey guys sorry i haven't updated lately I've been busy i would have wrote more but im so tired right now and im going to bed hope you liked it

   Luv ya💕💓

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