Chapter 6: Mission Complete

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Gray's POV:
I woke up to find it was still was fairly dark Natsu and Lucy were still wrapped up in each others arms fast asleep with Happy curled up in a bed made of leaves beside them. I found myself smiling slightly at the sight before me that was before I realised that Violet wasn't in my arms. I sat up in my sleeping bag and looked to the right where a small campfire was set up with Erza sitting beside it sharpening her sword, I stood and walked over to her, sitting down beside her and staring into the flickering flames.

I felt my shoulder get nudged causing me to look over to Erza who smiled at me and nodded her head up and behind her indicating the large tree we had all taken shelter under before going back to sharpening her sword. I was confused but stood up and walked over to the trunk of the tree, I looked up, it was faint but I thought I could see a small silhouette at the very top of the tree making me smile and shake my head slightly as I jumped up into the tree and started to climb.

Once I reached the top I saw that it was indeed Violet she was sitting on the very top branch and looking over the rest of the forest that looked pitch black with the orange tainted sky, the sun still hadn't risen but it was certainly getting close to it. I sat down on the branch next to her pulling her into me with my arm wrapped around her shoulder, I heard her sigh in content as she leaned against me.

After a few minuets we could see the sun start to peek over the edge of the skyline, rising slowly I looked down to Violet who's face was being framed by the slowly rising sun. I turned her face towards me so that she was looking me in the eyes before leaning down and pressing my lips to hers. The sun was now fully up when I pulled back smiling at her,

''Morning Violet, ready to finish this mission today?'' I said looking into her purple eyes that were shining in the newly risen sun,

"Good morning Gray. Of course I am just as long as Natsu and Happy don't start with their whole 'I'm so hungry I'm gonna faint act' again'' I laughed and nodded my head she was right Happy and Natsu did have a habit of doing that I know for a fact Erza was getting annoyed with it and I think even Lucy was getting pissed off. "Well shall we head down for breakfast then? Natsu, Lucy and Happy will be up soon and they will complain if there isn't food ready for them well Natsu and Happy would" Violet said pulling back from my chest and smiling I sighed and looked back to the sun I just wanted to stay here for a little longer with Violet wrapped up in my arms, but I guess a moaning Natsu is a pain in the ass to deal with well just Natsu in general is a pain to deal I cant wait until he gets Lucy pregnant...oh jeez.

"Aw don't be so pouty Gray don't worry the sooner we get this mission over with the sooner we can get back and have some alone time right?" She said smiling to me I sighed again but nodded she was right as usual. "Oh and by the way Gray? Your clothes" she said with a laugh before starting to climb down the branches of the tree I looked down to see that I was only in my boxers..... again! Arrg why does this keep happening to me!

I climbed my way back down the tree to have Erza hand me my clothes before walking back over to Violet, they decided that they would make breakfast together this morning. I slipped my clothes on not bothering to button up my shirt as I sat down next to Violet who was now putting the steaming soup into the little plastic bowls we had brought with us.

"Morning Gray, Violet, Erza" a voice said making us look up to see Lucy walking over to us and sitting down across from Erza,

"Morning" we all said together I looked up to see Natsu drag himself over to sit beside Lucy as Happy literally crawled over and curled up on Lucy's lap falling fast asleep again as Natsu did the same only leaning on her shoulder.

"Natsu....Happy" Lucy complained as she started to shake the both of them but Violet stopped her smirking as she placed the bowls full of soup in front of each of us

"leave them Lucy if they are asleep it just means they wont get any of my homemade soup so all the more for the four of us right?" I smirked at her attitude she really knew every member of this team well in such a short amount of time didn't she. Happy and Natsu's eyes suddenly flew open as they face planted their faces into their bowls and slurping down every last drop of soup making us all laugh even Erza as we started to eat our own breakfast.

"Violet did you spot our destination that the painting is in?" Erza said turning to Violet after we packed everything up, Violet smiled and nodded her head

"Yup the shack is about a 30 minuet walk to the east so we aren't far. The client said he would send a cart when we recover the painting to pick us up at the road near the shack. The cart will take us to where the client is waiting then we can head back to the guild together" Violet said with a smile I looked in the direction that she was pointing and noticed that it was the direction we saw that house when we were in the tree, so thats why she was up there huh okay I thought she was up there just to watch the sun rise.

Violet's POV:
We continued trekking the last few miles through the overgrown forest, don't get me wrong I loved going on missions with our team but Natsu and Happy were making such a habit of it lately that Gray, Erza, Lucy and I had not time to ourselves we had been going on missions nearly everyday it was starting to get to us all even Erza was getting sick of going out on missions. Gray and I had no time to be alone together lately either it was getting really annoying anytime we would be alone in Grays place talking and stuff Natsu would come tumbling face first through the window holding up a mission poster and Erza would be at the door with Lucy looking really annoyed.

I really couldn't wait until this mission was over because we all made Natsu and Happy promise that after this one we could have time alone for at least a week before we did anymore missions with them, it took a while but they eventually agreed when Lucy mentioned that meant they could have some time together. Geez those boys really are difficult to deal with I really don't know how Lucy does it they're harder to deal with than it is to keep clothes on Gray and trust me that is saying a lot already.

2 Hours Later

''Thank you all again I really appreciate what you did to help me out here is your pay'' the client said we had managed to return the painting to him and he seemed really happy the painting was actually of him and his wife who passed away about 10 years ago so it meant a lot to him and for once this didn't include fighting so Natsu didn't have to go over board yey!

''Really it was no trouble at all I'm glad we could have helped, alright everyone lets head back to Fairytale'' Erza said sounding happy and relieved all at the same time and I couldn't blame her now I could be alone with my boyfriend for the whole week if I wanted to,

''hey Violet I have something planned for us when we get back so I'll pick you up and you and Lucy's place at 7 tonight okay?'' Gray said as the cart started back towards the guild I smiled and nodded my head wondering what it was he was planning and what we were going to do or where we were going. I looked over to Lucy who beamed at me and mouthed 'shopping time' to me making me smile of course that would be Lucy's first thought after she heard 'something special planned' come from my boyfriend ah well better just go with it and enjoy every moment of it right?

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