To much?

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               Marks p.o.v

I wasn't able to pick up bella to walk to school today. So ill just text her so she wont be waiting.

                 Text message

M-hey i cant pick u up today i have to do something before i go to school but ill see u at school ok?

B-yea its fine dont worry about it im walking with jacob today we are friends again yayyyy

M-oh...uh ok well ill see u at school later love u

B-ok love u too later

           End of text message

Well bella and jacob made up. I dont know why but im kinda mad about it because. I dont want them falling for each other.

(By the way bella told mark about her and jacob before and that she lost her virginity with joey cause she trusted mark so he knows everything.)

But bella is happy i guess since she was best friends with him. And they didnt brake up because of something someone did.

They broke up because the weren't alowed to be together but i bet they were really in love.

Thats why i have to keep and eye out for this jerk who would want her back. Thats not gonna happen unless bella lets it happen.

And i really hope she dosent.

          Jacobs p.o.v

Im really happy me and bella are friends again but im mad that were not more. I love bella. I want her.

Its gonna be hard for me to keep myself under control around her. Im gonna 'want' her.

We walked in the school and all eyes were on us. It felt good for some reason but i can tell bella felt awkward. I know bella better than anyone.

We have known each other since forever and i know what things make her uncomfortable.

We just walk through the hallways and ignore the whispers and looks they give us.

When we got towards the middle of the hallway we spotted mark. When she saw him she smiled. It remined me about how we used to be like that.

She walked over to him and hugged him. I was just standing there like 'awkward' when mark saw me he gave me a dirty look.

I ignored it. "So uh should we head to class?" bella asked "yea" i said and we began to walk to class.

When we arrived at our class bella sat in the middle. And i sat on her right mark was on her left.

The teacher wasn't there yet so we just sat there and talked about random things.

Then bellas pencil fell so i leaned over to get it ane so did she. Our hands touched. There were sparks everywhere. We didnt move our hands away.

"Erm *cough* erm" mark looked mad while he pretended to cough. Me and bellas hand separated. We both blushed.

But i didnt want to move my hand away. And i could tell she didn't want to either. She keeps leaving clues that she feels the same way i do about her.

She wants to be with me.

           Bellas p.o.v

Well that was embarrassing. Like really embarrassing.

       Skip to lunch

Mark was late for lunch because the teacher had to discuss something with him.

So me and Jacob went to lunch and sat at our old table like the good old days. We sat there and talked.

   (By the way our table is in the back not everyone can see us)

We were there chillin until Jacob said "bella if you weren't dating mark would you have at least considered being with me?" i looked down "yea" i whispered

"Jacob i love you and that will never change but we cant be together especially now that im with mark" "yea i get it and i love you to i will never stop loving you its impossible" he said and i laughed.

Jacob then put his hand on my thigh. It sent shivers down my body like it once did before when he touched me that way.

I didn't move his hand because i liked it. He started rubbing circles on my thigh (i had a skirt on lol) i still didn't move his hand i looked at his hand then at him.

We both started to lean in then i felt guilt take over i cant do this to mark. I just cant.

I pulled back "whats wrong?" "i cant do this to mark" he nodded knowing he wouldn't want me to do this to him if we were together.

And after that we spent the whole day together.

        Skip a week

         Marks p.o.v

Me and bella have been very distant ever since she started hanging out with Jacob. I hardly get any boyfriend and girlfriend time with her.

It like im not even there. There spending way to much time together its really pissing me off.

           Bellas p.o.v

Its beem a week me and jacob have been hanging out non stop. I feel bad because of mark. If im gonna be hanging out with jacob and having little flirt sessions i should brake up with him.

I just dont wanna hurt him because the one i truly love is Jacob.

But then i thing about it is, there are to much boys that are in my life and then on top of that i lost my virginity. I have to tell jacob but He gonna be mad. Real mad.

Hey guys sorry i havent updated its that ive been so excited for this field trip that i had yesterday.  I went to the movies with my girlfriends and other 'friends' if you know what i mean lol anyways hope you enjoyed the story.

         Luv ya💖💓💕💚💜💙

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