I awoke with a start, my eyes opening wide as I tried to remember where I was. I took in the bright colors, and recalled having to sneak into Lucy's room so I wouldn't wake her up. I sat up, scanning the room. By the window, Happy was basically hanging off of their makeshift bed, while Poppy was curled up in a small ball on the other side. I looked down and almost doubled over laughing when all I saw was Natsu's face squished into the pillows.
It seemed as if everyone was still asleep.
I walked to the kitchen, deciding it would be a nice idea to make breakfast for everyone. There wasn't any sign of Lucy either, so I assumed she was also asleep. I opened the cupboards to find pancake mix. I smiled, grabbing it off of the second shelf. I made a batch, finishing them with some fruit I found in the fridge. I'm not the best cook on my own, but I tasted them, and they weren't that bad, so I went with it. I laid the plates out on the table, putting a paper plate over them to keep them warm. I decided to take a shower while I waited for everyone to wake up. I quietly padded into the bathroom, turning the shower on and quickly taking off my pajamas (ones of which I borrowed from Lucy because I still have yet to go shopping). After I had washed myself, I stepped out of the shower. Only then did I realize that i had no clean clothing to change into. I silently cursed as I wrapped myself in a towel. I heard Lucy's voice faintly reaching the bathroom from what must be the kitchen. I grabbed a second towel and began drying the ends of my hair as I opened the door and stepped out of the bathroom.
"Hey Lucy, do you mind if I borrow some clothes for the day? Mine are dirty and I'm hoping to go shopping for more of my own at some point today." I said, walking in the kitchen while still distracted by my efforts to dry my hair. I looked up, quite surprised to not only see Lucy, but also Natsu standing in the kitchen.
"Oh, sorry Natsu. I didn't realize you were up." I said, blinking at them.
"I'm gonna go see if Happy and Poppy are awake." Nastu said, briskly walking past me and out of the kitchen. I turned and looked at him disappear into the bedroom, furrowing my brows together.
"Is he okay?" I said, turning back around. I was greeted with an evil looking Lucy.
"Did you do that on purpose?" She said, wiggling her eyebrows at me. I looked at her, alarmed.
"Did what? I'm confused. Did I do something?" The only answer I got was a gesture to my appearance.
"He obviously got flustered because you're in a towel." She said after realizing that I had no clue what was going on.
"What? I thought he was totally fine with that kind of stuff! You told me he'd seen you naked before and wasn't phased, so why is he comfortable with seeing you butt naked but not me in a towel?" I said, suddenly embarrassed. If I had known that he'd be uncomfortable then I wouldn't have stood there like an idiot! Why would he be uncomfortable anyway? I mean Lucy has a lot more to look at than I do, so shouldn't he be more flustered seeing her? Unless...
My mind clicked as I looked at Lucy, wiggling my eyebrows like she had moments before.
"If Natsu is so comfortable with seeing you naked, does that mean you're naked around him a lot?"
"Not a lot per say, but yeah it happens too frequently in my opinion." She said nonchalantly. I put a hand to my mouth and gave her a horrified expression while trying to stifle my giggles.
"I didn't think you'd respond so casually." I said from behind my hand. She looked at me, her look of confusion soon turning to horror as her face heated up.
"No! No no, I didn't mean it like that," she said, becoming more red than a tomato, "I meant that when my clothes come off he's always there."
"Coincidence? I think not." I said, raising an eyebrow.
"No," she said, pouting because of my constant nagging, "him and I have never done anything, and we never will. We're just friends. Soooo that leaves him all for you." She said, nudging me. I scoffed, then smiled at her.
"Let's just go get me some clothes and then head to the guild!" I said, running towards the door.
"Wait! We haven't eaten yet! And your still in a towel." She said, still standing by the pancakes with a blunt look on her face. I stopped, turning around, running into Lucy's room to throw on some clothes, and then running back to the table. I grabbed a plate, sat down, and began to eat. Lucy did the same, and eventually we were joined by the others, with Natsu acting as if the moment that had happened earlier that morning was simply nonexistent. After we all ate, we headed out into the world, searching for a wardrobe for moi. I picked up several t-shirts, a few pairs of pants, some dresses and skirts, and Lucy even convinced me to get a couple crop tops. By the time we were finished, Natsu and Happy were bored out of their minds. I'm not really sure why they came and stuck around, but Lucy had her guesses. I smiled as the large guild hall appeared. I don't think anyone knew how excited I was to be back, and for good this time. Finally, I thought as I raced towards the doors

The Fate of the Four Elements
Hayran KurguRini is a rather cheerful, loving, average 17 year old. She is also a dragon slayer, of the four elements. At least, that's what she believes. She finds herself searching for her own memories, unable to recall what's real and what's not real. Ever s...