Friends again?/secret feelings

27 1 0

Bellas p.o.v

Well mark just left. He walked me home all we did was kiss before he left. Right now im taking a hot relaxing bath.

But for some reason im thinking about Jacob i really wanna be friends with him again.

Tomorrow at school im gonna talk to him and im gonna fix this. I miss him. I miss him in my life by my side through everything.

I will always love him

He maked me laugh when i was sad,mad or frustrated with something or someone. I know im dating mark but its ok if i be jacobs bestie again.

I just dont want mark to get mad if i start hanging out with jacob again.

I got out the bath, rapped a towel around me and changed into my pjs i decided not to wait till tomorrow.

Ima text him now

Text message
(J=jacob B=bella)


J-hey bella whats....up

B-i just wanted to say we should be friends again i miss you i need you in my life again

J-I feel the same way and i agree we should be friends again. And today when i kissed mack im really sorry i dont even like her.

B-its ok but why did you do it if you dont like her?

J-to make you jealous and why did you run off crying when you saw it?

B-because i still love you we never broke up because you or i did something stupid it was because of my dad and because i love you to much to risk you being hurt.

J-i love you to and now i see your point. Um so dating....anyone?

B-yea mark...

J-oh well i gtg but ill see you at school tomorrow ok?

B-yep cya bestie and goodnight💕 💌

J-ok bestie cya goodnight💕 sweet dreams 😘

End of text message

Wow im so happy me and jacob are besties again he really understands me.

We confessed our feeling and im really happy he still loves me but we cant be together.

I cant just hurt mark like that.

And as for joey im gonna text him.

Text message
(Jo-joey B-bella)

B-hey joey

Jo-hey beautiful wassup

B-um i just wanted to make sure were still friends...

Jo-of course im sorry if i wasnt the one you wanted to loose your virginity with i know at the moment it was heated and you know it happened....

B- yea i think we rushed into that but its ok

Jo-cool so are you dating anyone?

B-yea mark...

Jo-oh really... Well ok

B-im sorry joey i know you like me but if you think about it we didnt really know each other like that

Jo-i know but i love you and we could've tried

B-i know im sorry

Jo-its ok i will always be here for you and if he breaks your heart ill break him

B-lol thx joey

Jo-np i will be waiting for you as long as it takes for you to see me like that💘

B-aww joey you are soooo sweet thats why i love you (as a friend)

Jo- ha ok well i gtg my moms getting on me again goodnight💕 beautiful sweet dreams pumpkin
B-goodnight💕 joey sweet dreams

Jo-about you lol

B-haha ok Gn


End of text message

Im glad joey is so sweet like that.

Joeys p.o.v

What i said was true i will wair as long as it takes and i will break mark.

And as of now me and mark are enemies how dare he take my women away from me.

Son of a b****

Next morning

Bellas p.o.v

Im glad i made up with my boys. Were all goor friends. Bit not better than Jacob and i. But joey will get there.

I woke up did my regular routine and headed out the door. When i walked out i saw...


We waved at each other. And he walked over to me. And like that we started to walk to school...


Wow 3 updates in one day... Im super active hope you liked it updating more tomorrow who cares if its the weekend i like to live life on the edge ya know? Lol
Thank you

     Luv ya💞💖

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