Chapter 13: Dreaming Of You

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Chapter Thirteen: Dreaming Of You

A/N: I need to use "Your POV" for this chapter. Yah. But still I hope you will like it. Enjoy reading!


Your POV

Ugh, why is it full of smoke here? My room is not on fire, right?

I started clearing out the smoke using my hands and partially see some parts of my bedroom. Then, I see a familiar face approaching me.

"Y/N." That is the voice of Adrien, why is he calling me?

Adrien appears in front of me and he lend his hand.

"Hold my hand if you love me." He said to me

I was full of confusion for a few seconds and I don't know why I take his hand.

And suddenly, the smoke disappears. Adrien carried me out of my house. I saw the look on his face. He's so sincere. We go out of the house and suddenly, he give me a tight hug. My cheeks blush as I feel his embrace.

"I. Love. You." He said to me

Did he just said that? I'm really trying not to do anything. But deep inside, I'm freaking out. He get's closer to me, and makes him wanna kiss me. Before our lips could get closer, I turn away to him.

"Y/N wait! I thought you love me?" He sadly said to me

I start to run away from him, but I don't wanna see him alone there. I just can't resist to say "no" at him. As I go far in my house, the place fills again with smoke. I block my eyes and as the smoke disappears, I see a familiar akumatized victim that almost killed me. It is Stoneheart.

I am shocked of what I have seen and as he sees me, he looks at me angrily and looks like he's gonna crush me.

His hand is almost gonna crush me until Chat Noir appeared. He tries to block the hands of Stoneheart to me.

Suddenly, Chat Noir attacks Stoneheart and successfully defeated him. The akuma just vanished into the existance.

Chat Noir walks closer to me. And suddenly he holds my hand.

"Did you get hurt?" He asked me and look through my arms to check if I get wounded

"Let's go somewhere." He takes my hand and we go to the rooftop of my house and watch the beautiful stars

He puts a blanket on me as I get cold in the night.

"I thought you hate me?" I asked Chat Noir while we are both sipping hot chocolate in the cold night

"Turns out, it just turns into romance." He answered sincerely

We both look in the moon and the stars, and enjoy our moment together.

"It will just turn into romance." I just thought about what Marinette said to me the last time that me and Chat Noir kinda have arguments that time.

I look at Chat Noir's eyes. And I can't reveal the real identity behind the mask. It's just...I really want to find out who is Chat Noir behind the mask.

I try to touch Chat Noir's mask. But he stops me from holding his mask.

"You don't need to find out who I really am. You will feel who I am when your heart feels the same with me and the person you encounter." He told me

I feel like my heart is beating so fast, and I don't know what to do.

After a few moments of talking to Chat Noir, he bring me down to the door of my house and say our goodbyes to each other.

As I close the door, I see Adrien waiting for me outside.

"Maybe I should see him."

I go outside and see that he is sad and feels confused.


Suddenly, he hugged me. I can feel his embrace.

"I'm sorry. I just really exaggerated that time." He whispered to me as he gives me a hug

It is just really strange to experience this kind of moment, having a great moment with Adrien and Chat Noir. I just don't know what I would feel. It is really something that I could never forget.

Quickly, he starts to fade. And the smoke starts to occur again.

"I Love You, Y/N." I heard Adrien's voice

"I Love You, Y/N." I heard Chat Noir's voice

They simultaneously speak to me.

And I just can't predict what is going on. It is really confusing.

I go back to my bed and close my eyes.

And as I open my eyes again, it is morning now.

It was all just a dream. It was all unexpected. It is maybe because I feel so comfortable when I see Adrien. And I feel pretty angry but I feel some love when I see Chat Noir.

I look at the clock and..

"Oh No! I'm late for school!!! I need to hurry!!"

A/N: Well, we have a great ending right there. Both suggestions I recieve from laneypennrules and Aphmau_and_Kaitlyn are really great. But I kinda connected those two suggestions to come with a different outcome. And thanks to these two people. There are no new characters in this story. But I hope the two who suggested will understand what I did.

But still, thanks for all the reads and votes this book is getting. I really like the positive feedback. Give it a vote if you like it, and comment your reactions about the chapter. Well that's all for this chapter.

See Yah!

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