The End

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             (8 years later) sorry guys i have to end the book

           Bellas p.o.v

Well me and Jacob got married had two twins boy and girl we are so happy together we never cheated or had major problems.

Yes, we had our arguments but nothing major. Jacob is 25 and im 24 the twins are 3 years old the boys name is luke and the girls name is naomi.

My family is my world even if my dad doesn't agree its not him or any other guy that makes me happy the way jacob does.

My life truly is great and perfect now with the people i love most in it.

              Jacobs p.o.v

Its not incredible to me that me and bella have lasted this long actually i kinda pictured it this way.

I could not imagine my life without my babies there my life and i will take care of them until i die.

And thats a promise

         Bella and Jacobs p.o.v

But whats most shocking is that i fell in love, got married, had kids and lived happily ever after with my best friend.

Well guys thats the end hope you enjoyed the bad news will come in the next chapter which im writing right now since its the last chapter and its short but please read it, it is very important

    Thank you

     Luv ya💓💗💚💜💙💕💞💘💌💋

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