Chapter 12: Illustrating Love

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Chapter Twelve: Illustrating Love

You are looking at Adrien secretly while the teacher is discussing in the class. You still can't get over with your dinner with Adrien last night. It was your moment with Adrien and no one completely ruined it.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel is drawing and imagining about him and Marinette. Nathaniel already told you that he has a huge crush with Marinette. You didn't tell Marinette about that because Nathaniel's gonna be mad at you.

You look at Nathaniel and he's focusing about his drawing. It is his hobby.

"Nathaniel!" The teacher shouted at Nathaniel while he is drawing something on his sketchbook.

Nathaniel hide his sketchbook below his desk. And suddenly, a part of a sketchbook fly into Chloe. Chloe looked at the drawing and it is a drawing of Nathaniel saving Marinette from an evil villain.

"Oh look, Nathaniel the Hero is saving Marinette. How sweet it is." Chloe mocks Nathaniel's drawing and she and Sabrina started laughing at the drawing

"Hey! Stop it!" You said to Chloe and Sabrina while they are laughing in Nathaniel's drawing

Chloe and Sabrina stops laughing. And Chloe rolls her eyes on you. And you raised an eyebrow on her. Nathaniel stands up and pick up his drawing. Suddenly, the bell ring.

"Okay, class dismissed. Do your assignments and pass it tomorrow." The teacher said and she left the classroom

Nathaniel first go out of the classroom and run away in shame.

"Look what you've done, Chloe." You told her angrily

"Nah. It's just a drawing." Chloe walks away the classroom

You approach Marinette and Alya while they are talking on their desks.

"Hi Girls!" You greeted them happily

Marinette looks at you, worried while Alya is comforting her.

"How's your dinner with Adrien? Is it romantic or a romantic disaster?" Alya asked you

"Well, it's a long story to tell. Maybe we should just talk about it later." You said to Alya

You, Marinette and Alya go to the library to study about your assignments. And while you three are studying on the library, Sabrina approaches you.

"Hey Y/N, Marinette, Alya. Can I join you to do the assignment?" Sabrina said to you

Sabrina sits beside you and while doing your assignment, you noticed that Sabrina is also doing the assignment of Chloe.

"Why are you doing Chloe's assignment?" You asked Sabrina

"I'm her bestfriend, and as her bestfriend, I will do her assignments, in return we will go outside to eat in the restaurant, and her treat." Sabrina explained to you

"Is this sort of bribery that she is doing to you?" You asked her

"No. Maybe?" Sabrina answered

After a few minutes working on the assignments, Chloe approaches you. Chloe and Sabrina argued about Sabrina not doing Chloe's assignments. Marinette try to defend Sabrina from Chloe but in the end, Sabrina is still doing Chloe's assignment because of the beret that Chloe has.

"Sorry Marinette. You can't convince Sabrina." While Chloe is talking, huge amount of beret started to fall into Chloe.

Also, a huge hairblower just appeared beside Chloe and started following Chloe. As Chloe runs away, the hairblower is still following her. Everyone is confused on what is happening. You look above and see an akumatized person drawing something and it appears as a real thing. You realized that it was Nathaniel who is akumatized. Chat Noir and Ladybug try to stop him but he escaped.

After the class, you join Marinette home to do a lot of assignments. While you are talking about some things, you suddenly get into a topic of the akumatized person which is Nathaniel.

"The akumatized person must be Nathaniel." You said to Marinette

"Really?" She asked you

"Well, he's the one who likes to draw. And he will seek revenge on Chloe." You answered

While you are doing your assignments, the window got erased, and the Evillustrator appeared into Marinette's bedroom.

"The Evillustrator?" Marinette shockingly asked

"Don't be scared. I'm not gonna hurt you. I just wanna invite you tonight on my birthday. Just you and me tonight, Marinette." He draws a card and it suddenly appears on his palms. He gives it to Marinette.

"Thanks." Marinette said to the Evillustrator

The Evillustrator flies away and you are shocked on what happened.

"Told ya, it's Nathaniel." You said

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

You both go downstairs and open the door. It is Chat Noir.

"Hi Ladies. I have a girl to protect today." Chat Noir said to both of you

You raise an eyebrow on him. You still couldn't forget the kiss he gave you the last time.

"Well, I'm talking to Marinette. So stay out of this if you are not Marinette." Chat Noir said to you

You hold the bell on his neck and give him an angry look.

"Okay, okay. What's the plan tonight, anything he told you?" Marinette hands the invitation that the Evillustrator gave to her

"I'll see yah tonight, Marinette. Not you, Y/N." Chat Noir said to the both of you. You roll your eyes on him.

"I still hate you for kissing me." You angrily said to him

"What? You don't like a kiss of a cat? I'm sure you love cats, like me?" Chat Noir said to you

"On the breed of cats that I hate, you are the number one." You raise you eyebrow while saying those words to Chat Noir

"Stop that fight, it might turn into romance." Marinette said to the both of you

Marinette say goodbye to Char Noir. Before she closes the door, you raise an eyebrow on him. You and Marinette go back upstairs and finish your homeworks.

And after you finish your homework, you decided to go home.

Just as you are home, you lie down on your bed and started murmuring bad things about Chat Noir.

You check your refrigerator and realized that it is almost empty. So you decided to go outside to buy some food.

You go to the grocery and buy some food. Right after buying some groceries, you go home. While you are walking, you see Marinette and the Evillustrator enjoying their moment together at the boat. You suddenly think about your dinner with Adrien few days ago. You suddenly saw Chat Noir waiting alone near the bridge.

You try to approach him but you suddenly remember that Chat Noir should protect Marinette.

You decided to go home and just get a rest.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I need to cut that part, this is the longest chapter by now. And I think this has one of the best moments for me. I don't know how I would feel on this chapter. Actually, I like this chapter.

Well Chat Noir and your Romance starting to grow.

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See yah soon!

Miraculous Love [Adrien Agreste//Chat Noir X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now