Chapter 17: Violet's Fate

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Gray's POV:
I pulled back from Violet after giving her the new potion we all watched and prayed that it would be enough to rid her of the poison,

''it...its not working! She's still being affected by the poison what do we do!'' Lucy shouted with tears in her eyes, I looked up to Juvia she was staring at Violet she sank to her knees and balled up her fists as tears poured down her face

''I'm sorry I was really hoping that would work...I don't know what else I can do...I'm so sorry!'' Juvia shouted as she cried I looked down to Violet who was in my arms she still looked like she was in so much pain

"there has to be something we can do to save her! I'm not giving up on her she's one of us a strong and brave member of fairy tail are you all seriously just going to let her die like this!" I shouted they all looked to the ground defeated I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked back to see Jellal standing there with a small smile.

"No that's not what we are doing we never give up on family, there is always hope as long as we work together, Isn't that what you told me Erza? I have an idea I might know someone, she might be the only one who can heal Violet. Happy I'm going to need your help think you can fly me to the Caitshelter guild?" I looked to him as he stood up and looked to Happy who wiped his tears and nodded with determination in his eyes.

"Aye sir, anything if it will save Violet!" He shouted as he grabbed the back of Jellals jacket and they took off at mach speed,

"we must go after Cobra its his fault that this is happening, if we can stop him it will stop him from doing it again. Gray you and Mirajane stay here with the master and Violet, wait for Happy and Jellal and try keep her in the shade and cool. I don't think this heat is helping her recover it must be making it speed up, Natsu, Lucy, Elfman, Cana, Lyon and Juvia your all with me let's get rid of Cobra and Cubellios for good!" Erza shouted and everyone nodded as the ran after her.

I picked Violet up off the sand and moved her to under the shade then I used my magic and pressed it to her forehead to try and cool her fever, Mira and gramps sat a little in front of us watching out for Jellal and Happy and whoever they were away to find.

Erza's POV:
As we ran through the forest next to the beach we kept our eyes out for that damn Cobra and his snake. Then we spotted him in a clearing he stopped and turned to face us with a smirk on his face.

"Stop running from us you bastard! Why did you target Violet?!" Natsu shouted with a ball of fire in his hand

"You ask why I attack the light mage? Well I already told you didn't I? She's powerful and dangerous you we're lucky to have her as an ally but of course that won't be the case for too much longer now will it? Even if your little Jellal friend and that cat can find the girl they won't get back fast enough to save her" Cobra sneered that was enough tip both Natsu and Lyon over the edge

"fire dragon roar!"

"Ice make dragon!" They shouted as they unleashed their magic however Cobra just dodged out of the way and whacked the both of them with Cubellios' tail.

"Have you wizards already forgotten from our last battle I can hear your thoughts, I know what moves you'll make before you even make them. Honestly I'd thought that you guys would at least remember that much about me" he said as he stroked Cubellious' snout I re-quipped and glared at him,

"Sorry, Cobra I guess your just not that important that would make us remember you or your battle style" I spat making him scowl at me which we all gladly returned.

Jellal's POV:
"That's it Happy, that's the Caitshelter guild come on we don't have much time and in this heat I don't think Violet does either" I said as we landed and started to run towards the guild hall with Happy sitting on my shoulder. This guild was never filled with real people I just hope she is still here.

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