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Prologue: Disremember

After a few days leaving Danville, you got back to New York to prepare for your flight to Paris.

The city of Love, where the Eiffel Tower is located.

But not only studying in Paris is the reason that you want to spend your school year there.

It's because there is a man that turned your heart beating so fast.

Love at first sight? Could happen


Your Mom is calling you on your phone while you are looking on the pictures that you have since you left Danville.

And you answered it.


"Hey, (Y/N). I hope you are really happy with your new school."

"Yes, Mom. I'm surely gonna like it. But I really miss them so much. I wish I could see them again."

Still, you are smiling. But deep inside you are crying.

You are living in an house alone. Kinda expensive house. But alone.

"I'll see you by next week. I hope that you are gonna be happy with your new classmates and friends there."Your Mom told you

"Thanks Mom."

And the call disconnected.

And you go back to your bed and fall asleep so you could ready for the new era that you will face tomorrow.

Since you have left Danville, all the memories that you have there is still on your mind.

The Next Day..

Just walking around the streets of Paris, and suddenly..

"Ahhh!" A car hit you on the head and you just fainted

And you just woke up on the hospital remembering nothing about all the things that happened to you before you go to Paris.

As you continue your life, you are now living in Paris and now studying in one of the most famous school in Paris.

And suddenly, you met a guy who is just your classmate, but as the day continues, your feelings for him is suddenly growing.

But will you still love someone even though he is already in-love with someone that is also one of your closest friends?

Hope that you are ready for a brand new adventure in your life.


Thanks for reading prologue!!

The first part was the introduction and the second part was the prologue..

I hope you will continue to read the story.

And more will come soon.

Stay Happy!!


Miraculous Love [Adrien Agreste//Chat Noir X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now