The Neighbourhood

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The neighbourhood. It was a place everyone loved.
Everyone was a family and everyone knew each other.
They laughed, played, sang and made merry together.
Christmas was a beautiful time. The neighbourhood knew how to spent it together.
There were events and shows where everyone participated. Nights were spent singing around the bonfire.
In the neighbourhood that Renae loved were her gang of favorite people.
Every day, after everyone had their share of business and school done they'd come together at Marcus' place and talk about anything.
At times they sang, and on other nights they played monopoly. They had a pool party every summer and barbeques at night. Life was a blessing. Memories were made every single day.
They had fights every now and then but would soon resolved it and get back to how it was before. Whenever someone had a tough time going by they knew they had each other.
Renae loved singing with the gang. They often sang at events and churches.
They were a bunch of fifteen to twenty teenagers and young adults.
Every time they had a competition with the other blocks they were well prepared. Their teamwork was something that inspired a lot of people.
I wished I knew them all personally, to have those kind of friends who counted you in as family.
There was also a time when everyone was so engrossed and obsessed with a popular yet time consuming game called, Clash of Clans. They all assembled together over Marcus' place and religiously played the game, however when everyone's grades started dropping at school and college, they knew it very well that it was the end of the journey for such a game.
They always had to go through a lot of rants at home, probably the major reason why everyone stopped playing it.
Some nights were  pretty quiet too. When they were watching movies and anime.
They loved watching horror movies together but what they loved most were the latest action movies plus comedy too.
Hangover part one to three, was their all time favorite.
However, what everyone watched in pin dropped silence were the dance tutorials from the Urban dance something (I forgot, sorry -_- ).
The Russell Peter's Show, was the major show everyone had to watch together. You bet that they laughed a lot and had a blast watching it.
While on the other hand, watching anime was a hard thing to do.
No one knew when to shut down the computer. Everyone was a so called Otaku.  Everyone knew what they were up against and what happened at which episode of a season.
No one had money but Everyone had enough MB to download anime.
The only time Renae was bored was when there was a Dota 2, competition among the boys.
Well, she tried learning that game but she naturally sucked at it.
However, she could pretty well play any other game with ease.
Those were her memorable and happy days until a particular day arrived.

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