Chapter 15: Juvia's Resent

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Gray's POV:
I paced up and down my bedroom, I was really nervous, why? Well today was the day, today I'm gonna ask Violet to marry me. I just had to pick up the ring in the jewellers then get back to the guild Jellal and Erza already knew of my plan I asked them to spread the word that I was making an announcement tonight. Lyon knew as well he was the one who helped me pick out the ring and with what to say.

Okay so that wasn't the only thing he was doing the whole time he was also bragging about how much he loved Juvia, I kinda felt bad for him because its clear how much he likes her, but she's so focused on me that she's blind to his feelings,

"Yo Gray lets go, we need to get to the jewellers and pick up the ring. If we don't hurry everyone will be at the guild wondering what the hell Jellal and Erza were talking about when they said announcement" Lyon shouted from down the stairs...jeez he's like Natsu doesn't he know how to knock?

"Yeah, yeah I'll be down in a minuet! Jeez Lyon your so impatient" I shouted back, I pulled on a shirt and buttoned it up. Then I left my room and walked downstairs to meet Lyon,

"Your so slow Gray" Lyon said as we left my house together and walked to the place where the ring was being made since I wanted to give her a custom ring. As we walked I could feel myself slowing down, it wasn't that I didn't want to propose I was just so nervous about what she would say. I mean it wasn't long ago that we lost our child and I dunno if she's still shaken up by that and just not ready to get married.

We eventually got to the shop and walked in the guy came out of the back shop and smiled to me. He reached under the counter and pulled out a small box, handing it to me I looked to it before opening it.

(Picture at the top)

"You know what buddy, I wasn't sure on your idea for the ring at first but that looks amazing I know she'll love it. Now you just have to grow some balls to actually work up the courage and ask her to marry you" Lyon said with a smirk as I closed the box and slid it in my pocket, I had paid in advance so that was all good.

"Yeah I know but you heard what happened when she was kidnapped by Erigor, Lucy told you right? What if after that she's just not ready to make it official?" I questioned looking over to him as we slowly started to make our way back to the guild, Lyon stopped and placed a hand on my shoulder with a smile,

"okay I wasn't supposed to tell you this but after the whole misunderstanding with Juvia, Violet and I were having a talk and she said, and I quote 'I want nothing more than to marry Gray he is the one for me and we may have been through some hard times but I will always love him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him' no joke dude she really loves you"

"Your serious?" I asked and he nodded making me smile, so she was ready she was just waiting for me to make the move, heh sounds like my Violet. I nodded and picked up my pace as we made the rest of the way to the guild, we opened the doors and when everyone saw me they stopped talking, I saw Lyon walk over to Violet and nudge her making her look to him confused.

"Go on Gray what's your announcement?" Mira said with a smile I gulped a little before thinking back to what Lyon said on the way here, she wanted this too I just had to buck up and ask her right out, come on Gray you can do this,

"my announcement? Well I want to ask someone in this guild a very important, life changing question." I started walking over to stand in front of Violet,
"Violet Loneheart, I am so glad that I have you in my life, we've been through so much together, thick and thin but every time I find myself loving you more than ever. So Violet will you do me the greatest honour of becoming my bride?" I said getting on one knee and pulling out the ring box opening it in front of her.

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