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"You love me." Sam asked.

"W-well I-I mean, yeah you're my best friend you know. I have to love you." Abby stuttered out.

"But the way you said it doesn't seem that way. I know your voices and emotions Abby, you never would have said it that way to Jaelene, or any other rookie on this team or anybody else for that matter."Sam responded back while raising an eyebrow.

Now it was Abby's turn to  raise an eyebrow. "If you know what my emotions are then how come you haven't noticed before?" She asked. "No I would not say that to Jaelene, Mallory would kill me. She my act sweet and innocent but god, you even look at her girl wrong,you facing Satan herself." She finished off with a laugh. 

Sam couldn't help but laugh because that was so true. She remembered the time were Julie had made a joke about Jaelene and everybody watched as the smaller of the two tore her a new one including the coaches. To say the least, no one has said anything bad about the girl within a couple yards of Mallory.

"So you are saying that you have feelings for me?" Sam asked with a smirk as she layed on Abby's bed.

Abby raised an eyebrow. "When did those words come out of my mouth?" She said soon following Sam to her bed but chose to sit instead of lay down.

Sam just couldn't keep the smirk of her face. "Actions speak louder then words." 

Abby squinted. "You know, normally people would be freaked if they found out their friend may or may not have a crush on them, but not you. Why is that?"

Sam shrugged indifferently. "We both know I'm nothing like other people."

Abby smirked quicky. "Oh don't we know it. I don't think we will be able to find another tall, awkward looking giraffe."

Sam didn't look the slightest big offended. She had always been proud of that weird fact. She always liked the fact that she was the only really tall, awkward one. Well now that Abby  Wamabch ad left but even before she had, she wasn't awkward like the younger girl. "You know you like it."

Abby looked down at the girl and she girl looked back up at her. Before she knew it, both her and Sam were leaning in, faces barley inches apart because there lips touch Same said, "told you, you liked it. "

"Shut up. You know I do." Abby whispered before she closed the gap between them. She couldn't help the small gasp that past her lips as hers touched Sam's. They were soft. Softer then any man she had ever been with and she liked it. She felt Sam lean up to where they were both sitting before she pushed Abby down so that she was on top of her, but never breaking the kiss. 

Sam traced her tounge on Abby's bottom lip asking for permission, she didn't have to wait long until it was granted. They fought for dominance. Sam not wanting to be submissive, brought her hand under Abby's shirt, and raked her nails across her stomach making her gasp and moan.

Sam took advantage and explored the girls mouth. She felt a nip at her bottom lip and pulled back. She look at the girl underneath her who was smirking. "Oh yeah, don't think I don't know about your thing for lip biting. Next time play fair."

Sam pouted. "But I hate playing fair."  

Abby smirked. "Fine, then I won't either." She said before flipping them over to where she was now on top of Sam straddling the girl who looked shocked. She leaned down and took the older girls bottom lip inbetween her teeth and tugged before letting it go with a small pop. 

"No who's not being fair." Sam whined.

"That was the point." Abby said before kissing the girl again.

Sam kissed down Abby's neck before stopping at her pulse point, focusing on the little dark purple mark she was leaving behind.

Neither one of them heard the door until they heard a squeak. Abby jumped off Sam and turned to the door in time to see Mallory running out and slamming the door behind her.

Abby and Sam both looked at each other to the door and back to each other before both jumping up to try and catch the smaller girl.

"Mal, Mallory wait get back here." Sam yelled after her but the girl was quick running down hall to the stair well.

"Put your long fucking legs to work Mewis." Abby said as she passed the taller girl.

"Just because they are long doesn't mean they quick." She yelled after the blonde and they ran down the stairs. "We the hell is she even going?"

"Team dinner." Mallory yelled back before she was at the bottom. 

Same got down the hall just as Mallory was running in the room where the team was, Abby not far behind.

She watched as Abby just on top of the smaller girl knocking her down, landing on top of her.

The team watched as she held her hand over the smaller girls mouth and watched as Sam walked up behind them and picked the blonde up off her. "Do you want to be killed?" She asked as she look at Jaelene who was glaring daggers at the blonde.

"What is she gonna do?" Abby whispered. "Glare are my until it becomes creepy. Too late it already is."

"Hey, be quiet. I'll be back to kick your ass later." Mallory before jumping up and took off running while saying "Lindsey, Lindsey, Lindsey -oooff" they watched as Mallory tripped and fell face first  but as soon as she hit the ground she was up again and soon she was at the table were Lindsey, Emily, Morgan, and JJ were sitting. "You owe me 20 bucks!" She said while almost bouncing up and down.

Lindsey raised an eyebrow. "Now why do I owe you that?"

Mallory looked like she was about to burst with joy and she noticed that she had almost everyone in the rooms attention. She also noticed Abby looked like she wanted to strangle her.  "CAUSE MEWKER WAS TOTALLY ABOUT TO DO IT." She all but shouted. 

"Mewker?" Lindsey said slowly to make sure she heard right.

"Yeah Sam Mewis and Abby Dalhkemper." Mallory said.

Everyone turned to look at the two in question. Sam was trying to hide behind Abby while Abby look ready to tear Mallory's head off. "You know, when people chase you down a hallway and tackle you, it kinda means that they don't want you telling others." Abby snapped. She felt Sam put her hand on her waist and relaxed a little but that didn't keep her from glaring at the girl who Strunk back under the glare.

"I'm sorry." Mallory whispered. I just got really excited.  "You guys have just always been cute around each other and I was routing for it." She looked at Abby but kept her head down. She look so innocent, Abby's glare softened.

"Oh honey, come here." Abby said while walking towards Mallory to pull her into a hug even though she felt really awkward. She felt Mallory hug her back. "Just next time, wait until people say it's okay to out them." Abby whispered.

Mallory laughed alittle. "Next time, before chasing me. You might wanna cover up that hickey of yours."

Abby's eyes widened before she turned to face Sam. "You are so dead."

Sam smirked before running.

The others laughed as Abby chased the taller girl, the taller one barley getting the elevator doors shut before Abby got their. "If she hadn't gotten those doors closed, she would have been so dead." Megan said while laughing along with Ashlyln and Tobin

"Please, that was probably just an excuse so they could go finish getting it on." Ashlyln said. "I hope whoever there roommates are, are cool with that."

Tobin smirked. "It's Mal and Jaelene, they will be totally cool with that."

~~~~~~~~ Authors Note ~~~~~~~~

Sooo, here is part two. PRAZAN here bud. Sorry if it's bad.

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