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(So this one is like a really old one, like one of my first ones so sorry if it sucks)

Julie's P.O.V

So everyone on the team is in mine and Christen's room for game night... We were playing Monopoly deal but Alex gets very angry when she loses so now we all decided to play Never Have I Ever then we are going to play Truth or Dare.

"Never have I ever gone skinny dipping." Kling said. Evryone but Tobin, Moe, Christen, and I took a shot of soda (cause we have training tomorrow) Everyone looked shocked that we haven't been skinny dippin. "Dude even Hope and Carli have gone skinny dipping!" Kelley yelled but sank back behind Hope when Carli glared at her, Hope just kinda laughed at her.

"Never have I ever had a crush on a teamate." Pinoe said. Kelley, Hope, Tobin, Alex, Ali, Ashlyn, Sydney, Kristie, Christen, Kling, Moe and I were the only ones to drink. "Well everyone but Christen and Julie are actually together with someone else who drank so yall dont really count" said Abby.

Kelley asked, "Well Christen, Julie who do you have a crush on. I felt a blush rising but I said "yall didnt ask that so i'm not telling." Christen murmured in agreement.

"Fine I say we play truth or Dare now!" exclaimed Moe. I glared at her and she smirked (she is the only one who knows about my crush on Christen.) "I agree" said Kelley. "Okay i'll start" said Pinoe. Uh oh I thought please don't choose me. "Sydney truth or dare?" "Truth duh, i'm not choosing a dare from you last time I did I had to do sprints at practice!" she said from were she was sitting on Kristie's lap. "Ugh fine... When the last time you and Kris did it? I laughed because when she was saying that Kristie was taking a sip of her drink.. Since Pinoe was right beside her kristie spit the drink on her. Everyone was laughing except Kristie, she blushed. Sydney ( who doesn't get embarrassed) said "girl we did it just like two days ago after practiced. Kristie was blushing like crazy and hit Syd in the arm. Everyone was making fun of Kristie for blushing.

"Okay my turn!" Sydney exclaimed. She turned to Christen and smirked. "Christen truth or dare?" "Ummm truth?" "Who is your crush on the team." Christen blushed so hard and I found it so adorable. "Ummm... Julie!" she replied so quietly that from where I was I could barley hear it. I was so excited to hear that. Moe who was right next to her smirked.

"Press your turn." Kling said. "Okay, Moe truth or dare?" "Dare i guess!" she replied. "I dare you to go three days without kissing Kling!" Christen said while everyone laughed at her face. "Dude so not cool" she pouted. "Okay Moe stop pouting and go" Cheney said. "Fine"she mumbled then looked at me with a smirk. "JJ truth or dare?" I knew she had me either way so I just said dare.

"I dare you to kiss Christen!" Christen hit her on the arm and I glared. I think everyone knew what Moe was doing cause they all smirked. "Okay" I said. I get up and make way to Christen who looked nervous but what can I say so wad I. I cupped her face with my hand and brought her lips to mine... It felt so good to have her lips on mine. I pulled back and go back to my spot and everyone around us were smirking and looking back and fourth between me and Christen.

"Well look at the time we better go to bed its like two mintues till curfew "exclaimed Kelley Everyone left leaving just me and Christen. "Sooo." she said "Sooo." I copied. "So you know I have a crush on you now!" she said nervously and I chuckled. "I know you probably don't feel the same and- Christen if I didn't feel the same I wouldn't have kissed you." I cut her off. "You could have done it cause it was a dare." What i say next surprises us both. "What if I were to kiss you now?" She looks shocked but says "I wouldn't stop you."

I walk in front of her and put my hands on her waist and pull her till we are nose to nose. She puts her arms around my neck and closes the gap. Her lips on my lips are like two puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly. I pulled back when air was needed. "I wouldn't mind doing that everday." I say. "Me either" she says while still tryin to catch her breath. "So Christen I have a very important question for you." "Yes." she sounds nervous. "Will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes Julie I would love to be your girlfriend. She then kisses me hard and it left me breathless.

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