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(Sorry PRAZAN  , i...sorta.. forgot what the prompt it was you wanted and when i went back to look for it, i couldnt find it so, im gonna wing it because i need something to clear my mind so hope ya like it.)

"Lindsey, guess what?" Emily said as she jumped on to the couch next to her best friend.  Emily waited for a response but got nothing so she bounced up and down from her spot on the couch to try and get her attention.

Once Lindsey got tired of being bounced she groaned and looked over at her friend. "Yes, what can I help you with?"

"BEAN AND CARI ARE COMING TO SPEND CHRISTMAS WITH US AND WILL BE HERE IN FIFTHTEEN MINUTES !" Emily all but shouted. She couldn't wait to spend Christmas with her three best friends plus Tobin, which meant Christen would come with and Allie which meant Bati would also be there.

Lindsey froze, Cari is coming?  "Wait, what do you mean?" She asked.

Emily stopped bouncing, and looked at her friend concerned. "I mean they are spending Christmas with us, what else would I mean?"

Lindsey wanted to hide. Stay cool Horan, you can do this, you have...ten minutes to prepare. "I just didn't know, we have to clean up and make sure they have a place go sleep."

Emily glanced around before shrugging. "Its clean enough for those two and the Christmas party will be at Allie's so it's clean enough and I figured that Morgan can stay in my room with me and Cari with you."

Lindsey tried to remain calm and breath normally. "Yeah." She squeaked out before clearing her throat with Emily gave her a weird look. "I mean, sure that's cool with me." 

"Okayy then, well they will be here soon so I actually do have to pick up my room some." Emily said before jumping off the couch and running to her room.

Lindsey let out a puff of air. Fuck how am I supposed to sleep beside the girl that I occasionally have sex  with and have feelings for?


Lindsey was hiding in her room laying down  when she heard the squeals of her best friend. She let out a breath before standing up. Here we go.

She opened her door only to be met with widen brown doe-like eyes. She's even more beautiful then last time.

She cleared her throat before moving out of the way. "Hey." She started off awkwardly as Cari made her way past her and setting her bag on the floor at the end of the bed.

"Hey." Cari responded back. "I was hoping we didn't wake you when we came in considering it's ten  o'clock and you like your beauty sleep." She finished with a smirk playing at her lips.

Lindsey tried not to laugh but couldn't help herself. "Cute."

Cari smirked again. "You said that last time too but thanks again."

Lindsey walked over the right side of her bed and crawled in. Once she got comfortable she glanced over her shoulder she saw that Cari was still standing at the end of her bed looking at her.

"Well aren't you coming to bed?" Lindsey's breath caught in her throat as she caught what she said, she has said that to the girl on other occasions but they had gone to bed very differently those nights.

Cari winked. "I'm afraid we can't do that with those two in the other room but I'll call you to take up that offer another time." She responded before grabbing some clothes from her bag and walking to the bathroom.

Before Cari got their Lindsey couldn't help but say, "why don't you just change here? I mean it's nothing I haven't seen before."

Cari slowly turned around half surprised and half suspicious on this. "I know, but I thought it was a safer bet if I change in the bathroom."

Lindsey smirked at the girl as she leaned to sit up. "Why? Don't think you can control yourself?"

Cari knew she shouldn't take the bait, but couldn't stop herself. "On the contrary, I think it's you who can't control themself."

Lindsey went to respond but a knock on the door interrupted them. It was Emily.

"Hey, Morgan and I were gonna go hang with a few of the girls at the bar down the street and wanted to know if y'all wanted to come?" She said through the door.

Cari looked at Lindsey who was shaking her head no. She thought about it. Stay here with Lindsey or go with the girls and get drunk? "Nah, you guys go ahead, I'm pretty beat and Lindsey is already drooling on her pillow." She finished off with a laugh. She saw the look Lindsey gave her but she knew it wasn't a threat.

Emily laughed. "Okay well we will see you guys later, don't wait up."

"Oh I wasn't planning on it." Cari mumbled. She stood their until she heard the apartment door shut.

Lindsey was looking at Cari in a specific way, Cari knew that look by now. She knew all of the other girl looks. She would never admit it to the other one but she did. This look was the look she gave right before they had sex. It was the hungry look as she looked Cari up and down that gave it away, well that and the lip bite with the head tilted to the left.

She smirked as she walked closer to her, walking by her side of the bed letting her hand hang to the side so that it would drag across Lindsey's body. She heard Lindsey's breath hitch. She brought the same hand that hand been hanging down, up to brush some of the loose strands that had fallin behind her ear before leaning down and whispering seductively into Lindsey's ear. "What was that about self control? Cause darlin', it doesn't look like you have any."

Cari  went to turn away when she felt a hand on her wrist, tugging her down until she was flat on her back with Lindsey hovering over her. How did she do that so quickly?

Lindsey leaned down until her lips were hovering over Cari's. Cari could feel the cool of her breath as it ghosted over as she spoke softly. Peppermint?

"You may be right about having self-control but you wouldn't have any either if you were me having to deal with you." Lindsey said before covering the younger girls mouth softly with her own keeping her from speaking back.

Its always been soft and between them, nothing more nothing less.

Cari bought her hands up to hold onto Lindsey's collar on her shirt,  keeping her their as they kissed.  They didn't break apart until oxygen was nesseciry but neither bothered to put space between the two of them.

Cari slowly started to trace small circles on Lindsey's collarbone as she spoke. "You know, sometimes I wish we were more." She glanced up to catch Lindsey's surprised look and she felt as Lindsey tried to pull away so she tightened her hold on the other girls shirt. "No, listen. I've been thinking about it and I won't deny it. You are the only person I want to be with. The only person I like, and their is something about you that keeps me here. I know you feel the same. I can see it in the way you look at me and I know we agreed that this would strictly be sex but I want more with you Lindsey." Cari said softly. She held eye contact with Lindsey but she wasn't sure who leaned in first but before either on them knew it, they we're kissing again.

Lindsey moved her hand to hold the other girl by the waist as she kissed her. She smiled into the kiss. She likes me back!  She leaned back a little and smiled at Cari.

"What?" Cari asked when she saw her smile.

Lindsey couldn't help but giggle, actually giggle. "You like me."

Cari playfully slapped her arm but couldn't help but laugh nor deny it. "Shut up and kiss me."

Lindsey leaned down to catch Cari's bottom lip in between hers. "Can do." She mumbled before kissing down the her neck all while smiling.

~~~~~~~~~~ Authors note ~~~~~~~~~

Its been so long since I've written.  Anyway this was for PRAZAN cause I know you have been expecting this for what? Months?

Sorry it took so long and it's not your prompt but I did the best I could... this was all written in like 30 minutes so sorry it's suck bud...

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