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a.k.a my favorite ship ever ^ this picture of them is like my fav lol and this is for ramdomfam13175 i hope ya like.

Kristie was in the middle of making a dip when there was a knock on her door. She hurriedly wiped her hands and ran too the door before the knocking got crazy.

She swung the door open to find old teammates from the national team and old club teams at her door. "Hey guys, no kids today?"Kristie said a little out of breath.

"Little out of breath their and no, they said they needed adult time." Sam said with a little chuckle.

Kristie glared, "well I mean, i've been cleaning and cooking since 9:30 and it's noon now so shush you." She moved out of the way for everyone to come in. "Steph is on the couch napping so just wake her up if you want."

"Why is she napping instead of helping?" Lauren asked while following Kristie back to the kitchen to help with the rest of whatever else needed done for the get together.

"Cause we were babysitting our neighbors 3 year old yesterday and early this morning and I think she wore Steph out with playing hide and seek." Kristie explained while taking the beer from Lauren to put in the fridge.

Lauren raised her eyebrow, "Stephanie likes kids?" She can't say she is surprised though.

Kristie laughed, "more like she likes to act like a kid and can get away with it but no matter what she says she like kids."

Before Lauren could respond they heard a yell, a scream, and then a thump sound. She looked towards Kristie, "I guess they woke the beast?"

Kristie laughed as she caught sight of her girlfriend walking into the kitchen with a frown on her face, she walked up to Kristie and hid her face in her shoulder. Kristie laughed a little before wrapping her arms around the smaller girl. "Did they wake you?" She asked softly sorta trying not to make her even more grumpy by being loud.

She felt Stephanie's answer more then heard. She pressed a kiss to the top of Stephanie's head before slowly pulling away from the girl. "Okay well why don't you go change and maybe that'll wake you up and then you can go properly say hey to people."

Stephanie groaned. "Do I have too?" She was tired and dealing with her friends isn't how she wanted to do at the moment, she just wanted to cuddle her girlfriend and sleep. She heard a chuckle from behind her and so she turned and saw Lauren leaning against the counter with a grin on her face like always. "Oh, hey Cheney what's up?"

"Hey Steph, and nothing much just helping out with Kristie in the kitchen even though we haven't done nothing but talk because now that I look around I think she finished everything." Lauren said as she looked around.

Stephanie nodded as she looked around, the food was set up, the house was clean, the tv was on the football channel they needed. "Hey wait why didn't you wake me to help?" She asked while looking back at her girlfriend who just shrugged. "You were exhausted."

"You do realize you played with little Steph just as much as i did?" Steph pointed out.

"Yes, now go change and everything i'm sure everyone is waiting on us." Kristie said while pushing Steph in the direction of her room. Steph put her hands up in surrender and headed to change.

"Little Steph?" Lauren questioned?

Kristie just laughed.


As everyone gathered in the living room after Kristie sent Steph to shower they all saw the little leggo's in the corner, the children's book, and other children things placed around.

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