Together forever

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           (Same day) skip to lunch

           Bellas p.o.v

Well me and jacob have spent the whole day together like usual but im still sad mark dumped me. And now i feel like im just using Jacob to get over mark.

But i always hang out with jacob am i using Jacob? No im not i would never do that but i cant help to feel like i am.

"Jacob...i feel you to get over...mark" he looked at me"your not using me and even if you are i dont care because i love you and im lucky i get to be used by you" he said laughing

I smiled "Jacob out of all the girls in the world you could have any but why me" he looked serious "because your not other girls your you and i love that" "but your not mine and thats what bothers me" he added

I placed my hand on his and smiled at him and whispered in his ear seductively "some day" he smirked.

I smirked back at him. He put his hand on my thigh and rubbed it. He went higher and reached my heated spot. A slight moan escaped my mouth.

He smirked and came to my ear "you like that huh? You like when daddy rubs you huh" he turned me on right there. I nodded 'yes'.

Then joey came up to us and i shoved Jacobs hands off me and smiled at him but he didn't return it.

"Hi joey..." he gave me a 'look' "well well well bella hanging out with her ex bestfriend slash ex boyfriend oh and Jacob did you know i did it with her did you?"

Jacob face was so red "joey stop thats enough" i said "no i want to know if he did it with you like how i did cause may i just say it was greeeeeaaaaat"

Jacob was so mad "joey stfu and get the hell away from me before i get to mad to turn back!" joey smirked and stayed there.

"I see you want me to whoop your @$$ again like i did before huh" jacob said "oh please do thats how i got to get in her she felt bad for me"

Jacob stood up and punched him in the face and grabbed my hand. We walked straight out the school. "Jacob what about class" "F class!" i didnt say anything and went with him.

We went to his house. "My parents arent home so were alone" i nodded and walked up to his room.

I plopped down on his bed and so did he.

"Bella can i ask you something?" i grabbed the remote and flicked threw the channels "yea sure"
"Will you be my...girlfriend again?" i stopped what i was doing and looked at him.

He was looking down playing with his fingers. I stared at him then crashed my lips onto his. "Yes" i said threw the kisses.

He smiled he licked my bottom lip asking for an entrance i gladly allowed and it turned into a heated make out session.


I got on top of jacob and continued kissing him his hands trailed all down my body it felt good.

I started to grind on him and moans came from his mouth. I smirked when he moaned. "S...stop t...teasing b...bella" i sat up still on top of him and took off my shirt showing my lace bra.

Jacob just layed there with me sat on top of him with his eyes with entertainment. "You've wanted this for so long and now im gonna give it to you" i say seductively.

He nodds i unhook my bra and his eyes go wide "what you never seen boobs before?" i ask knowing he hasn't.

He shakes his head 'no' i take his hands and put them on my boobs. He squeezes them slightly. He starts playing with them.

I unbuckle his pants and he lets me. He takes off my pants. He rolls us over were hes on top of me. He looks at me for permission and i nod.

He pulls down my underwear and opens my legs wider he slips on a condom "ready?" he askes "yea" i reply.

He slowly enters me it hurts at first then he thrusts more and it all comes pleasure. I moan loud and he picks up speed.

"Jacob ahh!" he goes slower

"jacob go faster!"

"whats my name?!"



"DADDY FASTER DADDY" Jacob goes fast and hard hitting my
G spot everytime "jacob im gonna-" he cuts me off "me too baby"

I cum and he cums too he pulls out of me an layes next to me panting "that was..." i say "great" he finishes for me.

"I love you" he says " I love you to im glad were together" " me too"

We then fell asleep.

Hey guys sorry if it was too dirty i hope you enjoyed but i have bad news i will tell you at the end of the book

Thank you

       Luv ya💘💞💕

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