70- How to step out of your comfort zone!!

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Hello hello hello!

It's been so long since I last updated. *cough* 6 months ago *cough*

Just a quick little update for we start, I'm in 11th grade now. An ib student. And might die in the next month from chemistry cause it's confusing af. October is broke month since I've been literally out everyday. All I want to do is chill in my home and eat shit.😫😫 I'm very into kpop now, exo will always be my no. 1 ❤️

okaay now that that's done with time for some serious shit 🙃

Comfort zone.

For each and everyone one of us there's a place with specific things that to us we fell comfortable with doing or having or being in.

For some people it might be their long hair, for others it might be a group they are in right now. Or even a freaking blanket they always carry around idk lmao.

Since we feel comfortable with it we don't ever think of change.

Change for us humans is a very scary subject. In our society being different is weird. But come on! Who isn't freaking weird.

Take me for example

The friends I had were not for me, they didn't understand me but I was scared that if I lost them I had no one.


You should never let yourself stay with negative people that will bring you don't because you think you deserve them or there's no one else. You deserve way more and there's 7 billion people for god sakes! there's always someone. You just have to look.

Stepping out of your comfort zone might be hard, but believe me it is something worth doing. It helps you see that you have way more potential in life.

Start small, weather it's a hair cut or a different way of how you dress. That one little thing like changing your hair will actually do a lot. If you like what you did then imagine all the other things you would like if you just got out there and do something!

Now tbh you might hate what you did to yourself and if that's the case, then don't worry about it! At Least you tried and now you know not to ever do it again and would be a great story to tell everyone 😜😜

Haha but seriously!! Try changing things up. If your a teen. You don't know who you are yet stepping out of your box would be a great way to see who you really are and to show people too!!

I especially encourage the little ones who just started high school. The 9th grade is a great way to start building yourself and your personality. Join clubs! Go exploring! Do something that makes you happy. You will not regret it I can assure you (again if you do regret it don't sue me it will turn out to be a great story!)

One thing that I would change if I was a kid again was to join more and be more social. It's harder now since I'm in 11th grade to do things you aren't comfortable with but I still try!!

To all you boys who likes a girl and girls who like a boy, talk to them! You will regret it later on if you don't at least try. You never know what will happen. Yes they might not like you BUUT they might love you it's a 50/50 chance bro.

I'm very shy. But I like to see something new. And whenever my shyness kicks in I always say to myself layla I know you will regret it if you don't step and and be a man! And I just do it without second guessing.

Like how once I saw this hot guy and thought he literally was like me and my friends. My friend said lets go talk to him I was like no way but went anyways and we have a great convo though it was very awkward now that I think about it. But it was still one of the funnies moments of my life cause we went asking him is his name was tom cause he looks like a tom we know (I don't know a tom) then when it was very awkward we ran away and because of that I regretted it till this day! I could have been best friends with him stupid me.

But it's okay I'll find him soon 😌😌😌 I saw him like 3 times coincidently so pray for me to find him again 🙏🏻🙏🏻

Anyways enough about me.

What about you?

Will you get the courage to step out?

That's for you to decide 😄

Hahaha alright that's it for now, I hope this helped you out a little.
Thanks for reading ❤️

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