the populars

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Bellas p.o.v

As i am holding jacobs hand the populars come over. It was kind of weird because they never come to our table. But i never really liked the popular girls because they were hoe's pure hoe's they would hit on every boy in the school and go out with them disgusting. So when miss queen b A.K.A Lyla and her flys to her butt im not gonna say there names cause i honestly dobt remember guess there not that popular. So when they got to our table lyla immediately started hitting on daniel and he was kinda going along but i didnt pay it no mind then lyla saw that me and jacob were holding hands and she said "aww what a cringy couple" i said "first off were not a couple second are u here just to judge us?" she said "well no im here to ask this pretty boy why is he sitting over here and to tell him he should sit with me." she said refering to daniel i looked at her in disgust the she gave daniel the well look and he said "uh well just for today i guess" and i gave him the really look and he said "ill see you guys around" then jacob said "hopefully not now bye bye" then i said "well i guess see ya around" and with that said he left then me and jacob started talking and laughing then the bell rang we went to our class and Daniel walked in and sat next to me (oh and by the way jacob is on my right and daniel is on my left) daniel handed me a letter it said...

Hey um i was just wondering if you wanted to my girlfriend because i really like you and you know i want to be you boyfriend so yes or no

Xoxo daniel

Wow i didnt know he liked me like that and like I mean i like daniel but i like jacob way more but i dont wanna hurt him so i looked at him and shook my head yes and i could see he was happy. Then i guess jacob was reading the note while i was because he got mad i felt bad because i wanted jacob but i didnt want to hurt daniel

Sorry its so short i dont have any ideas lol but ill think about some more ideas and will you guys help me please

Thank you

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