Chapter 4: 'I Can't Lose You Too'

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Gray's POV:
''Violet I'm fine really your powers healed all the pain I was feeling trust me you don't have to get the first aid kit'' I said as I watched her looking for the box that I never really use, Violet brought me back to my apartment after the mission on the mountain and she's not smiled once she's just looked really scared and worried. She found the box then walked back over to where I was sitting on the couch and pulled out the disinfectant... aw great not that stuff.

''Your not fine Gray! My magic can only heal internal wounds and pain it can't heal external wounds, I can't believe how stupid and reckless you were out there if you needed help you should have told me! I don't want you getting yourself killed over me I can fight even if I am a little hesitant at first. Your such I moron I swear if you died I don't know what I would have done I can't lose you too! I....I.......I care about you far too much, I need you Gray.'' her voice was quieter and more embarrassed my eyes widened but my heart rate sped up if I could read body language I think I knew what she meant.

I didn't say anything instead I wanted to test my theory so I lifted the box out of her lap and gently pushed her down onto the couch so that I was laying on top of her and gazing into those big, beautiful, violet eyes and moved my face so that it was right in front of hers

''Gr..Gray w..what are you doing?'' she stuttered her face burning bright red I smiled at how cute she was being right now. I needed her in my life I knew I loved her I think it was as close to love at first sight as it could get. I loved her and I was just hoping that she loved me too.

''This...'' I whispered in a husky voice before pressing my lips firmly to hers I stayed like that kissing her until I could feel her noticeably relax underneath me and then something happened that I was hoping would happen she started to kiss me back it was soft and gentle but I knew that she was just embarrassed so I decided to go a step further. I licked her lip slowly and seductively I could feel her heat up considerably but I kept at it as she opened her mouth allowing me to slip my tongue inside. I kissed her deeper as she wrapped her arms around me pulling me closer, this made me smile.

I moved my lips away and down to her neck leaving small kisses all over until I heard her moan a little at one particular spot I pressed my lips there again kissing a little harder then sucking on that area to leave a small hickey. I moved my hands to her shirt as I kissed her on the lips again I unbuttoned the first couple buttons when...


''YO BRAIN FREEZE OPEN THIS DUMB DOOR UP BEFORE I BURN IT TO THE GROUND!'' we jumped at the noise as I fell of the couch with Violet landing on top of me she looked down to me and blushed but she smiled and kissed me again before standing up and fixing her clothes, then helping me up.

''I love you Gray'' she said quietly as she continued to burn a deeper shade of red. I could feel a small blush start to form on my own face I pulled her into a hug and whispered into her ear

''I love you more Violet'' I pulled away and walked over to the door opening it before that idiot Natsu got any 'bright' ideas to light the door up in flames. (lol I made a pun I did okay nm XD)

''What the hell do you want flame brain I'm busy!'' I snapped, Violet had went into the kitchen to make tea as Natsu pushed past me and sat down huffily on the couch with happy flying in and sitting next to him with a teasing grin. I sighed and closed the door and sat facing him on the opposite arm chair.

''What could you be busy with I mean...oh hey Violet... Your like super boring and shit so....wait Violet! What are you doing here?!'' He shouted as Violet walked in and placed three cups of tea down on the table she glanced to me and I nodded making her smile. She walked over to me and I pulled her into my lap as Natsu just stared at us with a look of utter confusion and shock on his face. Happy's face lit up as he flew over to us and hugged in close to Violet who looked surprised but hugged him back,

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