Chapter 7: Adrien's Birthday Pt. 1

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Chapter Seven: Adrien's Birthday Part 1

A/N: I decided to remove the question thing I put here the last time. But I will put it as a part of the book.


Adrien told Y/N that his birthday is gonna be 2 days away and Y/N tries to think about what gift she should give to Adrien.

She asked all of her friends, Marinette, Alya, Rose, Juleka and some more friends except Adrien and Chloe.

After the class, Y/N goes home and think about some things that she could give to Adrien.

She searched through the Internet to find the perfect gift for Adrien.

And finally, she have found the perfect gift.

"This is perfect."

The next day, she went to the store and buy the gift for Adrien.

"This scarf would be perfect."

She looked at the scarf and her hopes are really high. She's sure that Adrien will totally like it.

And suddenly, while Y/N is walking on the streets to go home, she saw Marinette and Alya.

"Oh. Hi Marinette and Alya." Y/N greeted them with a smile

Marinette looks at Y/N's paperbag and Marinette wants to know what is Y/N's gift for Adrien.

"Is that your gift?" Marinette asked suspiciously

Y/N holds her bag closer to her. She's nervous that Marinette might know what is she giving to Adrien.

"No. It's just nothing." Y/N smiled

"Ooh. Looks like someone's having a crush on Adrien." Alya teased Y/N

Y/N blushes and she looks nervous.

"Oh, Marinette don't be so bitter. I'm just joking." Alya said

Marinette looks at Alya closely.

"Ok. See you at the birthday." Marinette and Alya waved goodbye to Y/N

And as you walk home, you see Adrien's house.

"I hope that he's having a great day." She looked at the gate of his house and try to find Adrien

But she can't see Adrien there. So she decided to walk home.

The next day, it is Adrien's birthday.

Y/N goes to Adrien's house alone. And as she get there, see Nino walking out Adrien's house angrily.

And Y/N see Adrien following him worriedly. She approached Adrien.

"What's the problem?" Y/N asked

Y/N looked at him worriedly and he seems sad.

"Dad refused the party. He doesn't want it." He looked at her worriedly

Y/N look at the gift she want to give to Adrien.

She tries to think if she wants to give the gift to Adrien.

"I'm gonna talk to him." She said to Adrien

"Happy Birthday, Adrien." She hugged Adrien and walk away

She went to the park to find Nino, and lucky for her she found Nino at the park blowing some bubbles and murmuring some things.

Y/N try to approach her but she thinks that Nino needs some space for a while.

She tries to go back to Adrien's house until..

"Ahh!" Y/N hear a person scream with fear

She suddenly go back to the park and see an unusual person.

That person looked Y/N . And he approaches her.

"Who are you?" Y/N asked with fear as she moves back

"I'm the Bubbler." He grabs her arm and she tries to let go of him

2nd POV

As The Bubbler holds your arm, you try to let go of him.

"Don't move. Or you will be in the air." He warned you

You just can't do anything. And just try to follow him. Your happy face turned upside down.

You failed Adrien to make him happy.

As Bubbler walks around the streets of Paris, the people run in fear and no one tries to help you.

And you reached a building of some familiar person that you hate.

"Who's this building?" You asked The Bubbler

"Probably the most hated in the class." He answered

He's referring to Chloe.

You go inside the hotel and the Bubbler looked for Chloe.

And he found Chloe at her own room.

"Just who the heck is going to my room without permission?" Chloe is looking at her phone

And Chloe looked at you.

"Oh my Gosh, Y/N is in trouble. I need to help her." She's pretending that she wants to help you

"Nah. Get lost." She doesn't care about you and she just rolled her eyes on you

And The Bubbler grabs Chloe's arm and go out of the hotel.

You and Chloe looked at each other badly. You both rolled your eyes at each other.

The Bubbler tries to find some of your classmate's houses. He successfully found all of your classmates' house and you all looked worried on what are you gonna do to escape.

"So where do excactly are we going?" Chloe asked The Bubbler as you all look down and walk

"Were gonna have fun. I don't want anyone to break my rules or else you'll join your parents trapped in a bubble that is floating in the sky." The Bubbler warned everybody while they are walking through Adrien's house.

And suddenly, you have reached Adrien's house. The Bubbler break into the door.

"Time to have fun."


A/N: Hope you like this chapter. Please do consider giving this a vote and comment your reactions on the chapter.

Thanks for 1000 reads!! And all the votes for this book. You all make me happy.


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