Chapter 17: Confession

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Chapter Seventeen: Confession

"Yes. Yes I'm jealous. Because...I like you." Y/N said to Adrien

Adrien is shocked because of what Y/N has said to him.

"Y/N." Adrien said

Y/N tries to look away at Adrien. And she's pretending that she did not see Adrien.

"Look. I know I said that, but please. I don't want anyone to know it. I don't wanna act like I wanna see you everytime. I just need you to forget what I said. And I think I should remove my feelings for you." Y/N told Adrien

Adrien holds Y/N's shoulder.

"I like you too." Adrien said to Y/N

Y/N faces Adrien as she hear those words. And Adrien hugs her.

As they hug each other, a man riding a bicycle is approaching Y/N.

"Y/N look out!" Adrien pushes Y/N away from the man

They fall down into the floor. And they laugh at each other.

"You're still mad at me?" Adrien asked

"No." Y/N answered

They both laugh at each other.

Before the evening comes, Adrien brought Y/N home.

"So. See you tomorrow." Adrien said

"Bye." Y/N said to Adrien

Adrien walks away home. And Y/N keeps smiling as she remembers that moment.

The next day, Y/N wakes up pretty late. She goes outside to walk around and while she is walking, she saw Chloe approaching her angrily.

"Chloe?!" Y/N said

Chloe grabs Y/N's arms tightly.

"You're coming with me!" Chloe said

Chloe brings Y/N to her hotel.

"What are we doing here?" Y/N asked

"I know everything that happened, Y/N. Adrien met up with you yesterday. And I saw it. Now, you're gonna suffer taking Adrien from me." Chloe said to Y/N

"Well, I told Dad that you hurted me in school. So I ordered my Dad that you will stay here and work for me." Chloe continued

"Are you out of your mind?!" Y/N exclaimed

Chloe walks and gets all the cleaning tools that Y/N will use.

"Let's go to my room." Chloe grabs Y/N's arm and go to the room

As they arrive in the room, Y/N notices Sabrina crying near the door of Chloe's room.

Chloe and Y/N enter the room. And Y/N keeps looking at Chloe angrily.

"Start cleaning now!" Chloe commanded to Y/N

Y/N picks up the broom and cleans Chloe's bed.

While Y/N is cleaning the bed, she still hears Sabrina crying outside the room.

"Hey Chloe! Sabrina is crying. Why aren't you comforting her?" Y/N complained to Chloe

"Who's Sabrina? I don't even know her. Nor see her while were walking." Chloe told Y/N while she is chilling out in the chair in the balcony

"Okay, seriously? What happened to you two?" Y/N curiously asked

Chloe didn't answer Y/N. And just listen to the music.

"Ugh. She's still the most annoying person ever." Y/N whispered

"I can hear you. Everyone adores me. Don't forget that." Chloe said

Y/N keeps murmuring bad things abut Chloe.

And suddenly, both of them hear a sound of a broken glass in Chloe's room.

"Did you hear that?" Y/N asked Chloe

"Yes." Chloe stands up and looks at the broken window

Chloe looks at her closet and all of her clothes and shoes disppeared.

"Someone stole my expensive shoes!" Chloe shouted

Suddenly, Y/N sneaks out of the room and go out of the hotel.

As she goes outside the hotel, she sees the mayor having an interview with the news.

"Mayor. Chloe has a problem. Her things disappeared and her room is a mess." Y/N whispered to Mayor Bourgeois

"Ahhh!" Chloe screams in fear in her room

And suddenly, Ladybug and Chat Noir arrives in the hotel.

"We'll help Chloe, Mayor." Ladybug said

Ladybug and Chat Noir entered the hotel with Y/N.

"You sure that you will be safe?" Ladybug asked to Y/N

"Yeah." Y/N answered

Chat Noir grabs Y/N's arm.

"Don't hold my hand, cat." Y/N said to Chat Noir

"It's for your safety." Chat Noir said

Suddenly, while Chat Noir is holding Y/N's arm. Chat Noir fell down on the floor.

"Chat Noir!" Y/N tries to wake him up but he can't

"Ahh!" Y/N shouted

An invisible person puts a knife into  Y/N's neck.

"Ladybug! Help!"

A/N: Hey everybody! I hope you like this chapter as much as I do. And thanks for all the reads that this book is getting. And we are really close to 4K Views! And the story is almost finished. 3 Chapters left. Don't forget to give this a vote if you like it and comment your reactions about the chapter. See you in the next chapter!


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